My Most Memorable Soulwinning Stories

Book Description

This book was written both to inspire and to instruct. In it you will find forty easy-to-read stories taken from the author's own soulwinning experiences. Almost every story ends with a brief lesson or two to be gleaned from that particular anecdote.

Soul Winning

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Soul Winning Stories

Book Description

Personally I have found life to be the most interesting thing in the world. Nothing has ever helped me so much as a source of fresh impulse and encouragement to increased endeavor as the story of success on the part of some one else. And surely that was the Master's way of encouraging his disciples for all time to come. The stories which Jesus told, and the stories which are related concerning the people whom he healed and who were converted under his ministry, are a constant source of power and inspiration to Christian people to-day. We get faith and courage to cast out devils from men now because of the picture we have of that redeemed man of Gadara whom Christ transformed and sent forth to tell to his friends the good news of salvation.The stories in this book are my own. They are culled here and there from a great storehouse of such incidents with which God has blessed me in the course of my ministry. It has been a joy to write them, because the happiest memories I have are connected with incidents such as are narrated on these pages. I have written them, and now give them to the printer, sincerely hoping and praying that they may give impulse to many another to know the joy of winning souls.

Let's Go Soul Winning

Book Description

Here are simple step-by-step lessons in exactly how to lead a soul to Christ. They have been given in great soul-winning conferences all over America and have made many average Christians into amazingly effective soul winners.

Soul Winning Stories

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Great Preaching on Soul Winning

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The Encyclopedia Americana

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The Americana

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Personal Soul Winning

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The Soul Winner

Book Description

Winning souls is the greatest joy and highest calling of a Christian, but to so many of us it feels like a dreaded necessity or feared obligation. In a day when evangelism has become a confusing jumble of methodology, Spurgeon’s crystal clear explanation of what true evangelism is meant to be is life-giving. Spurgeon’s own great faith in God to win souls that shines through on every page of this book is inspirational and moves us to action. Claimed by many as one of the best books ever written on the topic of evangelism, this book will not only ignite a passion for soul winning within you; it will draw you closer in love to the very heart of God.