My Life, My Destiny

Book Description

Prayers to Fulfill Your Destiny's Dreams

Book Description

My Roots, My Love, My Destiny

Book Description

My Roots, My Love, My Destinyis the story of two strong women, told across an epic and rich canvas painted by two wars and two unique destinies. In her ninety-six years, Ogeri, author Beatrice Akpu Inyang Elejes mother, experienced danger, heartbreak, and great love. Her journey spanned most of the twentieth century and was dictated by the societal norms, values, and traditions of the Nigeria of her time. Lovingly reconstructed, these are a few of Elejes most beloved and revered memories of her mother. For the daughter, her journey was spent attempting to navigate rapidly changing waters. Caught between two colliding civilizationsthe Western civilization and African culture and Nigeriatwo cultures, and two world views, her path was less certain. While one world encouraged independence, the other demanded absolute filial obedience. Rebellion was inevitable. As Eleje listened to her mother speak of her life, the similarities emerged. Both women survived their husbands, and both knew the heartache of illness, loss, and uncertaintyas well as the joys of love in the most unexpected places. But through it all rings a life-sustaining truth worth celebrating: no matter how dark the tunnel, there is always light just around the corner if you can just lift your head to look. Designed to inspire younger women to persevere in the face of seemingly in-surmountable odds, the story of these two women proves that no matter what, you just need to take the next stepto-ward hope.

My Destiny: Lonely, but Never Alone!

Book Description

Prepare You for YOUR DESTINY! A non-fi ction book, my autobiography, I have written about all my bumps and bruises, in pursuit of MY DESTINY!. But since the gifts and callings of God or irrevocable, it has come to past. I pray and hope rhat this book blesses you, because I was blessed in writiig it. I am thankful, to all those who meant evil against me, for God has used it for His good and glory, Amen! Whatever happened to you, allthough it was bad, but if it brought you closer to God-then it really was good! Not my fault - But now my problem! Confi dence: The feeling you have, before you understand the situation! You do not choose Your Destiny! - But Your Destiny! does choose you! Wisdom is better than weapons of war! How you thought it would kill me - But it didnt Adversity does lead to accomplishment! How to accomplish Your Destiny! Destined to walk in love! SEASONS DO CHANGE AND IT IS ABOUT TIME!

My Destiny

Book Description

Best of friends, Destiny Brockman and her neighbor Miles Stafford bet that they can set each other up on a date with the perfect match, but their wager backfires when they realize that they are made for each other.

You're My Alpha

Book Description

"Dad, you can't be serious!" I could feel the heaviness rise in my chest, as my father explains he has arranged for my hand in marriage. "You know why this is a good idea. If the truth comes out, the pack would question your ability to lead; it is for the best." Dad explains as if it is the most natural and simplest solution. When I woke up today, this was never a possibility of events that I would be going through. However, here I stand in my father's office while he and my stepmother proceed to explain to me that they have planned my life out for me. I have already been trained to take over as alpha since I could walk, but now, I don't even get a chance at love. Kira Daniels is a 17 year-old alpha to be. Having been the only child of her father, Alpha Robert Daniels and his true mate, all she knows is the life that has been planned for her. Hoping to find her mate and secure a chance at love, she has been looking forward to turning 18 and finding her mate. However, when her father arranges for her hand in marriage, will she uphold her father's wishes, or will she meet her true mate and uncover a truth she never imagined?

Purification Practice

Book Description

Purification Practice is woven to create realisation and awareness that may enthuse a large number of individuals to seek a deeper understanding of what they are, who they are and what is their true purpose in this world. It presents a wise and holy approach to achieving wholeness and become worthy of God's grace, to living in the Word of God. Filled with inspirations, Poems and Bible quotes, the book aims to open both the readers' hearts and minds to the spiritual truths that will guide them through their journey to their ultimate God-given destiny. It is essential to have quality relationship first within ourselves and then with God and others to learn lessons to evolve our souls and spirit because happiness depends on our spiritual maturity, soul growth, faith, and holiness. It is imperative that we are spiritually conscious and realise how powerless we are against the divine power of God. The need to be empowered by the Holy Spirit and to prepare with faith and hope spiritually for that time of Christ's return is even more crucial now than ever in history. Through this book, readers will find enlightenment and wisdom that will allow them to purify themselves and learn how to embrace the love of God and Jesus-allowing the divine power to rule in their mind, heart and soul until eternity.

Destiny's A Witch

Book Description

Welcome to Charm Cove, Maine – where the Good are Wicked, and the Wicked are Good… or maybe not. Nothing is ever as it seems, at least not in Charm Cove, Maine. Moira Wicked—yes, that’s actually her name—moves away in the hopes she can escape her fate, or destiny, or something along those lines. She yearns to lead a normal life. A few years away teaches her one glaring lesson. It’s incredibly difficult to be normal when your first name means destiny, your last name isWicked, and you actually docome from a family legendary for its witchy ways. Trying to keep her powers under wraps in the real world is a tad tricky. A love spell gone sideways sets in motion her return to Charm Cove for a spell. As bad luck would have it, or fate if you’d rather, she’s home for one single day when a body turns up floating in the town fountain. The oh-so-charming Charm Cove is turned upside down. Meanwhile, tourists are crowding its picturesque streets, and magic is being bottled up and sold as health remedies. Moira finds herself in the thick of the murder investigation, all the while trying to hold her nosy family and destiny at bay. Destiny comes in the form of Liam Good. A Wicked is fated to fall in love with a Good once every century. No pressure or anything. Take a visit to Charm Cove, where Wicked meets Good and where you just might find there’s almost always more than meets the eye.

Navigate Your Faith

Book Description

What's the point of being a Christian anymore? Many Christians today are feeling unfulfilled in their walk with God, and they have no idea it’s because of the little decisions they’re making each day that are leading them into lives of compromise. In Navigate Your Faith Ron Pratt uses a fictional American family to expose how the enemy lures believers into prioritizing their own pleasure, entertainment, or career goals over their relationship with Christ. This erodes their passion for Jesus and causes them to become spiritually bored and have powerless Christian lives. Rather than claiming that God will approve of Christians no matter what they do, as some modern ministers do, Navigate Your Faith challenges readers to take a hard look at their lives and see if they’re simply incorporating Jesus into their lifestyles or allowing Him to set them on a course of His choosing. With proven strategies to rebuild lost intimacy with God, this book will help Christians recognize the deceptive tactics of the enemy, break out of complacency, and make a greater impact on the world around them. This book will help you recognize and avoid the deception of today's nominal Christian culture.

Joyful Expressions of the Heart & Soul

Book Description

This book contains a collection of inspirational poetry. It is my desire that every person who reads it will find it joyful and encouraging to their mind and soul.