Nakshatra Mala Handbook

Book Description

The Nakshatras are one of the oldest references we have to astrology from the Rig Veda, dating back to about 5,000 years ago. The Vedas are the religious scriptures of the great seers and sages of India and the Nakshatras are like the zodiac signs but more specific. Their meanings are derived from the constellations, fixed stars and the mythology behind these portions in the sky. They are profound in meaning and have ruling deities that reveal the stories of myths that bring to life the symbolism referred to in our own life. The symbolism of the Nakshatras is rich indeed. In addition to a planet, deity, symbol aim of life and guna each Nakshatra also corresponds with a certain certain animal, animal type, caste, sex temperament, dosha, tattva (element) and even wind direction.


Book Description

This book is a detailed step by step account of the Hindu marriage ceremony inviting the blessings and asking permission of all the universal elements so that marriage can be prosperous, happy and fruitful for the continuity of life and the universe. The types of marriages, the role each family member and ancestors play before, during, and after the ceremony. It is a remainder of the sacred purpose of the marriage ceremony from the Hindu perspective, but also a reminder for non-Hindus of the impact marriage has on the world.

RASIMALA HANDBOOK Understanding Your Vedic Birth Sign

Book Description

Vedic Astrology analyzes your life by looking at three major astronomical factors that have a major effect on the individual; they are the Moon Birth Sign, the Star Constellation Birth Sign, and the Name Sound Vibration at the time of birth, or the Rasi, Nakshatra, and the Charran respectively. The word Mala refers to a circle representing the garland of the universe around which all planets and astronomical objects orbit. The Rasimala would be the circle or garland of Zodiac Signs starting from Aries to Taurus as occupied by the Moon degree position. The Nakshatra Mala is about circle of star constellations as given by the Moon positions. The Charran Mala is the circle of vibrations in the universe as given by the 27 constellations in the universe. The latter decides the name or frequency identification of the person. Usually this sound would begin the person's name that he is to be called for the rest of his life. All three books provide a description of your Karmic path.


Book Description

Laxmi means money or wealth. When we suffer from lack of wealth, it is because of inherited karmas. When our ancestors have failed in pleasing the Goddess of wealth, she will be missing in our life. This is why we need to perform Laxmi Puja. Without light our whole life becomes dark, so also without wealth we live in darkness and ignorance Many of us aspire to be wealthy, but are we really ready and able to receive it? The ancient Hindus asked and prepared themselves to receive wealth in all its forms by a special set of ceremonies and prayers that not only attract material and spiritual wealth, but also allows them to receive it, use it appropriately, and conserve it. In this book, Swami Ram Charran gives a step-by-step explanation of the ritual to Mother Laxmi or Laxmi Puja and guides every person towards accepting the prosperity that is the birth right of every child of God.


Book Description

There are only two sides of human emotions, they are LOVE and ANGER. When a baby is developing in the womb the emotions of the mother are absorbed by the baby as it develops. It can be one of these two that decides the type of child that will be born. If born out of love the world will rejoice and if out of anger it will be distressed. The ancient Hindus were aware of this and have designed a special set of ceremonies and prayers that will welcome only great children borne out of love and happiness. Swami Ram has expertly explained the scientific procedure with the objective of changing the world into a wonderful one by asking parents to produce stalwarts and highly intelligent children that will be produced by the emotions of divinity and love.


Book Description

A special scientific ritual for removing lost souls of ancestors from hell and helping them to reach heaven so that the generation of grandchildren is promoted, resulting in blessings to all members of the family.

2013 PATRA

Book Description

Everything you need to forecast your future is seen through your third eye- your mind's eye. This foresight has taken yogis and experts nearly a lifetime to achieve, but with Swami Ram Charran's Patra and his LifeCode System, you can easily calculate all the patterns seen in your mind's eye, allowing you to open it and create your future reality. Swami Ram Charran's 2013 Patra has provided you with all the answers you have been looking for to glimpse into the next year of life and world events. Using a highly advanced mathematical system based upon Eastern and Vedic sciences, Swami Ram provide you with simple equations that will solve the difficulties that every individual person faces in their life on a daily, monthly and yearly basis.

Patra 2012

Book Description

For thousands of years man has been going through the world changes like we are about to face and like always THE PATRA has come to the rescue of mankind's thirst for the knowledge of what is about to happen. The Patra first translated to English by Swami Ram Charran over 20 years ago was formally known as the "Panchang", a Hindu astronomical calendar that accurately tracks the lives of all individuals as well as the Earth changes as they take place from year to year.

500 Unique Nakshatra Predictive Techniques

Book Description

I have used nakshatras from many decades so in this book I am using 27 nakshatra from Ashwini to Revati and providing some quick snapshot techniques which can be used on horoscope while predicting. These techniques are very quick and easy. All these techniques are based on experience of many decades. I am expecting every reader might love this technique. Regards, Saket Shah AUTHOR DESCRIPTION I am practicing astrology from many decades. With my experience knowledge and wisdom I have written many books. I believe in providing best knowledge to all the people across globe. I have seen thousands of horoscope in my life and experienced many events of astrology in past few decades. I welcome each person to enhance their knowledge of astrology by joining me in this divine journey. I am a software engineer and investor by profession and I took astrology as a hobby. But this hobby became my passion when I started decoding the secrets of universe hidden in astrology or jyotish vidya. Our ancient seer possessed divine third eye to decode the universe and written down the astrology in form of scripture I am presenting this divine knowledge in front of entire world. I recommend every body to make the best out of my books. I welcome each person in the world to dip in the ocean of divine and cosmic energy of universe called jyotish. It is also called as light of God. Because knowledge of astrology is directly provided by God to humans in ancient times. The kind of bliss you will feel in this journey will evolve your soul to next stage of spiritualism. This journey will blow your mind and senses and will connect your soul to divine. I definitely believe you will feel bliss with this gyan(knowledge).


Book Description

Panchaka occurs when the moon's longitude exist between 296 degrees and 360 degrees in sidreal calculation. Panchaka occurs mostly in the last five constellations. Thus there are 5 days (or sometimes 7 days) in every month that Panchaka will occur. During Panchaka, the elements in the universe become unbalanced and this causes an imbalance within the family structure. If a death occurs during this period and the proper ritual is not performed, the dead person will carry another five family members with him within a two-year period. To prevent the additional deaths in the family, the Pundit must first ensure that the death occurred in the Panchaka period, and if so perform a Panchanka Puja to remedy the situation.