Musings of an Earth Angel

Book Description

Musings of an Earth Angel

Book Description

22-year-old Samantha Kingston had the perfect job, perfect boyfriend, and perfect Friday nights. When disaster strikes she loses everything and is propelled into a journey where evil and good, dark and light are battling for her destiny. Will the Demon Brigade viciously destroy her? Or will her Angel team and the Divine help her to elevate and see her real truth as an Earth Angel?

Earth Angels

Book Description

Earth Angels is an intentional collection of poetry & prose, dedicated to the highly sensitive, and highly intuitive souls. Though the journey of an Earth Angel may feel as though it is a daunting task, it is an honor to the highest degree. This book is here to remind you that though this world does not fully feel like your home, you do still have a place that you fit, and you are very much loved and needed on this Earth. Author Melissa M. Combs explores the heartache of received hatred, injustice, and rejection, whether it be from family, friends, romantic partners, or even complete and total strangers. She then goes on to emphasize and illuminate the path of transforming oneself from all of the pain.

Earth Angels

Book Description

Susan Duke tells the stories about human inspiration of ordinary people that inspire and move our hearts demonstrating a touch of Heaven right here on Earth in this inspiration collection. The best stories—the ones that touch our hearts at their very cores, the ones that inspire us to our greatest heights—are true stories of ordinary people we can relate to. People who share a kind word in time of need, do a simple deed that lifts a weary heart, or make a difference in a difficult day. The stories in this book are not about great, winged celestial beings sent from heaven's majestic gates. No, these stories are about earth angels. The kind of angels who unknowingly intercept a suicide attempt through a gentle act of kindness, beam messages of hope over an old CB radio, or provide patient care in a duck suit. As you read the stories in this book, your spirit will be inspired and the strings of your heart tuned to opportunities for you to be a little bit of heaven right here on earth.

I Saw an Angel Today

Book Description

I Saw an Angel Today is a nonfictional book of short stories about the earth angels of today and in history, who are changing or have changed humanity. They are everyday people unknowingly affecting others by opening their hearts, sharing their gifts, following their passion, and offering their mind, body, and soul to others. They are musical, historical, spiritual, and global events involving work, family and friends, celebrities, health and wellness, and anonymous angels. It is also a quizzical type of book offering the readers a game of who done it by trying to figure out which amazing earth angel Marcelline is referring to.

Musings of the Heart

Book Description

This collection of poems about love and the search for who humans truly are inspires readers to thoughtful insights about their own identity. Stanley Miles presents a new way to view life through his unconditional love for all God’s creation, as well as for the blessings of life. Simple and powerful poems make this collection a must read.

Birth of an Earth Angel

Book Description

BIRTH OF AN EARTH ANGEL - CHAPTER TWO - SAVED BY THE LIGHT Birth of an Earth Angel chapter two is a book full of inspirational quotes and positive poems that have lifted people across the globe from their own suffering. After he released his pain and torment by writing some very dark, deep and powerful poetry in his first book, CHAPTER ONE A TORTURED SOUL. Based on the hell going through a young childs mind while being subjected to many forms of abuse. During the early stages of his journey of healing from a lifetime of child abuse-related PTSD, people noticed something amazing seemed to happen in this author's life, It was almost as if God himself had come to him and taken away his pain, even given him the strength to forgive those who once sinned against him, something he thought he would never be able to do. He thought God had once abandoned him, but it would appear he never left his side. Instead, he gave him the strength and courage he needed to get through these most distressing and traumatic times of his young life, but It would appear God had bigger plans for him, Some forty years later while sharing his story on social media, it would seem his poetry did not just free his tortured soul, but also shone a light into the world giving a message of hope and strength to all who found comfort from his words that seemed to help others through their darkest times. Suddenly people from every nation began calling him an Angel as his following began to grow into the thousands. It would seem he truly had finally been saved by a God-given light that he now sends out to help others throughout the world.

My Life with an Earth Angel, Loving an Angel

Book Description

Claire was a dream woman, a perfect creation of God. He couldn’t ask for any better wife. He gave her love, and she gave him the world until death separated them for the first time of their lives. I love you, Claire, even more now.

Angels at the Crossroads

Book Description

The chase was over. In April 1969, nineteen-year-old Jerry Shepherd stares in his rearview mirror at the two policemen approaching his car. He wants to run, make his escape, perhaps his final escape from life. Then he curls his fingers around the small Bible in his back pocket as the words Peace be still whisper through his head. He holds to those words as he steps from the car to handcuffed and arrested. Angels at the Crossroads is the compelling true story of Shepherd's amazing journey from wrongdoing to redemption. Convicted of a crime he can hardly believe he could have committed, Shepherd faces life in prison and fears not only that he won't survive behind bars, but also that he has stepped beyond the hope of prayer or forgiveness. His parents say no as they cover him with fervent prayers, but Shepherd must find his own way through the jungle of prison life to the people - earth angels - who can help him discover God's love knows no limit. On this pilgrimage to self-acceptance, Shepherd learns to forgive the past and completely and unconditionally love again. If you face a crossroads in your life, Shepherd's inspirational journey may help lead you down a new pathway to a life filled with compassion and love. Visit author Ann H. Gabhart online at