666 The Number of the Beast

Book Description

Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea. (Rev13:1a) Who is this beast? What is the purpose of its coming? What is its mystery number 666 all about? What is the secret about its mark which it will force upon humanity? These and many others are questions being asked about this expected alien, the evil one, who is coming to tempt the whole human race and, thus bring as many as possible to destruction. Ever since the creation of time, there has been a battle going on "the struggle over winning human race" between God and devil. God wants man for eternal joy, but devil wants man for eternal destruction. Devil deceived man to sin in the beginning, and the sin brought condemnation to mankind. God sent His only begotten Son to the world to destroy the work of sin, and the punishment it brought, and thus established the work of salvation. Devil was not pleased with the establishment of the work of salvation. For this reason he is sending his own son and heir, beast to the world with a clear purpose to destroy the work of salvation. The beast is the expected alien, the evil one, who is coming to tempt the whole human race, and thus bring as many as possible to destruction. The scripture, especially the book of Revelation prophesies about its coming, leaving many questions in the minds of many. This book provides practical solution and answers to many questions that might have developed in the minds of many people over the time. The book depths into many hidden mysteries about the beast "who the beast is" "the purpose of its coming " "its mystery number 666","its evil mark", "its work", and '' the biblical revealed secret to overcoming its antics''.

666 and the Antichrist of Revelation

Book Description

Down through the ages, the religious world has tried to determine who had or will have the number of 666 that is mentioned in the book of Revelation. Many have tried to determine the meaning of the number or used creative ways to make a name add up to 666. In recent times some have employed computer programs to decipher who he might be. Many have dared to put forth names varying from religious leaders to kings, governments, political figures and even unbelieving diabolical men, but each has failed to be revealed as "the man whose number is six hundred and sixty-six." Church going people everywhere have been taught to fear the beast and the mark that could be placed on their bodies. They have been told that unsuspecting people will be deceived into accepting the mark and thereby sealing their fate. However, you are about to discover the answer to this great mystery in plain detail. The Bible reveals the answer and it is much different than you have imagined. Dr. Ron McRay, in his usual style of writing, has once again found a gem hiding in plain sight. He states, "the solution (is) simple, natural, and meets all the circumstances of the case." You will soon know more about the antichrist and the number 666 than most pastors, scholars, theologians and Bible commentators. Equipped with this knowledge you may find yourself questioning the teachings of your church for it may open your mind to Bible truths never before revealed. This book will surely shake the religious stronghold and bring peace and understanding to confused and mislead groups of people. This is truly an exciting time in history to finally have a Biblical answer to the nagging questions of the antichrist and the number 666.

The Revelation of 666 Man and Image

Book Description

One of the biggest mysteries in Christianity is the meaning of the number 666. It refers to man and the beast. But how? And who gave it that meaning? In her book, The Revelation of 666 Man and Image, author Leticia “Lee” Verdin reveals the ultimate image created by man. There is no other image that can surpass 666 as 666 was made in the image of man, who was made in the image of God. Created in the image of God, 666 can choose to mirror the Creator in deed, but the man-created image was set up in honor of the beast. Man can choose to worship and serve God or to worship and serve the beast. It’s a spiritual matter of life or death. In the insightful and thought-provoking The Revelation of 666 Man and Image, Verdin details the importance of knowing more about the relationship between God and Satan. You will also learn how Satan uses his wiles to corrupt us and take our souls. Knowledge can provide the tools necessary to defeating the beast.

666 Mystery Revealed

Book Description

This Book is about the prophetic, the miraculous, the supernatural, the truth, love and forgiveness. The author unveils end-time mysteries as the Lord revealed them to him. His text tackles heavy subjects: visions of the Beast, false teachings and practices, the next world conflict, JESUS: What He looked like, and why He could not have children, Ezekiel's temple, what to expect from the kingdom of God, the correct chronology of events of the Great Tribulation, and the identity of Elijah and of the Antichrist. The 62 page index allows the reader to navigate through the book with ease. This title contains 46 explained visions and revelations received from the Lord.

666 Revealed, Book II

Book Description

There appears to be no cessation of written material relating to End Times theology generally; and to the Apocalypse, specifically. Sadly, much, if not most of it runs counter to the clear teachings of Scripture. A misquoted verse here, and an extrapolation there: one wonders when the dust will finally settle, and a spiritually, and scripturally accurate picture will begin to emerge. In this volume, Jack Smith explores the issues with due diligence, searching the Scriptures, and ever seeking the Guidance of the Holy Ghost with all soberness of thought and attitude. Who (or what) is the antichrist? Who is the false prophet; and Who (or what) is the whore of Babylon? With the Bible in one hand, and a prayer for Guidance ever on his lips, Jack Smith has discovered, and here reveals, the answer to those questions. The author is keenly aware that these Truths will not be eagerly received by the bulk of Modern Christendom. And so much the worse, as there has never been a time they are more pertinent, more relevant, and more necessary to know than in this present hour as we approach the eclipse of human history.