Napoleon's German Artillery

Book Description

First study of Napoleon's German artillery.

Napoleonic Artillery

Book Description

The Napoleonic Wars gripped Europe, and beyond, for over ten years at the beginning of the Nineteenth century. Hundreds of battles were fought between the armies of France (and its allies) and all those powers that wished to see Napoleon Bonaparte stopped in his tracks and an end to the French Empire. The battles and sieges of the Napoleonic Wars, which cost the lives of between 3 and 6 million men, made unprecedented use of large guns, and every participating army possessed a range of artillery. With the wars covering such a long period of time, and with so many armies involved, the subject of Napoleonic artillery is a complicated one, and no work has attempted to examine all the weapons involved in a single, detailed volume. Until now. The product of years of research, this book presents most of what is known about the artillery pieces of the Napoleonic Wars. Including numerous drawings, contemporary illustrations and modern photographs of surviving guns, it will be an invaluable addition to the library of historians, modellers, wargamers and re-enactors.

Artillery of the Napoleonic Wars: A Concise Dictionary, 1792–1815

Book Description

A comprehensive military history reference book exploring all aspects of the artillery used during the Napoleonic Wars. Napoleon began his military career as an artillery cadet and artillery played a fundamental part in all his great battles. Until the Napoleonic Wars artillery had been seen merely as a supporting arm to the infantry, but Napoleon changed everything. He massed his guns in huge batteries to blast holes in his opponent’s line. He even used the artillery to charge the enemy, the gunners galloping up to the enemy to open fire at pointblank range. Napoleon’s opponents did not all follow suit, choosing other tactical deployments. As a result, the Napoleonic era, more than any that preceded or followed it, was one of fascinating artillery maneuvers and critical actions that changed the course of many of the key battles. As the Prussian Field Marshal Blucher once observed, “Against Napoleon you needed guns – and lots of them!” The Napoleonic Wars was also a time of innovation, with the introduction of shrapnel shells and military rockets. This book will examine the artillery arms of all sides from ‘muzzle to butt plate’. As well as the significant artillerymen of the period, the scientists, and innovators, military and civilian—individuals such as Robins, Belidor, Gribeauval and his colleagues, Maritz, Liechtenstein and his collaborators, as well as the du Teil brothers – will all be examined, as will the important battles and sieges, significant memoirs and documents, and artillery terms that soon became part of the military lexicon. Written by the renowned historian Kevin F. Kiley, this will be the definitive book on the subject and will cover all aspects of artillery in the Napoleonic Wars. “This is a wonderfully complete induction into the details of Napoleonic Artillery. As well as defining some of the archaic terms associated with the art of gunnery (note; point blank is not what we mostly believe it to be) it provides background to the careers of the key characters in the science. The book contains many excellent technical drawings to explain, sketches and images to inform and data tables in the appendix to which to refer. Overall, it is an indispensable aid to understanding the artillery of the period.” —Michael McCarthy, battlefield guide

Artillery of the Napoleonic Wars, 1792–1815

Book Description

An extensive look at the large-caliber guns of the Napoleonic period, the battles in which they were used, and the important figures in those conflicts. In this heavily researched study, Kevin Kiley examines Napoleon’s own artillery as well as that employed by his enemies, and he evaluates the gunners’ contribution to warfare in the period. By looking at particular battles in detail, Kevin Kiley shows just how the effective employment of artillery could tip the scales of victory. Artillery of the Napoleonic Wars reveals much of the technical aspects of gunnery during the period—how guns were placed, their range, what calibers were preferred, how artillery operates. It examines French artillery, including that of the Imperial Guard, and compares it to that of Britain, Russia, and Austria; it also looks at many of the personalities involved and the difference between good gunnery and mediocre artillery. Illustrated with beautiful line drawings and rare contemporary plates, this unique book reveals a whole new dimension to the Napoleonic period. Based on years of research into regulations of the period, eyewitness accounts of artillerymen, and material culled from official reports, this is a definitive account. “This must undoubtedly become the standard work for anyone interested in the artillery of the period.” —Waterloo Journal

With Eagles to Glory

Book Description

Napoleon's Last Campaign in Germany

Book Description

Having escaped the disaster of the Russian campaign of 1812, Napoleon set out to defeat a coalition of epic proportions, who had coalesced to change the French preponderance of power on the Continent. Leaving his stepson Eugène with the shattered remnants of the Grande Armée in northern Germany, Napoleon’s great organisation skills would be used to the full to replace his depleted ranks. Short of cavalry, to scout and follow up any victory and with in-experienced troops, Napoleon struck at the Allied armies with vigour and energy, not wholly seconded by his subordinates. The battles of Lützen and Bautzen proved that he had the will and drive to beat his opponents, but time was running out. As losses mounted, including Grand Marshal of the Palace Duroc and Marshal Bessières, Napoleon could not hope to be everywhere at once. Oudinot was beaten at Gross-Beeren, Vandamme was destroyed at Kulm, Macdonald defeated on the Katzbach and Ney at Dennewitz, the hopes of the French were also brutally dashed by the Austrians joining the ranks of their enemies. The dénouement would be the largest battle known to man at that point in history, fought over three days the battle of Leipzig was rightly known as the “Battle of Nations”, two thousand cannon and nearly six hundred thousand men would pound, charge, fire, and die to change the face of Europe. Continuing on in the series of books, after Napoleon and the Archduke Charles, Petre’s monumental summation of the 1813 campaigns in Germany is still relevant fresh and excellently researched, balanced. Author – Francis Lorraine Petre OBE - (1852–1925)

Weapons and Equipment of the Napoleonic Wars

Book Description

Udrustning; Udstyr; Artilleriet; Carriages; Howitzers; Gribeauval System; Gun-drill; Projectiler; Roundshot; Shrapnels; Siege-trains; Canister; Common Shell; Heste; Militære Heste; Ammunition; Carronades; Muskets; Feltposter; Pistols; Manual Exercise; Medical Services; Light Cavalry; Light Infantry; Jägers; Irregulars; Infanteriet; Gunpowder; Grenadiers; Fusiliers; Befæstninger; Forsvarsværker; Artilleriet; Bayonetter; Bivouacs; Bivauakker; Wad-Hooks; Mule-trains; Militærmusik; Transport; Wurst-wagen; Waggons; Sværd; Sabler; Surgeons; Skirmishes; Sabres; Rifles; Rifle Corps; Rationer; Disciplinære Straffe; Soldaterliv; Feltliv; Taktik; Trunnions.

Napoleon's Guns 1792–1815 (1)

Book Description

As a young gunner, Napoleon Bonaparte was trained in one of Europe's finest artillery arms. Both the technological sophistication of their weaponry and the skill of their gunners was largely the result of the adoption of the system devised by one man, Jean-Baptiste Vaquette de Gribeauval. Gribeauval's standardised system of parts and calibres allowed a degree of uniformity and sophistication in the French artillery that was unmatched throughout Europe, and allowed Napoleon to inherit and develop an arm that could dominate the battlefield. This volume covers the field artillery pieces of the system: the 4-, 8- and 12-pdr guns; light 1-pdr guns and mountain guns; and later innovations such as the 6-pdr gun.