It Changed My Life

Book Description

The world of a combat veteran consists of violence and killings, and itas either kill or be killed. Post traumatic stress disorder is no stranger to a vet during wartime and after. Depression is now becoming a major part of my life, and war experiences or flashbacks have entered my life. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy is sharing first place with PTSD as my worst enemy. RSD can be explained in two wordsachronic painaand itas a combat-related injury produced by a traumatic force. I think it should be mandatory that all combat war veterans receive psychological examinations before a vet goes home after a tour of duty. Because itas not mandatory now, about sixty to seventy percent of the homeless are Vietnam veterans who possibly suffer from PTSD. After reading my book, please write or call your congressman or congresswoman and make this psychological exam mandatory for all veterans.

The Enemy Within

Book Description

Why would you want to read this book? There are several reasons. First of all, it is my hope that victims of all types of traumas, whether war-related or not, can find some comfort in these pages. If you are a victim of PTSD, you need to know that there is hope for a better quality of life. That is one of the core messages in this book. There is no cure for PTSD, but through medications and counseling, it is possible to exercise more control over the illness. But you must take the first step and be your own best advocate. You will hear me say this more than once. If you do not advocate for your own needs, it is unlikely that you will achieve your goals. I hope that some of the information in these pages will guide PTSD victims to seek the help they need. I feel this book also has much to offer those who don't suffer from PTSD. It is the story of how a normal eighteen-year-old farm boy from a small town in Iowa went to war and, over thirty years later - at the age of fifty-two - became totally disabled with PTSD. It is my hope that this will help the public understand not only Vietnam vets, but also vets from all wars, as well as victims of other traumas such as I mentioned above. There are so many fears that hold PTSD victims back from seeking help or even admitting to themselves that they need help. Even though all those around them can see the changes in the victim, it is hard for the victim to admit a problem. They see themselves as having some kind of mental illness. Victims are often paranoid and worry about what others are thinking or saying about them, even those people who have no inkling that there is a problem. Sometimes, it can seem to the victim that everyone knows there is something wrong, and that everyone is talking about him or her. The public must become aware of the disease and offer compassion rather than rebuke. Vietnam vets in particular have been a source of fear in the general public. The media has exacerbated this situation by its frequent portrayal of the vet as an imbalanced, rage-filled time bomb, just waiting for the circumstances that will set him off. Perhaps this has made for some "entertaining" movies, but it has also kept many veterans from seeking the help they needed, lest they find themselves branded with this ugliest of clichés. Even if the victim knows there is a problem, it is so difficult to ask for help, especially from a government that loaths to acknowledge the existence - much less, the debilitating nature - of this disorder. It should come as no surprise, then, that many victims do not want anyone to know about their "weakness." Very simply, it is time to end the silence and the shame. I realize that parts of this book will be difficult for the public to read. Reading a true account is not at all the same as watching violence on TV or at the movies. In these situations, the dead are not really dead and the cast is not really experiencing the events being portrayed. It is much more difficult when the dead stay dead, bodies are permanently mutilated, and the effects of the war will stay forever with those who experienced them. . The violence presented in modern entertainment should be taken as it is intended (though sometimes the level of violence in our "entertainment" is disturbing). True violence should be taken very seriously because it can happen to any one of us - at war or at home. Where a particularly violent movie can leave one unsettled for a day or so, actually living through a violent situation can produce a nightmare that lasts a lifetime. I do not intend for this book to be political, nor do I want it to be an attack on the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). However, I do believe that the policies enacted by the government have played a significant part in weaving the intricate web of my life. Nor do I intend this to be a self-help book.

Psalm Twenty-Five and PTSD

Book Description

Prepare for a journey unlike any other as you step into the darkened realms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In Psalm 25 & PTSD, war veteran Robert Scholten does the unthinkable by giving readers access into hidden chambers of his life, which was forever changed by the Vietnam War. Robert analyzes each passage of Psalm 25 in relation to his struggles with PTSD, and his vivid word pictures will keep readers captivated along his passage through a seemingly hopeless domain without exits. Psalm 25 & PTSD is an unforgettable experience of hope for PTSD sufferers and those who love them. 'Scholten's book pulls readers into the very pitfalls of combat veterans. It is a must read for veterans with PTSD and anyone attempting to understand them.' —Sgt. David McCray, Section Chief, C Btry 4th/60th Arty & E-41st Arty, First Field Force Vietnam-1971 'The dilemma of being a good soldier and a godly man is a lesson for every veteran. Giving voice to recollections of his time in country, Robert bares his soul, challenging each of us to serve our country and each other.' —Robert B. Woolley M.D. Psychiatrist, Clinical PTSD Department, Veterans Affairs Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky

From Vietnam to Hell

Book Description

"I broke into a house, entering from the back door. When I left, two people inside were dead. I don't remember killing them, but I know I must have. All I can remember is the police chasing me. I thought I was in the jungle, with the Cong chasing me, trying to kill me before I could kill them.... I was nineteen years old and the Vietnam War was the high point in my life. I didn't come home in a body bag or a wheel chair. Even though I thought I had come home a complete person, it's evident that I didn't"--from the interview with Gary Cone. Interviews with Vietnam veterans and their family members explain as nothing else can the emotional consequences of wartime experiences. Many of these interviewees are now in prison as a result of the substance abuse or violence that characterizes PTSD.

The Demons of War are Persistent

Book Description

“The Demons of War are Persistent” A Personal Story of Prolonged PTSD —A.W. Schade, USMC 1965/69 Forty years have passed since my deployment as a combat Marine in Vietnam. However, only several years since I acknowledged my inability to continue suppressing the demons alone. Like many veterans, the “Demons” have haunted me through nightmares, altered personas, and hidden fears. Even as many veterans manage the demons’ onslaught successfully, millions survive in destitution, needless solitude and social disconnection. Scores consider themselves cowards, should they concede to the demons’ hold. Countless live in denial and loneliness, protecting their warrior’s pride. The most vulnerable— tormented by guilt and feeling forever alone — too often choose to “end” their lives.

Nightmares And Thoughts Of A Vietnam Vet

Book Description

I write this book in hopes of reaching other service personnel or citizens that are experiencing the same feelings of, guilt, anger, or fears that I have suffered... because of a traumatic experience. I have learned that not only war, but also any kind of traumatic event can cause the symptoms of anger, anxiety, loneliness, frustration, isolation, flashbacks, nightmares, and intrusive thoughts. My nightmares started before I left Vietnam, and they intensified with time. I did not know why I slowly changed, but these changes of uncontrollable outbursts of anger, frustration, isolation, anxiety, loneliness, and the horrible nightmares and flashbacks of Vietnam, caused a lot of suffering not only for me, but for my family, friends, and loved ones. It took me years to control my temper, and I learned to work only at night to keep the nightmares in check. This helped, but I still did not know the actual problem, only that there was something wrong, this kept me with stomach problems, chest pains, headaches, and edgy for many years. I would like to thank the Veterans’ Administration and the Loma Linda Veterans’ Hospital for the help I have received through them, and for giving my nightmares a name, “PTSD.” Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, that is what they diagnosed, and even though I refused to accept this at first, now I am learning how to deal with my problem. The professional and qualified personnel at the Veteran’s Hospital have given me strength, tools, training, and the support to fight my demons, and to write this book. I would also like to thank my wife, Elizabeth, my sons Michael, Paul, Paulo, Mark, and my daughters, Rosie and Majalia, for their support, encouragement, and understanding, to help me get out of the dark, and fight my demons.

Thirty Days with My Father

Book Description

When Christal Presley's father was eighteen, he was drafted to Vietnam. Like many men of that era who returned home with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), he was never the same.

Shook Over Hell

Book Description

Vietnam still haunts the American conscience. Not only did nearly 58,000 Americans die there, but--by some estimates--1.5 million veterans returned with war-induced Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This psychological syndrome, responsible for anxiety, depression, and a wide array of social pathologies, has never before been placed in historical context. Eric Dean does just that as he relates the psychological problems of veterans of the Vietnam War to the mental and readjustment problems experienced by veterans of the Civil War. Employing a multidisciplinary approach that merges military, medical, and social history, Dean draws on individual case analyses and quantitative methods to trace the reactions of Civil War veterans to combat and death. He seeks to determine whether exuberant parades in the North and sectional adulation in the South helped to wash away memories of violence for the Civil War veteran. His extensive study reveals that Civil War veterans experienced severe persistent psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, and flashbacks with resulting behaviors such as suicide, alcoholism, and domestic violence. By comparing Civil War and Vietnam veterans, Dean demonstrates that Vietnam vets did not suffer exceptionally in the number and degree of their psychiatric illnesses. The politics and culture of the times, Dean argues, were responsible for the claims of singularity for the suffering Vietnam veterans as well as for the development of the modern concept of PTSD. This remarkable and moving book uncovers a hidden chapter of Civil War history and gives new meaning to the Vietnam War.