My Cousin Has Tourettes

Book Description

This picture book aims to raise awareness of the impact that tics and Tourettes can have on an individual and their family in a child-friendly and supportive way. It is aimed at 4-11 year olds and has been inspired and informed by people with lived experiences of tics and Tourettes. Through rhyme and engaging illustrations this book hopes to start conversations about Tourettes, in order to help relieve anxieties that children might have about someone close to them who may be living with Tourettes. The MY HAS series of books aims to help children to understand a range of long-term health conditions whilst promoting an inclusive and diverse society.


Book Description

My Cousin Has Tourettes

Book Description

This picture book aims to raise awareness of the impact that tics and Tourettes can have on an individual and their family in a child-friendly and supportive way. It is aimed at 4-11 year olds and has been inspired and informed by people with lived experiences of tics and Tourettes. Through rhyme and engaging illustrations this book hopes to start conversations about Tourettes, in order to help relieve anxieties that children might have about someone close to them who may be living with Tourettes. The MY HAS series of books aims to help children to understand a range of long-term health conditions whilst promoting an inclusive and diverse society.

Tic Talk

Book Description

In Tic Talk: Living with Tourette Syndrome, Dylan Peters shares what he learned of tolerance and acceptance during the first five years with Tourette Syndrome. In a style that is often humorous and always insightful, Dylan helps others, young and old, understand TS and the enormous pressures this little-understood affliction places on those who have it and on those who love them. Dylan Peters was only four years old when he was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome. Over the five years since, he's battled the fears and insecurities that come from having this often misunderstood affliction. Dylan is both an inquisitive young man and a gifted writer. What he shares with readers will help us all understand not only Tourette Syndrome, but also to be more accepting of all people. Dylan has given the world a most valuable look into his world. We are all the wiser and more compassionate for it. Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder that affects approximately one in 1,000 children, most often between the ages of six and nine. It's a gift to have such a youngster as Dylan be willing and able to convey to the rest of us just what his life is like. Whether he intended to or not, Dylan's message of acceptance for those with Tourette Syndrome is equally applicable to others we encounter who may be facing entirely different problems. Such is the wisdom of this young man. Dylan chose his friend, Zachary Wendland, to be the illustrator for his book. Zachary's drawings convey a similarly deep understanding of acceptance and tolerance for others. Articles by Dylan Peters One Tic At a Time Growing up with Tourette Syndrome by Dylan Peters for PARENTGUIDE. One Tic At a Time Growing up with Tourette Syndrome by Dylan Peters for One Tic At a Time Growing up with Tourette Syndrome by Dylan Peters for ParentLife for ParentLife May 2008 "Simple, colorful illustrations by Dylan's best friend Zachary Wendland drive home this straightforward, tell-it-like-it-is story... A set of ten successful strategies for working with children with Tourette Syndrome and a list of additional resources round out this highly recommended picture book for school libraries and for teaching young people everywhere about Tourette Syndrome." - Hornbook Guide to Children

Troy's Tics

Book Description

Tourette's Syndrome pretty much just comes out of know where. It's scary as a parent to try to explain it to everyone, especially your child who has it. This book is a simple way to explain Tourette's Syndrome. Whether you're explaining it to your child, their siblings, or the kids in their classroom at school, this is the perfect little story for anyone to understand what people who have Tourette's Syndrome go through, and how it doesn't change the person they are!

Tic & Twitch

Book Description

Through friendship, kindness, love, and acceptance, all things can be achieved! Tic & Twitch: A Story About Tourette Syndrome Manny was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome at the age of 13. Rather than hating and resenting his reality, Manny was able to accept Tourette's as something more that contributed to his uniqueness in the world. Even so, growing up with Tourette's is challenging. Tic and Twitch is a story about those challenges and about the beautiful things in life that make those challenges tolerable. These beautiful things to hold dear are family, friendship, kindness, love, acceptance, and learning to embrace what makes you the special person you are. In this book... - Tourette Syndrome is a neurological condition that causes a person to make involuntary, repetitive movements and vocalizations, also known as Tics. - Tics can include motor, vocal/phonic, or both motor and vocal. - Examples of motor tics may include: eye blinking, head bobbing or jerking, jumping, twirling, arm jerking, shoulder shrugging, or more purposeful movements. - Examples of vocal/phonic tics may include: sniffing, throat clearing, coughing, and shouting. - Tourette Syndrome tends to wax and wane in frequency, in other words, it has its ups and downs. - Tics may regularly change by type, frequency, and severity in response to internal and external factors such as stress, anxiety, excitement, illness, or for other unknown reasons. - An estimated one million Americans have Tourette Syndrome and 50% of those are going undiagnosed. Perfect for ages 6 through 10 and up! To learn more visit

Can't You Just Stop It?

Book Description

Well, hello there! My name is Alina, and I'm excited to share my journey through life with Tourette's in this book. I mean, who doesn't want to read about a lovely lady with a potty mouth and an uncontrollable urge to twitch and shout, am I right? So, let me start by saying that having Tourette's is not all bad. Sure, I may look like a freakshow to some, but I like to think of myself as a one-woman circus act. I mean, who needs acrobats and clowns when you have me around, right? In this book, I'm going to take you through my Tourette's journey, from the moment I first started ticking to my struggles in the workplace. But don't worry, I won't bore you with medical jargon and scientific explanations. I'll leave that to the doctors and scientists who get paid the big bucks. Instead, I'm going to share with you the joys of twitching and shouting, the awkward moments in school, and the challenges of dating with Tourette's. Spoiler alert: it's not easy, folks. But hey, at least I have an excuse for being single, right? I'll also be sharing some of my tried-and-failed coping mechanisms, like meditation and deep breathing. Who needs Zen when you can just scream obscenities at the top of your lungs? Trust me, it's much more cathartic. And let's not forget about the humor in tics. Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes I can't help but laugh at myself when I'm ticking like a maniac in public. It's like my own personal comedy show. But unfortunately, not everyone sees the humor in it. In fact, there's still a lot of stigma surrounding Tourette's. Some people still think we're possessed by the devil or just plain crazy. But don't worry, I'll teach you how to convince people that you're not a lunatic. So, get ready to laugh, cry, and cringe as I take you on a journey through life with Tourette's. And who knows, maybe by the end of this book, you'll be twitching and shouting right alongside me.

Icy Sparks

Book Description

A New York Times Notable Book and the March 2001 selection of Oprah's Book Club® ! Icy Sparks is the sad, funny and transcendent tale of a young girl growing up in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky during the 1950’s. Gwyn Hyman Rubio’s beautifully written first novel revolves around Icy Sparks, an unforgettable heroine in the tradition of Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird or Will Treed in Cold Sassy Tree. At the age of ten, Icy, a bright, curious child orphaned as a baby but raised by adoring grandparents, begins to have strange experiences. Try as she might, her "secrets"—verbal croaks, groans, and physical spasms—keep afflicting her. As an adult, she will find out she has Tourette’s Syndrome, a rare neurological disorder, but for years her behavior is the source of mystery, confusion, and deep humiliation. Narrated by a grown up Icy, the book chronicles a difficult, but ultimately hilarious and heartwarming journey, from her first spasms to her self-acceptance as a young woman. Curious about life beyond the hills, talented, and energetic, Icy learns to cut through all barriers—physical, mental, and spiritual—in order to find community and acceptance. Along her journey, Icy faces the jeers of her classmates as well as the malevolence of her often-ignorant teachers—including Mrs. Stilton, one of the most evil fourth grade teachers ever created by a writer. Called willful by her teachers and "Frog Child" by her schoolmates, she is exiled from the schoolroom and sent to a children’s asylum where it is hoped that the roots of her mysterious behavior can be discovered. Here Icy learns about difference—her own and those who are even more scarred than she. Yet, it isn’t until Icy returns home that she really begins to flower, especially through her friendship with the eccentric and obese Miss Emily, who knows first-hand how it feels to be an outcast in this tightly knit Appalachian community. Under Miss Emily’s tutelage, Icy learns about life’s struggles and rewards, survives her first comical and heartbreaking misadventure with romance, discovers the healing power of her voice when she sings, and ultimately—takes her first steps back into the world. Gwyn Hyman Rubio’s Icy Sparks is a fresh, original, and completely redeeming novel about learning to overcome others’ ignorance and celebrate the differences that make each of us unique.

Tiger Trails

Book Description

The definition of Tourette's syndrome (TS) is really quite short: tics. If you want to get really wordy, in order to be more specific, try the following. Tics: lots, often, forever. So, I had a wacky idea. I would write a book that was one paragraph long. I was really aiming for one sentence, but it does not work out that way. Looks more like three sentences, to be fair. Even three sentences seem like a ridiculously thin book. What fills out most of the book is the explanation of the words in those three sentences. What gives us so much grief is not the definition, but the ramifications. What impact does TS have on your social life? Lots. Does TS affect your health? Absolutely. I run into questions like these, and a hundred others, all the time when explaining TS. After 20 years, I can predict fairly well the kinds of questions that will spring up out of answers to earlier questions. What you hold in your hand is my attempt to provide the first 90 minutes of the Tourette's conversation, and the questions people typically ask. However, we each pursue these questions in our own unique way. What is important to an employer may be radically different from what is important to a grandparent. So, instead of deciding for you what order these things go in, I wanted to let you decide. I patterned this book after a joy from my own formative years: the "Choose Your Own Adventure" series of books. In them, we flew to the moon, dug for pirate treasure, and rode in balloons and race cars. Those books told a single story 30 different ways. From the second or third page, you were master of your destiny. Failure or death were just as close as victory, riches, and fame. Basically, each decision led you to two or more answers to the motivating question, "What do you do?" or perhaps, "Which way do you turn?" The answer you picked pointed you to a page with more of the story.

Busy Body

Book Description

Nick Van Bloss was 7 years old when he had his first tic: a sudden compulsion to shake his head from left to right, twice in rapid succession. It wasn't until 15 years later that he was diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome. This book allows us into the heart and mind of a wonderfully witty and talented man.