Intelligent Transportation Systems Infrastructure Initiative

Book Description

The booklet provides a brief description of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) initiative, its vision, mission, goals and strategic objectives.

The National Architecture for ITS

Book Description

This booklet provides a general introduction to the National Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Architecture. The Architecture is the first step toward achieving the vision Congress put forth for ITS in 1991: a vision of a seamless, multimodal, national intelligent transportation system that would have a consistent character across the country. The following questions are addressed: What's the National Architecture Program really all about? What is the National Architecture? What does it do for ITS? How did a National Architecture develop? What does the National Architecture look like? What does the Architecture tell us? What happens next? Where can I get more information?

National Transportation Technology Plan

Book Description

National Transportation Science and Technology Strategy

Book Description

The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Committee on Technology, Subcommittee on Transportation Research and Development (R & D), has created a National Transportation Science and Technology Strategy that builds on the earlier strategy published in 1997. Like its predecessor, the National Strategy is intended to help Congress and the Administration establish national transportation R & D priorities and coordinated research activities. The National Strategy articulates goals for transportation system safety, mobility and access, economic growth, the environment and national security. It proposes the broader involvement of state, local and tribal agencies; academic institutions; and private industry in national transportation R & D strategic planning and system assessment, private-public technology partnerships, enabling research and transportation education and training.