Book Description

The OnLine Book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG - SIX, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORTH OF OLD DACIA (GettoDacia, RomanDacia, LatinDacia), centered around of Teutonische Siebenbürgen and Magyar - Erdely, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which, over centuries, have been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Transsylvanialogos, or Siebenbürgenlogos, or Erdelylogos, is becoming, through its endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through the mass of Transylvania-emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above E-book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG SIX, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E-Book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E-Book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double or triple Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Logos rich heritage in all areas of human handcrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, which, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanaticism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross-fires of many adversities… Being of Unio Trio Logos


Book Description

…In order to be functional, a justice system, of a community, of a state or union of states, must be and must acted overall, including within itself, by having an equivalency of SYNERGETIC JUSTICE, i.e. justice acting and reacting in all directions within a community and society, including itself, finally, a form of ISOTONIC JUSTICE, having the same qualities and attributes in all level of a community or a societies, as ISOTROPOS JUSTICE, whatever in its expression of national and international area… …Justice system, must be and must become a natural possession of a society, a natural possession of itself, a phenomenon possession of itself, within its own empirical processes, having also, an intelligible possession of itself, all three as complementary determinants of rights of individual and of humanity, reflecting into oneself and themselves… …Justice system must be a consubstantiation of universal morality within the same natural coexisting ethics, asserting anytime the basic of true and righteousness, beyond of any bias through ideology and political doctrines of dominating in part the history of humanity! …The Justice itself, must embrace in any sentence, its own legality, based upon the constitution rules of that state, creating an intermixing between terrestrial and divine sensing of any sentence, making and remaking any time the history of true and real equalities of any jurisprudence dispute… …The Justice of humanity had begun through the first system of laws since Neolithic times (The Law of Tribe, of ca. about 10.000 – 3000 BPT - Before Present Times), followed by the Rules of Pharaoh in Old Egypt Empire (ca. 3100 – 31 BCE, Before Christ Era), then, by the Code of Hammurabi in Babylon (ca. 1750 BCE, containing 282 laws), then, by the Law of Moses through the percepts of Pentateuch in Old Jerusalem (ca. about 1100 BCE), then, by the laws of Good and Bad in Manicheism of Persian Empire (2nd Century BCE), or by the Buddhism rules of the Eight Noble Path (5th Century BCE), or Taoism of the Way and Confucianism in Old China Empire (5th Century BCE), followed by the lawgiver and statesman of Solon – One of the Seven Sages in Old Athene, (6th century BCE), then the Tables of Law in Old Rome (ca. about 509 BCE), or Code of Justinian in Byzantine Empire (ADE 529), then the Constitution of the United States in 1776, or Napoleon Code in 1802, or Treaty of European Union, in 2009 at Lisbon… Justicebeing


Book Description

The OnLine Book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG FIVE, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORTH OF OLD DACIA (GettoDacia, RomanDacia, LatinDacia), centered around of Teutonische Siebenbürgen, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which, over centuries, has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Transsylvanialogos, Siebenbürgenlogos or Erdelylogos, are becoming, through their endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through the mass of Transylvania-emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above E-book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG FIVE, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E - book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E-Book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double or triple Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Logos rich heritage in all areas of human handcrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, which, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanaticism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross-fires of many adversities, many of them being created by human oneself… Being of Unio Trio Logos


Book Description

The OnLine Book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG FOUR, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORTH OF OLD DACIA (GettoDacia, RomanDacia, LatinDacia), centered around of Teutonische Siebenbürgen, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which, over centuries, has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Transsylvanialogos, or Siebenbürgenlogos, or Erdelylogos, are becoming, through their endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through their folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through the mass of Transylvania-emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above E-book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG FOUR, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E - book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E-Book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double or triple Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Logos rich heritage in all areas of human handcrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, which, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanaticism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross-fires of many adversities, majority of them being created by oneself… Being of Unio Trio Logos


Book Description

The OnLine Book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG THREE, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORTH OF OLD DACIA (GettoDacia, RomanDacia, LatinDacia), centered around of Teutonische Siebenbürgen and Magyar - Erdely, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which, over centuries, has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Transsylvanialogos or Siebenbürgenlogos, or ERDELYLOGOS, are becoming, through their endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through the mass of Transylvania-emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above E-book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG THREE, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E - book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E-Book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double or triple Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism or Third Millennium Encyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Logos rich heritage in all areas of human handcrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, which, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanaticism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross-fires of many adversities, due to its own mistakes… Being of Unio Trio Logos


Book Description

…One can make a jump or a leap forward from the CONSTITUTION OF EUROPE, written by the author in the year of 2007, through CONSTITUTION OF EUROPEAN UNION, written by the same author 12 years later, towards a CONSTITUTION OF SAPIENS, our presentness hardworking? …For sure, it is our duty and right of our MODERN SAPIENS, reflecting and comprising the Species Sapiens as a whole, at least in its last ca. about 50.000 years, by coming from PREMODERN SAPIENS (between ca. 200.000 – 50.000 years) and ARCHAIC SAPIENS (between ca. about 500.000 – 200.000 years)! …Therefore, our answer is affirmative, in sensing that the present level of creativity of human through the AERA–1 of Philosophical Systems, can outreach a such task, overcoming all previous achievements into this area of human creativity (for sure in domain of Sapiens’ Constitution!) … …More than that, our twelve years of experience in fighting through Constitution of Europe, despite of some singular boasting, was not perceived at its real worthiness… …Could one explain a CONSTITUTION OF SAPIENS all chains – Big Chain of Unknowns – through the universe of 10 to power 18 seconds… …One Universe (in many ways, beyond of our comprehension), One Constellation (Virgo, beyond of our reaching), One Galaxy (Milky Way, beyond of direct human exploration), One Solar System (Sun System, in the beginning of human exploration), One Planetary System (Earth system, the best explored), One Genus (Homo Anthropos), One Species (Species Sapiens), a togetherness of ANTHROPOSAPIENS, and all, have been analyzed, reanalyzed, structured and restructured, systematize and re-systematize through our One and Unity of Philosophical Systems (Aera of Philosophical Systems)… It is our Sapiens, it is our Species, in its core of Humanness, Oneness multiplied through Temporal-Spatiality and Causality of the Universe?… …Therefore, let’s structure and analyze through the mindful eyes of Sapiens as Species, actually, a Standard Model of Sapiens, by reassessing the whole of cosmology through a philosophical system (a maximal generality thought and written by a Sapiens), the whole of our planetary biology through a philosophical system (also, a maximal generality thought and written by a Sapiens) and the whole of human ontology through a philosophical system (for sure, a maximal generality thought and written by a Sapiens, i.e., Sapiens through… Sapiens!)… Finally, we do need a Constitution worthy of our Sapiens… Sapiens! The whole of AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS is at your disposal! Sapiens! Show to the whole cosmos, to the whole biology and to the whole ontology that you are! Sapiens! Show to them, but primarily to yourself, who you were, who you are and who you will be! Sapiens! Put yourself in front of your achievements and of your fragilities, in front of your creativity without to forget and to forgive your power of destructivity, as a FRONTMANSAPIENS, for you and for all, asking always, not only what is the man itself, but what is the Species (Sapiens) for itself, with itself and through itself… Sapiens! Look at yourself, re-look at yourself, think at yourself, and rethink at yourself, in our Constitution Sapiens, Short Edition within a Classic Text of human! Constitutionalist of Sapiens


Book Description

The OnLine Book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG TWO, is dedicated to the history and creativity of the people of NORTH OF OLD DACIA (GettoDacia, RomanDacia, LatinDacia), centered around of Teutonische Siebenbürgen and Magyar Erdely, to their fight for freedom and independence throughout times, to their culture and to their civilizations, which, over centuries, has been overspread throughout the five continents of our planetary earth… Also, Siebenbürgenlogos, is becoming, through its endeavor of Christian Monasteries, since the era of Middle Age, through its folklore and rich ethnology and ethnography, and, in last decades, through the mass of Transylvania-emigrants overall in the world, becoming a strong part of Romanian Diaspora, i.e. of DIASPOROM, or DiaspoRom of five millions, widespread on 5 continents, as the fifth world’s province of the Old Carpathian – Danubian – Pontic territories… The above E-book, NAPOCENSIS BLISSBURG TWO, is the first book in our AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS, which belongs to two different sets of Philosophy, namely those of: X. PHILOSOPHY OF BLESSING (primarily) and XI. PHILOSOPHY OF MEDIOLOGY (secondarily) by making thus a parallelism to the double reference number of E-Book, through IPBN and through GGKEY… Also, the code of the E-Book for Google / Play / Book, will be in double or triple Code – Number, reflecting our expanded meaning of Neoencyclopaedism or NovumEncyclopaedism… Not in the least, the Logos rich heritage in all areas of human handcrafts, is showing its strong of Info – Tourismus – Force, which, despite of present times of crisis through uncontrolled migration, through black economy, through terrorism and fanaticism, or outbreak of a world viral infection, through a corona virus pandemic threatening, creating panic, fears and anxiety, within a humanity under cross-fires of many adversities… Being of Napocensis


Book Description

MOTTO Why are not enough the first three AERA of our previous AERAS, namely: AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 1) AERA OF SAPIENTOLOGICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 2) AERA OF VIDEOLOGICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 3) Being thus necessary a fourth thinkable and re-thinkable Creative System, the one of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM (AI SYSTEM), which in German Language is entitled as KÜNSTLISCHE INTELLIGENZ (KI), and both AI and KI are under the HYBRID INTELLIGENCE (of Human and Artificial alike) encoded as HI, by remaking out of the complex concept Hybrid a developing towards HYBRIDOLOGY and HYBRIDOLOGICUM, both in Sapiens interrelated the Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS)! INTELLENTOLOGY! INTELLENTONTOLOGY! INTELLENTOLOGICUM! Therefore, all three signification, AI-KI-HI, through a SYSTEM, are provable and demonstrable into the sameness extra enlargement and expansion of the Classic Human Brain (CHB), which still remains anatomically within the same limits of Classical Sapiens (CSS),but in abstract creativity is doing an unspeakable progress beyond of all previous frontiers! This impetus in development of technological systems more and more intelligent, more and more abstract, more and more comprehensive, more and more diversified, more and more amplified, more and more accelerated, by comprising here, at least for the time being, information, inspiration, intuition and initiation, widespread in areas of technology, of industry, of art, of anthropology, of sapientology, of cosmology, of astronomy, of geology and biology, into which all of them means ultimately, another big step up in development of duality Human – Machine, or a duality of Human – Technology, including the branches of Human – Over – Human – Robotics, or Humanoid – Robotics! The man itself, the human itself, the Sapient-o-Human development, its experiences, its visions, its outcomes, can make symbiosis with oneself, a crossing with its nature of creativity, within the nature-physis of endless philosophy, with tools out of stone, with tools out of bones, out of hood, or of synthetic feature, underlining once again the TOOL - MAKER - MAN, as Homo Faber, likewise a Proto – Sapiens – Being as Homo Loquens… Perhaps, the proto – language begun through the action of hand hitting the stone, enlarging thus the brain and the understanding of the world and of the proto – human oneself!... But now, within the present data, out of its own virtual reality and creativity, all being improved by the man itself and the machine itself, which machine might in turn overcome the man, by confronting the man itself, by changing and challenging even the human itself, even the Human – Sapient oneself in its own destiny and purposes… Could be or could become the Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI) the source and resource, the roots of final ending of the Sapient on the Earth?... By taking into account all probabilities and possibilities of the present daily evolution and revolution of the hyper-complexity of Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI), a recombination of the man itself with a machine created by the man itself, could develop a symbiosis of human-machine, which overcomes the Classic Species Sapiens (CSS), who dominated the life on Earth in the last of ca. 50.000 years, by entering within the Species Sapiens Techne (SST), into which the Sapiens still dominate the Universe of Technology, by reaching out in some area even the domination of Technology over Sapiens as TSS! In this way, within Artificial Intelligence (seen and analyzed Three Times Intelligence, i.e., AI-KI-HI), the letters themselves, the numbers themselves and the signs themselves, are becoming the WORD itself, the WORD itself is improved to the level of CONCEPT itself, and the WORD–CONCEPT DUALITY in their speeding up developing, in their accelerated and amplifying structures, is giving the outcome of the BOOK itself, in its CLASSICAL BOOK (CB), in its digital book as E-BOOK, or in its VIRTUAL BOOK as V-BOOK! It is a form, a derivative structure of Hindu Philosophy here, called AVATAR? Avatar as embodiment of a Deity, its soul, its spirit, its principle, into a Human Being, into a Hybrid Human Being? Avatar as a descent of heaven Deity, a released soul and spirit and principle on Earth, by rethinking thus a reconciliation between Terra Incognita with Sapiens Incognita and Heaven Incognita! Avatar as a Seeker of reuniting of dream and reality, of World Wide Web( WWW) with Sky World Web ( SWW), by going through ENS WORLD WEB (EWW). Avatar as Being of Earth (GEOAVATAR), as Being of Sapiens (ENSAVATAR) as Being of Heaven (SKYAVATAR). Avatar as a Being coming out of Sapiens, as Being-of-Sapiens, then taking the final syllable of SA-PI-ENS, being thus re-baptized as ENSAVATAR!... Avatar by giving itself a sense of Being in the World… Only this multitude concepts of Avatar, is remaking the Books through ENSBOOK in development, of the same double “E” - BOOK in diversity, is showing the evolution and the revolution of the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (in its three times of AI - KI - HI), with its versions in German Language as KÜNSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ (KI) and HYBRID INTELLIGENCE (HI), which will be used and reused interchangeably at any reference, or inter-reference or cross-reference in our ENSSANSKRIT SAPIENS, which in turn, is becoming an ENSSANSKRIT SAPIENS - 1! What really means ENS in our Book of Dialectical CHAT? ENS is a shortages from the Species Sapiens, being thought and rethought as ENS, i.e., as BEING of the Species Sapiens (Being-as-Being, as ENS QUA ENS )! Within ENS will be comprise the whole of German Idealist connotation of Being as: A - SEIN = BEING in its maximal generality! B - DASEIN = BEING HERE, on this planetary system! C - MITDASEIN = COBEING HERE, together with all past geological and biological times, influencing and restructuring all basic features of the Planetary Life System! It is possible to rethink the ENS INTO ONESELF RECHATING? Would be ENS a synthesis out of Sapiens! Is ENS a Being (SEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS a Being – here (DASEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS is a CO-BEING – here (MITDASEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS a triad of Being empowering the Sapiens oneself! Is ENS a living self-consciousness of the whole of Sapiens! Is ENS a symbiosis between Sapiens and Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI) Is ENS the dialectic vector of history of the whole Sapiens, in overcoming oneself towards a better Sapient-o-Technology, towards a Sapient-o-post-human-industry, towards Sapient-o-Epistemology, including here Sapiens-in-Art (ARSSAPIENS), Sapiens-in-in Philosophy, Sapiens-in-in Psychology and Sapiens-in-Theology? The writer itself is now the reader itself, the explorer itself is now the surveyor itself, the survival itself is now the fighter itself, by assuming a strong competition beyond of its own Species, beyond of its own individuality and classical personality, finally, becoming a semi – human – made – device, an Hybrid Intelligence System (HIS), between biology and technology, between anatomy and epistemology, both inspired by Bionics, by Cloning, by Robotics, all resounding in biology, in epistemology and technology alike! It is more than obvious, that the Cyber technology of today’s, is becoming a real Industry wide-spreading over all into the world (World Wide Web = WWW), through which the Abstract Knowledge is Industry itself, having reached out a Knowledge Industry Sapiens (KIS)!! As a terrible development of human invention and technology, of human discovery and epistemology, of human and post - human industry and axiology, it is necessary to redefine the Man itself, the Sapiens itself by taking into account some old ideas out of Hinduism Upanishad, regarding the definition of the Almighty Creator of Brahman, who can be define with qualities, with attributes, as BRAGMAN SAGUNA, or can be defined in a reverse way, without qualities, without attributes, as BRAHMAN NIRGUNA! Here must be added that, the Christian Mystic of Dyonisos Areopagita, has underlined the same thesis in his Apophatic and Cataphatic way of definition of God! Thus a MAN – SAGUNA (SAPIENS – SAGUNA) means a upright posture of the man, means free – hands, means brain enlarged in volume and weight in relation with the weight of anatomical individuality, larynx lowering in neck, presence of consciousness, of articulated language, symbolic alphabet, abstract thinking, technology of tools, culture and civilizations, art, religion, industry, Bionics, Cloning, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence… Thus a MAN – NIRGUNA (SAPIENS – NIRGUNA), means a negation of these qualities or attributes, by saying that the Man (Sapiens) is not immortal, is not forever without possible replacement by his / her own technology and epistemology, that the Man (Sapiens) is not a divine Deity or Semi – Deity, that the Man (Sapiens) is not the alone intelligence within Universe, that the Man (Sapiens has not the power of creating through UNCAUSAL LOGOS, the Man – Sapiens has not the power of being with ABSOLUTE POWERS within Universe, Man – Sapiens has no qualities of naming oneself as the Peak of Evolution, because he / she has not the power of Creation and Evolution of the Universe (CREVO) or the power of Genesis plus Evolution (GENEVO)… To these multitude of questions with very difficult answers, to these multitude of dilemma, to these multitude of labyrinth ways, we the author coming out of Classic Sapiens, is trying to cope with our Online Book, ENSSANSKRIT SAPIENS – 1! AI Sapientologist


Book Description

…AGNOSTOS AKADEMOS… What is known makes me proud, what is uncertain makes me aware, and what is not known, makes me to be anxious, or to become fearsome… …AGNOSTOS BLISSBURG…What is unknowable, AGNOSTOS, send me direct to the transcendent supreme principle, through which DEITY IS BEYOND OF HUMAN BEING, and therefore, the realm of divinity cannot be apprehended directly by human senses, whatever in its physical, theological or metaphysical perceptions… …AGNOSTOS AKADEMOS BLISSBURG…What is Unknown – AGNOSTOS, makes me to be excluded to the participation, METHEXIS, to the creativity of the ONE or ONENESS, because the ONE – HEN, or ONENESS – HEN, has been the ARCHE (ultimate un – demonstrable principle and substance, of all things, of all processes, of all events and of all phenomena), which are beyond of any kind of human comprehension and understanding… …AGNOSTOS ONE – HEN…The uniqueness transcendence of the ONE – HEN or ONENESS – HEN, (Almighty to the Almighty, Alone to the Alone, Big Unknown towards Big Unknown), which could be reflected within us through faith, which could be grasp within us through intuition, faith and intuition as the true unity of the presence, of PAROUSIA, within us, within ourselves of the ONE – HEN or ONENESS – HEN… …AGNOSTOS ONENESS – HEN… The Single - One - Hen, the First - One - Hen, the Omniscient - One - Hen, who is beyond of any kind of creature or any kind of Being, beyond of any kind of Idea, beyond of any kind of Concept, beyond of any kind of Eidos, the Biggest AGNOSTOS – ONE – HEN, could be and could become the greatest sense of human knowledge, the deepest search and research of human endeavor in overcoming oneself and ourselves… Beingness towards Agnostos


Book Description

…MEDIOLOGY BLISSBURG… The way through which a single media in news, in breaking-news, carrying the smallest information, paved the way of Multi-Media Giant of triad Information – Inspiration – Intuition, all being seen primarily as the first instinct of communication, whatever the single cell, cell – signaling of the archetypal Earth, or multi – cells of human neurons as Human – signaling… …MEDIOLOGY BLISSBURG… This Mass of Humanness Communication (of receiving news, of working and reworking news, of emitting news), through press in classic or digital format, through radio, through TV, through fax, through internet, through telephone or smart – phone, generating a huge logos of Media, as MEDIOLOGY, as ALMIGHTY MEDIOLOGY, fighting day and night, changing every second and challenging consciousness and indolence, in imposing its own seal of news overcoming news… …MEDIOLOGY BLISSBURG… A form of human knowledge, which primarily is spiritual and rational, because it contains ideas in motion and emotion, in words, in numbers, in signs and in video (static or dynamic), acting always towards an end, as an underlying principle of our society of events, of processes, of phenomena, always in struggle for domination or clarification… …MEDIOLOGY BLISSBURG… If MEDIOLOGY is spiritual and rational, then, the MEDIOLOGY is a form of soul – principle of our society, i.e., a living soul as PSYCHE, as breath of intelligent – life, a vital communicating principle, whatever in science, in researching, in technology, in economy, industry, in politics, in art, in education, or entertainment… …MEDIOLOGY BLISSBURG… If MEDIOLOGY is spiritual, rational and educational, then, the same MEDIOLOGY is a basic nature of human society, having thus, its own physical and metaphysical PHYSIS, by setting and resetting the theory of society into praxis of activity, by having its own efficient cause throughout of human organization, KINOUN effect, becoming an object of intelligible, therefore a NOETON place of MEDIOLOGY FORMS, a really TOPOS EIDON MEDIOLOGY… Mediologist of Mediology