National Mitigation Strategy

Book Description

In response to the unacceptable loss of life and property from recent natural disasters, and the awesome prospect of even greater, catastrophic loss in the future, the National Mitigation Strategy (NMS) was developed to provide a conceptual framework to reduce these losses. Hazard mitigation involves recognizing and adapting to natural forces and is defined as any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to human life and property. Contents: why a NMS? designing the strategy; basic principles and goals of the NMS; major elements and strategic objectives of the NMS; mitigation action plan. Tables.

A Safer Future

Book Description

Initial priorities for U.S. participation in the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, declared by the United Nations, are contained in this volume. It focuses on seven issues: hazard and risk assessment; awareness and education; mitigation; preparedness for emergency response; recovery and reconstruction; prediction and warning; learning from disasters; and U.S. participation internationally. The committee presents its philosophy of calls for broad public and private participation to reduce the toll of disasters.

Assessment of Proposed Partnerships to Implement a National Landslide Hazards Mitigation Strategy

Book Description

Landslides are a component of those agents of nature that transport rock and soil from mountains or hillsides to streams, lakes and seas, where new sedimentary rocks begin to form. Therefore, as well as destructive forces that can be induced by human activity, landslides are part of the earth's natural cyclic process of uplift, erosion, and sedimentation. With the growth of human population and the increasing habitation of ever-steeper slopes and higher altitudes, Man is both experiencing the effects of landslides and causing landslides with increasing frequency. These adverse effects include loss of life, injury, and damage to public and private works, as well as environmental damage. Accordingly, it is an opportune time to address the hazard posed by landslides, and to assess strategies to mitigate that hazard. Assessment of Proposed Partnerships to Implement a National Landslide Hazards Mitigation Strategy: Interim Reports is an interim statement addressing the U.S. Geological Survey's proposal for a national landslide hazards mitigation strategy. The scope of this interim report is constrained to assessing whether all the partners necessary for such a national strategy have been identified by the proposal-conclusions and recommendations to address the remainder of the statement of task will be presented in the committee's final report (e.g., will include comments regarding effective partnership implementation; funding strategies required for an effective mitigation program; and the balance between different components of a national strategy). In addition, in this interim report the committee offers a number of comments intended as interim guidance for the U.S. Geological Survey as it continues to plan a national strategy.

Building Safer Communities: Training to Support the National Mitigation Strategy

Book Description

The Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Mitigation Strategy presents 'A Vision for Safer Communities in the Future, ' looking toward the year 2010 as a time when 'All new structures, including critical facilities and infrastructure, will be built to national multi-hazard standards incorporated into building codes that have been adopted and enforced by municipalities, counties, and States.' The Strategy not only articulates FEMA's mitigation vision and goals, but defines strategic objectives for reaching those goals. In the area of applied research and technology transfer, FEMA and its partners are directed to 'evaluate state of the art technologies for the dissemination of research results to the user community.' A companion objective in the area of public awareness, training and education requires 'an assessment of the most effective use of information technologies such as the Internet and other media to disseminate information on natural hazards and mitigation. . . .' This paper is the outgrowth of a search for effective ways of meeting those objectives. This paper explores the feasiblity of encouraging practicing architects and engineers to incorporate research findings in the design of new structures by providing training on-demand, in the form of Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS), via the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW).

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Desk Reference (FEMA 345)

Book Description

FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program is a powerful resource in the combined effort by Federal, State, and local government, as well as private industry and homeowners, to end the cycle of repetitive disaster damage. The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act was passed on November 23, 1988, amending Public Law 93-288, the Disaster Relief Act of 1974. The Stafford Act included Section 404, which established the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. In 1993, the Hazard Mitigation and Relocation Act amended Section 404 to increase the amount of HMGP funds available and the cost-share to 75 percent Federal. This amendment also encouraged the use of property acquisition and other non-structural flood mitigation measures. In an effort to streamline HMGP delivery, FEMA encourages States to develop their mitigation programs before disaster strikes. States are adopting a more active HMGP management role. Increased capabilities may include: Conducting comprehensive all-hazard mitigation planning prior to disaster events; Providing applicants technical assistance on sound mitigation techniques and hazard mitigation policy and procedures; Coordinating mitigation programs through interagency teams or councils. Conducting benefit-cost analyses; and Preparing National Environmental Policy Act reviews for FEMA approval. States that integrate the HMGP with their frequently updated State Administrative and Hazard Mitigation Plans will create cohesive and effective approaches to loss reduction. This type of coordinated approach minimizes the distinction between “predisaster” and “post-disaster” time periods, and instead produces an ongoing mitigation effort. Hazard mitigation is any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from natural hazards and their effects. A key purpose of the HMGP is to ensure that the opportunity to take critical mitigation measures to protect life and property from future disasters is not lost during the recovery and reconstruction process following a disaster. Program grant funds available under Section 404 of the Stafford Act provide States with the incentive and capability to implement mitigation measures that previously may have been infeasible. The purpose of this Desk Reference is to: Provide comprehensive information about FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP); Increase awareness of the HMGP as an integral part of statewide hazard mitigation efforts; and Encourage deeper commitments and increased responsibilities on the part of all States and communities to reduce damage and losses from natural disasters. This Desk Reference is organized to simplify program information and assist the reader with practical guidance for successful participation in the program. Lists of program-related acronyms and definitions are included, along with appendices that amplify selected aspects of the HMGP. This Desk Reference is organized into 14 sections, each of which presents a major HMGP subject area. In each section, information is presented on the right side of the page. In several sections, job aids containing supplemental material are provided. The job aids for each section can be found at the end of the section. At the front of each section, there is a detailed table of contents to help you locate specific information.

Building Safer Communities

Book Description

The Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Mitigation Strategy presents 'A Vision for Safer Communities in the Future, ' looking toward the year 2010 as a time when 'All new structures, including critical facilities and infrastructure, will be built to national multi-hazard standards incorporated into building codes that have been adopted and enforced by municipalities, counties, and States.' The Strategy not only articulates FEMA's mitigation vision and goals, but defines strategic objectives for reaching those goals. In the area of applied research and technology transfer, FEMA and its partners are directed to 'evaluate state of the art technologies for the dissemination of research results to the user community.' A companion objective in the area of public awareness, training and education requires 'an assessment of the most effective use of information technologies such as the Internet and other media to disseminate information on natural hazards and mitigation. . . .' This paper is the outgrowth of a search for effective ways of meeting those objectives. This paper explores the feasiblity of encouraging practicing architects and engineers to incorporate research findings in the design of new structures by providing training on-demand, in the form of Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS), via the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW).