Musings of a Superfluous Man

Book Description

A collection of revised and reformatted philosophical weblogs by John O'Loughlin, who has extended his philosophy beyond material contained in Insane But Not Mad, also dating from 2011, if with a dash of personal self-deprecation. – A Centretruths Editorial

The Dialectics of Gender and Class

Book Description

THE DIALECTICS OF GENDER AND CLASS concludes a trilogy of aphoristic books by John O'Loughlin whose focus is primarily dialectical, and does so on no uncertain axial terms, not least with regards to the elemental correlation with gender and class which comes to light when once one begins to approach dialectics from a gender- and class-oriented standpoint with a view to understanding the co-existence of each on overall axial terms. Historic stuff! And no bluff!

A Visit to Hell

Book Description

Eight substantial short stories from the author of 'Cross-Purposes' and 'An Interview Reviewed', which investigate dualism and transcendentalism from a variety of conflicting standpoints. The title piece is much the longest and probably the most outstanding piece in the collection, which has to be read to be believed! Not for the fainthearted.


Book Description

RADICAL PROGRESS - The Only Way Forward ... is confident of its direction and of the terms by means of which such progress can and should be effected, as it analyzes axial relativity from the standpoint of the transcendent, drawing relevant conclusions.

Dosshouse Blues

Book Description

A mixed bag of lyrical poems, rhymed poetry, free verse, prose poems, and aphoristic lines which were amongst the first things John O'Loughlin ever wrote, back in the early '70s, this volume of poetry seems to intimate of both his fictional and, more interestingly, philosophical destiny to come, while still remaining refreshingly poetic, if with a jaded sense of humour. We especially recommend the title piece as an example of what is meant!


Book Description

Subtitled 'The Way to the Eternal Life of Social Theocratic Truth', STAIRWAY TO JUDGEMENT extends beyond 'Radical Progress' (2003) in its comprehensively exacting approach to axial relativity and the differences which characterize each approach to civilization, and shows just how careful one must be in defining what appertains to 'the world' and/or 'the people', if one isn't to fall between two stools or, in this case, axes, to the detriment of truth.

Between Truth and Illusion

Book Description

Mr O'Loughlin's first exercise in philosophy, dating from 1977, takes as its starting-point an analysis of the inter-relativity of dualities and expands, via a series of aphoristic essays and dramatic lessons, towards a dialogue climax in which the two - inevitably! - characters discuss the implications of a dualistic philosophy both as it impacts on theory and practice. Although the author didn't realize it at the time, truth and illusion are a lot closer together than may at first appear to be the case, even if one doesn't necessarily have to get between them!

The Soul of Being

Book Description

Divided into twelve headed sections, THE SOUL OF BEING examines a number of dichotomous antitheses, such as freedom and binding, the conscious and the unconscious, form and content(ment), sensuality and sensibility, primacy and supremacy, etc., etc. and draws conclusions appropriate to its Social Transcendentalist bias, with, as ever, a comprehensively consistent approach based on elemental quadruplicities.


Book Description

A philosophic-cum-romantic novel in which a young writer becomes involved with the wife of an influential publisher and ends-up paying the price, as does a certain philosopher friend of his, whose double-dealing in connection with a mutual girlfriend proves more difficult to manage than he had at first suspected, putting him at cross-purposes with them both, to their mutual disadvantage!


Book Description

JUDGEMENTAL AFTERTHOUGHTS concludes a loose trilogy of volumes of aphoristic philosophy beginning and continuing with 'Revelationary Afterthoughts' and 'Revolutionary Afterthoughts', and the 'afterthoughts' here, subsequent to the impressive 'Free Testament of a Bound Genius', have been subtitled 'As Testamentary Evidence of a Free Genius', a genius who is not above investigating common slang and verb/noun expletives from a standpoint that, adhering to a broader framework, is able to pinpoint and categorize them with a view not only to exposing the class or gender limitations of their reductionist usage but, hopefully, to undermining the mindless alacrity with which certain persons so utilize them.