National Courts and EU Law

Book Description

National Courts and EU Law examines both how and why national courts and judges are involved in the process of legal integration within the European Union. As well as reviewing conventional thinking, the book presents new legal and empirical insights into the issue of judicial behaviour in this process. The expert contributors provide a critical analysis of the key questions, examining the role of national courts in relation to the application of various EU legal instruments.

Private Enforcement of EU Law Before National Courts

Book Description

Private Enforcement of EU Law before National Courts successfully illustrates how legal actions brought by private parties can be instrumental in strengthening compliance with EU law. Through a detailed examination of selected EU legislation across the fields of procurement, intellectual property rights, consumer protection, and competition law, Folkert Wilman compares various remedies and procedures in which private parties have been utilised in the redress of grievances under EU law. An essential reference work for practicing lawyers acting before domestic courts in matters of EU Law, this timely publication offers new insights into private enforcement as a supplementary enforcement instrument, and offers clarity on how such a tool impacts on contractual remedies, procedural issues and the role of judicial review.

National Courts and the Application of EU Law

Book Description

This book presents the case law of Polish courts, namely the Supreme Court, administrative courts and the Constitutional Tribunal, in which the principles of EU law have been successfully applied. It discusses how Polish courts apply principles of consistent interpretation, primacy and direct effect of EU law in their daily adjudicating practice in order to ensure effet utile of EU law, resulting in effective protection of individuals' rights derived from the EU legal order. The book explores the legal nature of these principles and, in particular, the requirement that national rules that are found to be incompatible with legally binding and enforceable EU law should be disapplied by the domestic courts. It explains Polish courts’ reasoning concerning the inseparable relationship between the principle of primacy of EU law and the remedy of disapplication of national law. As the guidelines provided for the national courts by the Court of Justice of the European Union are often quite vague, the work will be important and useful for academics and practitioners from different European jurisdictions to observe the manner in which these principles of EU law are applied in jurisdictions other than their own.

National Courts and Preliminary References to the Court of Justice

Book Description

This innovative book examines why national courts refer preliminary references to the European Court of Justice (ECJ), and what the referring court does with the answers. Jasper Krommendijk highlights the three core stages in the interaction between national courts and the ECJ: question, answer and follow-up, shedding new light on this under-explored area.

Standing to Enforce European Union Law before National Courts

Book Description

Access to court has long been recognised as an essential element of a Union based on the rule of law. This book asks, how can Member States ensure that their rules on standing guarantee that right? The book answers this question by analysing the requirements of EU law from two angles: first, the effective protection of Union rights; second, the effectiveness of Union law per se. With detailed case law examination, the book formulates an autonomous Union law doctrine of standing based on the principle of effective judicial protection. It then goes further, setting out an effectiveness test of Member States' enforcement mechanisms, to ensure that EU law is rendered operative in practice. This is a rigorous study on a question of immense importance.

European Union Rights in National Courts

Book Description

Where there are rights granted by the EU law, there must be legal instruments serving their execution in national law. Because the main task of enforcing the provisions of EU law rests with the Member Statesè^-- institutions, ensuring the enforcement by national courts or administrative agencies of the rights of private entities is of particular importance.

EU Law and Integration

Book Description

This book contains a collection of articles on different aspects of EU law written by one of Europe's most distinguished jurists during the past twenty years, some of which appear here for the first time in English. The book includes a Preface by Judge Koen Lenaerts, Vice-President of the European Court of Justice. The book is divided into five parts, covering EU constitutional law, the EU's judicial architecture, access to justice, European competition law and various other aspects of substantive EU law. In the field of EU constitutional law, the central text discusses the existence of implied material limits to the revision of the Treaties. The author argues that the powers of the Member States to amend the Treaties is limited by the existence of a hard core of principles of EU Treaty law, which cannot be revised without changing the 'constitutional' identity of the Union, leading to the conclusion that Member States can no longer be considered as the 'absolute masters of the Treaties'. Four articles relating to the EU's judicial system constitute the cornerstone of the collection. Drawing on his own experiences, the author examines the problems and challenges facing the setting up of a new EU court and explores different lines of reform of the EU judicial system.

The Interim Protection of Individuals Before the European and National Courts

Book Description

This thesis focuses on the interim protection of the individual in the Community legal order. An analysis will be made of the avenues available to individuals for requesting interim relief when a case is brought before the European or the national courts. An extensive examination of the relevant case law will be performed to reveal what appears to be an evolving concept of the individual's interim protection in the European Community structure and to suggest any possible changes in order to guarantee an effective remedy of interim relief.

The Relationship Between European Community Law and National Law

Book Description

This is the first comprehensive collection of court decisions dealing exclusively with the relationship between European Community law and the national laws of the Member States. It contains 90 decisions given between 1962 and 1993 by both the Community's Court of Justice (20 cases) and the courts of the 12 Member States (70 cases). The volume includes the recent decisions of national courts concerning the Maastricht Treaty. Key recurring topics of the decisions are the supremacy and direct effect of Community law, its impact on national sovereignty and constitutional rights, and the remedies available before national courts for its enforcement. All the texts are presented in English, having been translated wherever necessary. Each decision is preceded by a concise summary and key-word heading. The volume also includes a systematic introduction, digest of key-word headings, table of cases, and detailed index.