Mustangs and Cow Horses

Book Description

A Publication of the Texas Folklore Society.

Mustangs and Cow Horses

Book Description

Mustangs and cow. horses

Book Description

The Mustangs

Book Description

J. Frank Dobie?s history of the ?mustang??from the Spanish meste_a, an animal belonging to (but strayed from) the Mesta, a medieval association of Spanish farmers?tells of its impact on the Spanish, English, and Native cultures of the West.

Mustangs and Cow Horses

Book Description

The Mustangs

Book Description

J. Frank Dobie, master storyteller of the American Southwest, here tells the tale of the wild and free mustangs that once roamed the western ranges. This is the story, too, of the white men and the Indians, no less wild and free, who captured them, gentled them, rode them, and annihilated them. An American classic, The Mustangs is a thoughtful and carefully crafted book by one of this country's literary greats. "This is a magnificent book, so packed with lore and legend that one is not conscious of the fact that it is history, too. Frank Dobie tells the story of the mustangs . . . the story too of the men, and the way of life the mustang brought into being." --New York Herald Tribune "Mr. Dobie brings together all his findings in a single book of solid scholarship, documented to the hilt, and inspired by his unflagging enthusiasm for the wild free creatures of the West. The Mustangs will probably remain the standard work on the subject." --New York Times "Not alone from stodgy tomes and rare pamphlets of cloistered libraries of a continent, but from widely scattered remudas and firsthand experiences of salty wranglers, have come the color, flavor and vitality to this beautiful book." --Dallas Times Herald

The Wild Horse of the West

Book Description

"What has happened to the mustang and to the wild or feral horse, whether of Spanish or American ancestry, in the West, is exhaustively and interestingly set forth by Walker D. Wyman. His is, perhaps, the final word on the history of the horse on the western range. . . . This is a book which holds the interest not only of students of western history and of the range, but also of the general reader."--New Mexico Historical Review. "A story gleaned from everything worth while that has been written on the wild horse and the bibliography alone will assure it space on any shelf of Americana. . . . Harold Bryant's illustrations are splendid."--New York Times Book Review. "This is a long-needed book--a valuable contribution to pioneer history. The range horse--the Mustang and the Cayuse--played no small part in the development of the West, but that part has been too often forgotten. . . . The story is well and interestingly told by Mr. Wyman."--Oregon Historical Quarterly. "Wyman examines authoritatively the various theories as to the origins of the wild horses of the plains, which eventually competed with the buffalo, transformed the culture of the Plains Indians, and still later constituted a major economic factor in Western ranching. . . . The work constitutes a valuable addition to Western Americana."--Chicago Sun.


Book Description

Traces the natural history of wild horses in the United states, focusing on their place in the development of the American West and profiling prominent historical figures who were involved in the horses' lives.

The Horse Lover

Book Description

The Horse Lover is H. Alan Day’s personal history of the first government-sponsored wild horse sanctuary, with its surprises and pleasures and its plentiful dangers, frustrations, and heartbreak.

The Spanish Mustang

Book Description