Nadderwater Rise Ghost

Book Description

The case at Nadderwater Rise Boilermakers left an enduring impression upon me. The Professor and I witnessed first-hand how machines can turn on their masters. When directed by a malevolent force, the results were utterly brutal. As if horrid conditions are not enough, the culture of harassment ingrained into the workers only make it worse. Their daily lives are already drenched in danger, subject to severe injury without notice, yet they persist in tormenting each other, to their peril. This is the eighth book in the Paranormology Series.

Livermead Hill Ghost

Book Description

We are all of us, without exception, innately capable of sin. This truth was thrust upon me by a cantankerous ghost when we investigated the haunting of the Saunders house on Livermead Hill. The house itself was a grim construction, steeped in sorrow borne on secrets, anger fueled by lies and the bitter taint of betrayal. Within its walls lurked a tormenting spirit. He took an instant dislike to my presence and let me know, quite clearly, just how wicked we can be. This is the ninth book in the Paranormology Series.

Tedrick Gritswell of Borobo Reef

Book Description

Living on Borobo Reef is tough, especially if you're a spud who's down on his luck. Ex-detective Tedrick Gritswell just wants to be left alone, but a visit from a drop-dead gorgeous dame coupled sees him take up the case of a missing VIP. With all the heavies, whores, wise-guys and simpletons swimming about, it gets more than dangerous, it gets downright deadly.

Tedrick Gritswell Makes Waves

Book Description

The detective business is going swell for Tedrick 'Stumpy' Gritswell. With more cases than he can shake a keel-stick at, he and his assist-kicks Bill and Reginald are up to their noggins in work. That changes when he is hired by Barnes to investigate the bizarre death of a powerful and influential figure. His probing sweeps him into the heart of a clandestine society, revealing a world spoken of only in whispers. Hidden dangers and sinister characters shatter Tedrick's world, thrusting him closer and closer to the black bowels of the Abyss.

The Bullet

Book Description

A Bullet, forged within an ammunition factory, is on a path to its destiny. It faces a confusing time, trials and anguish as well as elation and shame as it comes to discover its true purpose. How will the Bullet face up to its ultimate task? The characters it comes up against, from the Foreman to the Courier, from the Merchant to the Client, from the Assassin to the Target, reveal more about the world around it than about the Bullet itself.


Book Description

Vivian Chumwell, a retired publisher, gets the shock of his life when a manuscript he is sent to edit turns his world on its head, forces him to re-examine his life and the lives of his parents, and brings him, for the first time in his life face to face with violence for which he is not prepared. When a ninety years old neighbour whom Chumwell believes is a one time murderer, dies, Chumwell leaves London to begin a new life of a very different kind.