Mystery of the Mazzaroth

Book Description

The twelve signs of the Zodiac are as old as civilization itself. Yet their origin has puzzled historians. The Bible attributes the "Mazzaroth" (12 signs of the Zodiac) to God. King David wrote that a special Divine message has been heralded to all people of every language in the sky -- as the sun moves through the twelve "houses." MYSTERY of the MAZZAROTH decodes the pictorial message of the Zodiac, showing that it contains the same language of prophetic symbols found in the Bible. The Mazzaroth and the Bible contain the same prophetic story -- Israel's history written in advance. This story begins with God's covenant with Abraham and ends with its ultimate fulfillment -- the Messiah's Kingdom. Previous Christian attempts to decode the Zodiac were all based on the linguistic work of Francis Rolleston. Her theory has been thoroughly debunked. This book presents a completely new approach. Never before has the sequence of Zodiac signs been understood in light of Bible prophecy, telling the sequential story of Israel's history and redemption. This book will open your eyes to a powerful reason to believe that God exists, and that the Creator is the same God who appeared to Abraham.

The Gospel in the Stars

Book Description

The Witness of the Stars

Book Description

Some years ago it was my privilege to enjoy the acquaintance of Miss Frances Rolleston, of Keswick, and to carry on a correspondence with her with respect to her work, Mazzaroth: or, the Constellations. She was the first to create an interest in this important subject. Since then Dr. Seiss, of Philadelphia, has endeavoured to popularize her work on the other side of the Atlantic; and brief references have been made to the subject in such books as Moses and Geology, by Dr. Kinns, and inPrimeval Man; but it was felt, for many reasons, that it was desirable to make another effort to set forth, in a more complete form, the witness of the stars to prophetic truth, so necessary in these last days. To the late Miss Rolleston, however, belongs the honour of collecting a mass of information bearing on this subject; but, published as it was, chiefly in the form of notes, unarranged and unindexed, it was suited only for, but was most valuable to, the student. She it was who performed the drudgery of collecting the facts presented by Albumazer, the Arab astronomer to the Caliphs of Grenada, 850 a.d.; and the Tables drawn up by Ulugh Beigh, the Tartar prince and astronomer, about 1650 a.d., who gives the Arabian Astronomy as it had come down from the earliest times. Modern astronomers have preserved, and still have in common use, the ancient names of over a hundred of the principal stars which have been handed down; but now these names are used merely as a convenience, and without any reference to their significance. This work is an attempt to popularize this ancient information, and to use it in the interests of truth. For the ancient astronomical facts and the names, with their signification, I am, from the very nature of the case, indebted, of course, to all who have preserved, collected, and handed them down; but for their interpretation I am alone responsible. It is for the readers to judge how far my conclusions are borne out by the evidence; and how far the foundation of our hopes of coming glory are strengthened by the prophecies which have been written in the stars of heaven, as well as in the Scriptures of truth.

Mystery of the Mazzaroth

Book Description

Annabelle Wellington lives with her parents in the historic neighborhood of Ashbury Falls, North Carolina, in a renovated Greek revival bed-and-breakfast. On the mansion grounds, final touches bring the carriage house back to life, where Annabelle and her best friend, Madison, stumble upon a secret room. Once inside, they discover an old steamer trunk with priceless treasures and a vintage telescope, thrusting them into the world of the supernatural, where they encounter zodiac signs that come alive and transport them to biblical locations, where the past awaits them and the future has already happened. While Madison struggles with this new world, forces of darkness are unleashed against Annabelle, who accepts her divine assignment to expose one of Satan's greatest deceptions: the lie of the zodiac. Throughout Annabelle's journey, she's encouraged by angelic activity and a prophetic dream confirming she's on the right path: the path to life. Only nothing could prepare her for when a zodiac sign takes her to the library in heaven, where she learns her destiny was recorded in a book long before the dawn of time. Ultimately, nothing will stop Annabelle from her divine assignment and her quest to expose one of Satan's biggest lies since the beginning of time.

The Real Meaning of the Zodiac

Book Description

Creation Cries Out! The Mazzaroth

Book Description

Creation Cries Out! is the first book in The Original Revelation series. The 14 books in The Original Revelation clearly define the great deception, the false religion, the false messiah, the true Messiah, the Kingdom of God (Yahuah), and the renewed covenant. In this first book Creation Cries Out! we begin our search for the truth with a journey back to Creation to define the message written in the stars by our Creator Yahuah. We reclaim that message to His Glory. We will take a critical look at the origin of mankind, the fall of the angelic realm, myths of the gods that rules over humanity, myths of giants, myths of vampires, and more to help us understand the world in which our ancient ancestors lived. A world communicated throughout the Ages using Mythology as their means of communication. We'll look at the truth behind the myths. We'll explain the origin of the many "solar messiahs" throughout history, and much more. Creation Cries Out! 3rd Edition - The book of the Mazzaroth, is the most complete book ever written on what the Bible calls the Mazzaroth and what we today call the Zodiac. It is the Heavenly Scroll and source of all the prophets in the Bible. In the Mazzaroth the Plan of Salvation is laid out by the Creator and the Messiah's role is defined. In the Mazzaroth, we find the first prophesies of: - The Sabbath - The Ages of mankind - The first and second comings of the Messiah - The Messiah ben Joseph (suffering servant) - The Messiah ben David (conquering King) - The Fall and Spring Feast Cycles of Yahuah - The Wedding Portrait, the Bride and Bridegroom - The Two Houses of Israel - The source of all pagan kings and "Christs" - The age of individual life (70 years) ... and much more. In this book I explain how Yahuah used the Zodiac to witness the Gospel to all the prophets, Abraham, the Galatians, Sha'ul (Paul the Apostle), and John the revelator. I explain in detail the visions of Ezekiel, Daniel, and John in Revelation and how they were told to "Behold! The Heavenly Scroll" and described the Enoch Zodiac in great detail. I explain how the Mazzaroth/Zodiac is the real meaning behind the English word "heaven". I bring to light many scriptures throughout the Bible that are specifically speaking of the Zodiac/Heavenly Scroll. In this book, difficult concepts are explained in plain English. I address the question "does the Bible condemn the Zodiac, or proclaim it?" What is "divination", what is the difference between a Prophet and a Soothsayer? What is Astrology and is there a righteous example of it? This book is 430 pages of fully illustrated and well defined Truth that has alluded mankind since the creation of man. I explain how the message in the Zodiac has been perverted and the Battle of the Ages between the Truth of the Creator and sun worship comes down to the Zodiac. The false messiah is defined by the corrupted message found in the Zodiac. The True Messiah is the fulfillment of the Original Revelation from Yahuah to all mankind found written in the stars. This book lays the foundation for The Original Revelation Series.

Keeper of the Celtic Secrets

Book Description

WRITTEN AS A BOOK OF FICTION - BUT IS IT Revealed in this book, is the mystery behind the Missing Link, the answer to the 'creation or evolution' question, the origins of the races, the origins of Rh-Negative blood; the Red Thread, the Origin of the Hebrew people, the wandering planet of Hibiru - yes, Hibiru, and much more. See, how patterns can reveal the future, what the Garden of Eden really was, and learn about the ancient Gods of Sumer, the Mazzaroth trail, and much more. This book has a heart wrenching love story, and is full of mystery, danger, and excitement, but more importantly, it contains the unveiling of secret knowledge from some old secret journals. Journals, scribed in 1650, have passed down to 'the keeper of the secrets', Samantha O'Brian, who decides to share these amazing secrets with the world. These secrets will open your eyes to wisdom so astounding, that you won't believe your eyes.

The Flat Earth as Key to Decrypt the Book of Enoch

Book Description

Shortly after accepting the flat earth as a model for the world, I decided to revisit the Book of the Courses of the Heavenly Luminaries to see if my new understanding would somehow mirror what Enoch was sharing as the motion of the sun and moon. As I began to read chapters 71-82, I found to my utter amazement that I was able to grasp those passages. I knew then that the vision that the angel Uriel had shown to Enoch could only be deciphered if one were to imagine Enoch's description of the revolution of the sun and the moon. As seen from above the flat circular plane of the earth as described by Isaiah; and that Enoch must have been taken up to perhaps where Polaris is, centered directly above the North Pole, and while looking down at the backdrop of the earth, was instructed on the motions of both the sun and moon. Without such conception, it is in my opinion impossible to apply these descriptions to the model of the earth as a spherical planet.

The Time of the End

Book Description

The date when Christ's Kingdom will come to earth has been the "Holy Grail" of biblical prophecy since Daniel first inquired. Countless Christians have diligently searched for this hidden treasure. It has escaped the meticulous, chronological study of Sir Isaac Newton and the tomfoolery of Harold Camping. The earliest Christians did not believe, as do most modern Christians, that the date of Christ's return is completely out of reach. They held an eschatology called, "Chiliasm," a view that saw all of human history as a "week" of seven millennia, with the seventh millennium being the coming Kingdom of Christ on earth. This view seems to have been unanimously taught by those who had close connections to the Apostle John. Knowing the year of Jesus' second coming was merely a matter of putting together a biblical chronology from creation. This process would yield the date of His coming in the 6000th year from creation. This book first demonstrates that Chiliasm is both biblical and apostolic. It follows Chiliasm's history and demise, as Amillennialism displaced it from the fourth century onward. Having demonstrated that the Millennial Week theory is correct, the author shows why the early Christian chronologies failed. He then presents his own complete biblical chronology, from creation to the second coming of Christ, drawn exclusively from the data in the Hebrew Bible. This chronology is developed using the Jubilee calendar grid that God gave to Israel, but they never actually followed. Placing the biblical chronological data on this calendar grid yields an amazing symmetry to the biblical historical record, and a number of remarkable coincidences, such as: 1. The death of Noah and birth of Abraham were in the 2000th year from creation, on the 40th Jubilee year. 2. The Exodus from Egypt was in the 2500th year from creation, the 50th Jubilee year (A Jubilee of Jubilees). 3. The decree of Cyrus the Great ending the 70-year Babylonian exile was the year 3500 from creation, the 70th Jubilee year (a double fulfillment of Jeremiah's "70 years" prophecy). The biblical chronology presented here is completely unique. It is the original research of the author over a period of many years, presented in a concise way, with over 500 footnotes for reference purposes. It shows that we are only about two decades away from the "TIME of the END."