Mystical Union in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Book Description

Mystics who have spoken of their union with God have come under suspicion in all three major religious traditions, sometimes to the point of condemnation and execution in the case of Christianity and Islam. Nevertheless, in all three religions the tradition of unio mystica is deep and long. Many of the spiritual giants of these three faiths have seen the attainment of mystical union as the heart of their beliefs and practices. Despite its importance, mystical union has rarely been investigated in itself, apart from the wider study of mysticism, and even more rarely from the aspect of comparative studies, especially those based upon broad and expert knowledge of the inner life of the three related monotheistic faiths. This text brings together essays that equally explore the broader idea of unio mystica as well as the mystic traditions within each religion.

Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Mystical Perspectives on the Love of God

Book Description

A collection of essays in which the possibilities of a deeper dialogue, by means of the contemplative traditions of the Abrahamic Faiths is explored. The book expounds an ageless, profound means of overcoming religious hatred and violence and awakening the beauty of unity in diversity.

Mystical Approaches to God

Book Description

Review quote. A quote from a review of the product: "Dieser Band ist für Religionswissenschaftler ein Glücksfall, da er Beiträge namhafter Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zu einem ebenso viel diskutierten wie wenig beherrschten Gebiet der Forschung aus der Perspektive dreier Religionen bietet." Susanne Talabardon in: Theologische Literaturzeitung "Wer an der neueren Forschung zur Merkava-Mystik interessiert ist, erhält hier etwa 70 Seiten dichte Informationen, die vor allem auch den von Scholem selbst bereits als Desiderat erkannten Bezug zu den damals erst angfänglich erforschten Qumran-Texten herstellen." Marco A. Sorace in: Theologische Revue, Nr. 6/2008

“And They Shall Be One Flesh”: On The Language of Mystical Union in Judaism

Book Description

In “And They Shall Be One Flesh”: On the Language of Mystical Union in Judaism, Adam Afterman offers an extensive study of mystical union and embodiment in Judaism. Afterman argues that Philo was the first to articulate the notion of unio mystica in Judaism and is the source of the henōsis mysticism in the later Neoplatonic tradition. The study provides a detailed analysis of the Jewish medieval trends that developed different forms of mystical union and mystical embodiment through the divine name and spirit. The book argues that the development of unitive mysticism in Judaism is the fruit of the creative synthesis of rabbinic Judaism and Hellenistic and Arab philosophy, and a natural outcome of the theological articulation of the idea of monotheism itself.

Union with God in Christ

Book Description

A significant number of Muslim communities throughout the world reflect varying degrees of involvement in Islamic mysticism. What bridges are present in this context that will facilitate not only evangelism, but also discipleship and community formation? Matthew Friedman guides the reader on a journey examining the response of the early Christian community to the challenges of ancient Jewish and Hellenic mysticism, focusing on the central idea of “union with God in Christ.” Far from finding this to be a leftover from the early Church, he discovers that this theme remained crucial into the Reformation, particularly in the writing and work of eighteenth-century figures John and Charles Wesley.Join Friedman as he explores resources for discipleship and community building that will be relevant to both scholars and practitioners alike, and will be effective for witness within modern contexts of Islamic mysticism worldwide.

Mystical Tradition

Book Description

Examines the spiritual, literary, and intellectual heritage of these three religions in relation to the mystical experience.

Ascent to Heaven in Islamic and Jewish Mysticism

Book Description

In this groundbreaking work of comparative religion, Algis Uzdavinys takes us deeply into the "closed and blessed gardens of myth", showing us the capital importance of the many varieties of "ascent to heaven". From the Pyramid Texts down to Second Temple Judaism and apocalyptic Christian literature; and, in parallel, down the theurgic path of Platonic and Hermetic literature to the sanctum of the Islamic revelation in Mecca, we are vividly presented with the sacramental impact of anagoge: elevation to the domain of the supernal archetypes and heavenly principles. As with other books by the author, the face of antiquity is revealed anew, full of intriguing, challenging and enraptured insights.

Paradise Now

Book Description