Mystical Journeys and Sacred Initiations

Book Description

This book is about tapping into the universal life force energy that has the power to help us heal and to attain spiritual enlightenment by seeking stillness and noticing the signs around us. Susie Tamim had no intention to write this book, but she had to listen to the signs she kept receiving during the year 2020 - a time of crisis for the world. One of those signs was delivered by top medium, Jennifer Mackenzie, who told her online, "I have a Susan with me. Is she your mother?" She was! "She's telling me to tell you, 'did you really think you have finished? Get out that computer or pen and paper. My goodness, there's loads yet to tell, my lovely Susie'." Then Jennifer added, "She also said she will stand behind you as you write your second book." This spiritual guidance from her late mother culminated in this book. It follows the magical journey of Susie's life and the mission God gave her after a near-death experience in 1976. She became aware of a new sense of being in this world and the more she prayed and meditated, the more she began to listen to her higher self that gave clarity to her mission; to spread love and light to Mother Earth. This allowed her to travel throughout Jordan and on to America, Peru, Egypt, China and Europe, where she has met some wonderful people and experienced extraordinary spiritual happenings described in detail throughout this book. These spiritual experiences are synchronicities that have guided her throughout her life; they are not just coincidences to be ignored but messages from the universe that are magically arranged and aligned to deliver a message. The pandemic felt as if God had given her the time to share these blessings to inspire and give hope to as many people as possible, simply because, Susie believes, everyone in this world is special and is part of one consciousness on Mother Earth.

Mystical Journeys

Book Description

Mystical Journeys is a the second book in our self-development series. This book offers a renewal of ancient perspective and insights into inner journeys for the purpose of self knowing and reconciliation. Truth seekers are invited to journey within using a series of teachings to experience and expand their own truth. Both books speak to with highly sensitive, free minded, and free spirited natures.

Sacred Mystical Journey

Book Description

We all have a story and this is mine.My desire for sharing it with you is to encourage you to trust that there is a benevolent power always watching over you. Even when you feel lost, alone, abandoned, full of despair and hopeless, know that you are not alone. On my walk from incarceration to illumination/spiritual awakening, my soul took me on a vision quest to meet myself. Finbarr Ross

Sacred Plant Initiations

Book Description

A practical guide to connecting with plants through ceremony • Explains how to commune with plants and their spirits through the traditional shamanic method of “plant dieting” to receive their teachings and guidance • Details 8 ceremonial plant initiations centered on common, easily recognized plants and trees such as primrose, dandelion, oak, and dog rose • Provides instructions to develop your own sacred plant initiations and make ceremonial plant elixirs • Includes four audio journeys to facilitate plant initiations In this guide to sacred plant initiations, medical herbalist and shamanic practitioner Carole Guyett explains how to commune with plants and their spirits through the traditional shamanic method of “plant dieting.” A plant diet involves ingesting a particular plant over a period of time so you regularly receive the plant’s vibratory energy as well as its medicinal actions. Adding a ceremonial element to plant dieting offers a sacred initiation by the plant world, allowing you to connect deeply with all aspects of a plant, receive its sacred teachings, and forge a relationship for guidance and healing, benefitting both yourself and others. Each of the eight ceremonial plant initiations detailed in the book was personally developed by the author through extensive work with her ceremonial groups. They each center on an easily recognized plant or tree such as primrose, dandelion, oak, and dog rose. These common plants have powerful teachings and healing guidance to share with those who communicate with and honor them. The initiations, for both individuals and groups, work with the Wheel of the Year, honoring each plant’s sacred timing and connecting with one of the eight Celtic and Pre-Celtic Fire Festivals--the solstices, equinoxes, and the holy days of Beltane, Lughnasadh, Samhain, and Imbolc. Offering practical instructions so you can develop your own sacred plant initiations, the author also include access to 4 audio journeys to facilitate the initiations in the book. She also explains how to make plant elixirs for use in plant diets and for healing. She shows how connecting with plants allows us to deepen our relationship with Nature, access higher levels of consciousness and spiritual realms, and facilitate the full flowering of human potential.

The Mystical Initiations of Wisdom

Book Description

The books in The Path to Self-Mastery series present a set of mystical and practical initiations designed to raise your consciousness and unlock your creative potential. Each book presents the initiations of one of the seven spiritual rays. Everything in the material universe is created from the energies of the seven rays. The way to increase your creative powers and manifest the life you want is to master the creative energies of these rays. This book presents the seven initiations of the Second Ray of wisdom and illumination. Each teaching is accompanied by a practical exercise designed to help you invoke and direct the creative energies of the Second Ray. This helps you integrate the lesson, shift your consciousness and manifest practical changes in your life. Master Lanto will teach you: How to stop using wisdom as a weapon How to avoid becoming imprisoned by wisdom How to love wisely How to overcome the quest for ultimate wisdom How to heal yourself by giving up false wisdom How to find peace beyond value judgments How to be free in expressing your inner wisdom

The Mystical Initiations of Power

Book Description

The books in The Path to Self-Mastery series present a set of mystical and practical initiations designed to raise your consciousness and unlock your creative potential. Each book presents the initiations of one of the seven spiritual rays. The way to increase your creative powers and manifest the life you want is to master the creative energies of these rays. This book presents the seven initiations of the First Ray of power and will. Master MORE is the main teacher of the First Ray, and he gives you profound teachings on how to use creative power, as opposed to the force-based use of power so common on earth. He also explains how to become teachable so you do not subconsciously reject the instructions of a true spiritual teacher and instead follow your ego or the false teachers. You will learn: How to avoid the abuse of power through speech How to use your higher reasoning ability How to accept and receive unconditional love How to accelerate to a higher level of creativity How to acknowledge dark forces without fear How to start freeing yourself from the epic struggle How to depersonalize your personal life

Enochian Initiation

Book Description

Experience a new reality through wondrous visions of the Enochian angels Enochian magick, a system of angelic evocation, is one of the oldest forms of ceremonial magick in the Western world, and perhaps the single most powerful magical system in all occultism. It was developed by the Elizabethan magician Dr. John Dee who, with the assistance of his seer, Edward Kelly, channeled an angelic language and alphabet that is remarkably effective in opening up the mind to currents of intelligence far beyond the human norm. Whether you are a beginner on your path of study or already an advanced magician, there is something for you in Enochian Initiation. Author Frater W.I.T. shares his own experiences and deeply personal visions, expanding upon and broadening the path toward understanding forged by John Dee, Aleister Crowley, and other great magicians who have come before. By bringing this practice into the modern era, Frater W.I.T. shows how human consciousness can be expanded and examined more closely than with simple meditation, psychoanalysis, or even mind-altering drugs. For those of you who might have hesitated to study Enochian magick because you do not share the same beliefs or convictions of the deeply religious Elizabethans, rest assured that it is possible to achieve the same wondrous results within a neutral spiritual context. Frater W.I.T. has developed a nonreligious spirituality in his conjurations while still using Hebrew and Enochian divine names. Through this book, you too will learn how to develop new techniques and ideas to shape your own magical style and method. An initiate of both the Masonic and Rosicrucian schools of mystery, Frater W.I.T. has spent more than twenty years studying western occult traditions. The purpose of his life's work is to develop new methods of ceremonial magick and explore new vistas of psychic and spiritual potential.

The Mystical Initiations of Freedom

Book Description

Mystical teachings on how to precipitate better circumstances for yourself.

Initiation in the Aeon of the Child

Book Description

This book’s primary focus is an understanding of the change to the formulas of Initiation brought about by the advent of the New Aeon—the Aeon of the Child—in 1904. It draws deeply from Jungian psychology, world mythology and religion, the teachings of Aleister Crowley, and the doctrines of the Mystery traditions. It explains how the revelations unique to this stage of human evolution impact the work of the individual aspirant. Much of what is written here is revealed for the first time, with every attempt to do so in clear and precise language.