Myth-O-Mania: Nice Shot, Cupid!

Book Description

The story about the handsome Greek god Cupid and how he met Psyche? Just another lie from that myth-o-maniac Zeus! The truth is, when Cupid met Psyche he was a gawky teen god with bad skin and braces. Psyche was so beautiful, Cupid was scared to even approach her. Instead, he and Zeus cooked up a plan to kidnap Psyche. Hades, King of the Underworld, is here to shine some light on what really happened.

Nice Shot, Cupid!

Book Description

Hades lets readers in on the true story behind the myth of the Greek god Cupid and the mortal princess Psyche.

Myth-O-Mania: Say Cheese, Medusa!

Book Description

In Greek mythology, Medusa was a Gorgon a winged monster with snakes for hair. Anyone who looked at her was instantly turned to stone. But she wasn't born that way. Not even close. Athena was so jealous of Medusa's beauty that she cursed her. Zeus changed the story to make his son, Perseus, look good. Hades is here to set the record straight on Perseus, Medusa, and everything in between.

Myth-O-Mania: Phone Home, Persephone!

Book Description

In this modern version of the Greek myth, Persephone asks Hades for a ride to escape her overprotective mother, sneaks into the Underworld, and refuses to leave.

Myth-O-Mania: Stop that Bull, Theseus!

Book Description

Zeus's version of the Theseus myth is totally fabricated! Theseus went into the labyrinth all right, but the only thing he did in there was get lost. He never killed the Minotaur. Zeus made the whole thing up so everyone would think the Minotaur was gone for good. Hades, King of the Underworld, sets the record straight on the story of Theseus and the Minotaur.

Myth-O-Mania: Have a Hot Time, Hades!

Book Description

Think you know the real story behind the Greek myths? Think again. Most people only know what Zeus wants them to. But the truth is, Zeus is a total myth-o-maniac. Hades, King of the Underworld, is here to set the record straight on how he ended up as Ruler of the Underworld and Zeus became King of the Gods.

Nice Shot, Cupid!

Book Description

Puts a modern spin on the myth of how Cupid stuck himself with one of his own arrows and fell in love, as told by Hades, Ruler of the Underworld.

Myth-O-Mania: Get Lost, Odysseus!

Book Description

The Trojan War is over, but now Odysseus has to find his way home to Ithaca . . . and in typical fashion, he's angered Poseidon enough that the sea-god has decided to make his journey miserable (if not impossible).

Myth-O-Mania: Keep a Lid on It, Pandora!

Book Description

The story about Pandora opening a box and releasing terrible evils into the world? Totally made up! Pandora couldn't have cared less about what was in that box. The one who was really dying to know was Zeus. Zeus gave Pandora a box alright. A box full of really nasty items. But disease? Pain? Greed? No way. Hades, King of the Underworld, reveals the true story behind the Pandora myth.

Hit the Road Helen!

Book Description

In this updated version of Greek mythology, Hades, King of the Underworld, reveals the truth about Helen of Troy and the Trojan War.