NASA Ames Laminar Flow Supersonic Wind Tunnel (Lfswt) Tests of a 10 Deg Cone at Mach 1. 6

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This work is part of the ongoing qualification of the NASA Ames Laminar Flow Supersonic Wind Tunnel (LFSWT) as a low-disturbance (quiet) facility suitable for transition research. A 10 deg cone was tested over a range of unit Reynolds numbers (Re = 2.8 to 3.8 million per foot (9.2 to 12.5 million per meter)) and angles of incidence (O deg to 10 deg) at Mach 1.6. The location of boundary layer transition along the cone was measured primarily from surface temperature distributions, with oil flow interferometry and Schlieren flow visualization providing confirmation measurements. With the LFSWT in its normal quiet operating mode, no transition was detected on the cone in the test core, over the Reynolds number range tested at zero incidence and yaw. Increasing the pressure disturbance levels in the LFSWT test section by a factor of five caused transition onset on the cone within the test core, at zero incidence and yaw. When operating the LFSWT in its normal quiet mode, transition could only be detected in the test core when high angles of incidence (greater than 5 deg) for cones were set. Transition due to elevated pressure disturbances (Tollmien-Schlichting) and surface trips produced a skin temperature rise of order 4 F (2.2 C). Transition due to cross flows on the leeward side of the cone at incidence produced a smaller initial temperature rise of only order 2.5 F (1.4 C), which indicates a slower transition process. We can conclude that these cone tests add further proof that the LFSWT test core is normally low-disturbance (pressure fluctuations greater than 0.1%), as found by associated direct flow quality measurements discussed in this report. Furthermore, in a quiet test environment, the skin temperature rise is sensitive to the type of dominant instability causing transition. The testing of a cone in the LFSWT provides an excellent experiment for the development of advanced transition detection techniques. Wolf, Stephen W. D. and Laub, James A. Ames Research C...

Effect of Heating and Cooling Strips on Boundary Layer Stability of Nozzles and Test Sections of Supersonic Wind Tunnels

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The objective of the research is to understand supersonic laminar flow stability, transition, and active control. Some prediction techniques will be developed or modified to analyze laminar flow stability. The effects of supersonic laminar flow with distributed heating and cooling on active control will be studied. The primary tasks of the research applying to the NASA/Ames Proof of Concept (POC) Supersonic Wind Tunnel and Laminar Flow Supersonic Wind Tunnel (LFSWT) nozzle design with laminar flow control are as follows: (1) predictions of supersonic laminar boundary layer stability and transition, (2) effects of wall heating and cooling for supersonic laminar flow control, and (3) performance evaluation of POC and LFSWT nozzles design with wall heating and cooling effects applying at different locations and various length. Lo, Ching F. Unspecified Center...

Development of a Quiet Supersonic Wind Tunnel with a Cryogenic Adaptive Nozzle

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Low-disturbance or 'quiet' wind tunnels are now considered an essential part of meaningful boundary layer transition research. Advances in Supersonic Laminar Flow Control (SLFC) technology for swept wings depends on a better understanding of the receptivity of the transition phenomena to attachment-line contamination and cross-flows. This need has provided the impetus for building the Laminar Flow Supersonic Wind Tunnel (LFSWT) at NASA-Ames, as part of the NASA High Speed Research Program (HSRP). The LFSWT was designed to provide NASA with an unequaled capability for transition research at low supersonic Mach numbers (

Cone-Probe Rake Design and Calibration for Supersonic Wind Tunnel Models

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A series of experimental investigations were conducted at the NASA Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel (UPWT) to calibrate cone-probe rakes designed to measure the flow field on 1-2% scale, high-speed wind tunnel models from Mach 2.15 to 2.4. The rakes were developed from a previous design that exhibited unfavorable measurement characteristics caused by a high probe spatial density and flow blockage from the rake body. Calibration parameters included Mach number, total pressure recovery, and flow angularity. Reference conditions were determined from a localized UPWT test section flow survey using a 10deg supersonic wedge probe. Test section Mach number and total pressure were determined using a novel iterative technique that accounted for boundary layer effects on the wedge surface. Cone-probe measurements were correlated to the surveyed flow conditions using analytical functions and recursive algorithms that resolved Mach number, pressure recovery, and flow angle to within +/-0.01, +/-1% and +/-0.1deg , respectively, for angles of attack and sideslip between +/-8deg. Uncertainty estimates indicated the overall cone-probe calibration accuracy was strongly influenced by the propagation of measurement error into the calculated results. Won, Mark J. Ames Research Center 537-07-20...

Low-speed Wind Tunnel Testing of the NPS/NASA Ames Mach 6 Optimized Waverider

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Low-speed wind tunnel tests were conducted to determine the subsonic aerodynamic characteristics of an optimized supersonic (Mach 6) conical-flow waverider designed for a deck-launched intercept mission. These tests are part of the continuing waverider research being conducted by the Naval Postgraduate School and the NASA Ames Research Center. The tests consisted of performing Alpha and Beta sweeps, at different dynamic pressures, with a 15 inch aluminum waverider model in the NPS low-speed wind tunnel. Force and moment data were then collected using a six-degree-of-freedom sting balance. Coefficients of lift, drag and pitch were calculated from the data and compared to theory and existing waverider subsonic aerodynamic performance data. Flow visualization using tufts was also done. The results of the experiments show that waverider exhibits high lift characteristics at positive angles of attack. The design also compares favorably with both subsonic thin airfoil theory and the results of the delta wing and subsonic waverider analysis done by Vanhoy. However, flow visualization showed that vortex bursting occurred at a dynamic pressure of 12. llbf at +/-15 degrees angle of attack. Based upon the data collected in this analysis, the development of an actual waverider aircraft using the NPS/NASA ames waverider design as a baseline is a plausible endeavor.

NASA Glenn 1-By 1-Foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel User Manual

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This manual describes the NASA Glenn Research Center's 1 - by 1 -Foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel and provides information for customers who wish to conduct experiments in this facility. Tunnel performance envelopes of total pressure, total temperature, and dynamic pressure as a function of test section Mach number are presented. For each Mach number, maps are presented of Reynolds number per foot as a function of the total air temperature at the test section inlet for constant total air pressure at the inlet. General support systems-such as the service air, combustion air, altitude exhaust system, auxiliary bleed system, model hydraulic system, schlieren system, model pressure-sensitive paint, and laser sheet system are discussed. In addition, instrumentation and data processing, acquisition systems are described, pretest meeting formats and schedules are outlined, and customer responsibilities and personnel safety are addressed.Seablom, Kirk D. and Soeder, Ronald H. and Stark, David E. and Leone, John F. X. and Henry, Michael W.Glenn Research CenterMACH NUMBER; REYNOLDS NUMBER; SUPERSONIC WIND TUNNELS; SUPERSONIC FLOW; TEST CHAMBERS; DATA ACQUISITION; MANUALS; WIND TUNNEL NOZZLES; DYNAMIC PRESSURE; WIND TUNNEL TESTS