Book Description

Based on knowledge attained through his highly-trained clairvoyance, Rudolf Steiner contends that folk traditions regarding nature spirits are based on spiritual reality. He describes how people possessed a natural spiritual vision in ancient times, enabling them to commune with nature spirits. These entities - which are also referred to as elemental beings - became immortalised as fairies and gnomes in myth, legend and children's stories. Today, says Steiner, the instinctive understanding that humanity once had for these elemental beings should be transformed into clear scientific knowledge. He even asserts that humanity will not be able to reconnect with the spiritual world if it cannot develop a new relationship to the elementals. The nature spirits themselves want to be of great assistance to us, acting as 'emissaries of higher divine spiritual beings'.

Nature Spirits and What They Say

Book Description

‘I can perceive spiritual beings in my surroundings... I can communicate with higher spirit beings of either an elemental or non-elemental kind, when they are willing. I can perceive the human aura, as well as certain areas of the astral plane... I can see the aura of plants and animals. I can speak with the guardian beings of plants and animals, inasmuch as they’re interested...’ – Verena Staël von Holstein Verena has learned to see and speak to elemental and nature beings. What’s more, she is able to translate their language into human terminology and thought. In this remarkable book, seventeen nature spirits are interviewed through her, almost as if these beings were sitting in front of us. Through the conversations we learn what spirits of fire, air, water and stone have to say – as well as hearing from beings of glass, silver, salt, paper, and even spirits of our dwellings and homes! They speak about their work with nature and their regrettable lack of contact with human beings. They describe the secrets of the cosmos, and tell of humankind’s past and future. The nature beings have surprising views on the environment, on natural disasters, good and evil, love and redemption. The interviews throw up beautiful, but sometimes disturbing insights into our world. Nature Spirits and What They Say offers an enchanting view of the world of elemental beings – but it also calls on us to recognize the seriousness of the situations they describe. As Verena explains, humans owe a huge amount to nature spirits, and we need to discover new ways of approaching them with full consciousness. This valuable book gives us the means to do just that.

Nature Spirits: The Remembrance

Book Description

In this lucid, step-by-step guide, Susan Raven introduces us to the world of nature spirits and elemental beings, and explains why these entities wish to reconnect with us. By working together with the elementals - which reside in earth, water, air and fire - we can become responsible co-creators at this critical time in our evolution. The future of humanity, and that of the Earth, may be dependent upon such a positive and reciprocal relationship. Susan investigates the nature of the accelerated, evolutionary wave of consciousness pulsing into Earth at the present time, and how its effects are helping us forge a new link with the spiritual and etheric worlds. It is in the ether - where the dissolving and coalescing forces behind physical matter exist - that we find the kingdom of the nature spirits. Making use of her personal experiences, Susan describes the activities of these beings in the landscape, in plants and in human beings. She presents meditations and exercises to prepare us for a meeting with the nature spirits, and emphasises the importance of working with the elemental kingdom in our immediate environment. The path of personal development outlined in Nature Spirits: The Remembrance features a wide range of insightful testimony from some of the most well-respected seers, with particular emphasis on the work of Rudolf Steiner.

Fairies, Demons, and Nature Spirits

Book Description

This book examines the fairies, demons, and nature spirits haunting the margins of Christendom from late-antique Egypt to early modern Scotland to contemporary Amazonia. Contributions from anthropologists, folklorists, historians and religionists explore Christian strategies of encompassment and marginalization, and the ‘small gods’ undisciplined tendency to evade such efforts at exorcism. Lurking in forest or fairy-mound, chuckling in dark corners of the home or of the demoniac’s body, the small gods both define and disturb the borders of a religion that is endlessly syncretistic and in endless, active denial of its own syncretism. The book will be of interest to students of folklore, indigenous Christianity, the history of science, and comparative religion.

Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings

Book Description

Based on firsthand practical experiences of communicating with natural spirits through meditation, this eye-opening guide to healing the earth teaches how to work with elemental beings by describing each in detail while defining their roles within the web of life. As a result of tuning in to plants, trees, and animals, and illustrating the disrupted flow of energies within the landscape, the true impact of human culture upon the harmony of the natural world is evocatively revealed. Insight into related topics, such as how the long-suppressed Goddess culture embraces these energies to make strides toward healing the earth, can set anyone with earth and landscape concerns--gardeners, growers, designers, and builders--one step closer toward becoming environmental warriors.

Prayers to the Nature Spirits

Book Description

Presents forty-eight poem-prayers dedicated to the idea that nature is humankind's greatest teacher and showing how best to appreciate the world

Encounters with Nature Spirits

Book Description

A fascinating, first-hand account of the vast powers and true nature of the Elemental Kingdom • Reveals deep wisdom, eloquently shared through the author’s encounters with the great God Pan and his elemental subjects • Offers a glimpse into the hidden layers of the natural world and the workings of the elemental kingdom • Includes chapters by Mike Scott, David Spangler, Dorothy Maclean, and Brian Nobbs as well as beautiful illustrations by fine artist Elise Hurst, who perfectly captures the energy of the natural world and its subjects as we might perceive them • Paper with French flaps “To anyone who may have expressed a wish to see and talk to nature spirits . . . remember it took 63 years for my wish to be granted, so don’t lose hope.” Have you ever wished for something with your whole heart? As a child, R. Ogilvie Crombie (Roc) made a wish as he dropped a penny into a wishing well - he asked to be able to see fairies and talk to them. In Encounters with Nature Spirits, we follow Roc’s path as, many years later, he meets the faun Kurmos in the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, discovers the realm of the elementals, and, eventually, meets the great god Pan himself. In his conversations with Pan, elves, and other nature spirits Roc realizes that the elemental realm is vastly more powerful than our human kingdom and possesses an ability to create far beyond our human means. Through his experiences Roc becomes closely involved with the Findhorn Community in northeast Scotland where he meets further elementals who give him sound advice as to how the famous Findhorn gardens should be cared for in order to work in harmony with nature. Encounters with Nature Spirits is a reminder to us all of the importance of our relationship with the nature kingdom. Through his example, Roc places emphasis on connecting and working in harmony with nature spirits. True co-creation with nature, working with rather than against the elemental kingdom, can bring about vital positive change to our endangered eco-system. The elementals are open to working with mankind--the question is, are we humans open to engaging with and respecting them again?

Enchantment of the Faerie Realm

Book Description

Have you ever taken a walk in the woods and felt like you were not alone? That's because you weren't! Forests, lakes, mountains, caves—even your garden—are alive with the spirits of nature. Faeries are real, and you can learn to commune with a whole world of unseen beings, including elves, devas, and nature spirits. With an open mind and a little patience, you can begin to recognize their presence all around you. This book will help you deepen your connection to the natural world as you explore the magical, mystical world of the faerie folk. Discover hidden truths in faerie tales and use them as pathways into the faerie realm Learn the basic habitats, powers and behaviors of faeries, elves, and other nature spirits Read personal accounts of actual faerie encounters Invoke fire spirits for traditional psychic readings Share the magic and knowledge of twenty tree spirits Find the elementals—gnomes, undines, sylphs and salamanders—with which you resonate most Contact water sprites, mermaids and other water spirits Find wood nymphs and the"lady of the woods" raw dragons into your environment with the right fragrances Attract a faerie godmother into your life Recapture the magic and wonder of a world where trees still speak and every flower tells a story. Explore the faerie realm—a place where faerie tales can and do come true.

Nature Spirits of the Trees

Book Description

Verena Stael von Holstein has learned to communicate with elemental beings in nature, and to translate their language into human terms. In her remarkable book Nature Spirits and What They Say, we heard from fire-spirits, air-spirits, water-spirits and stone-spirits, among others. In this new volume, we hear from the nature spirits that most closely resemble human beings -- the trees.Through Verena Stael's ability, conversations with a number of trees are relayed. They reveal compelling insights into the role of each tree within the natural world and its relationships with the spirit world, with human beings and with other creatures. Particular emphasis is placed on the characteristics of each tree that correspond with human soul qualities.The interviews disclose beautiful, fascinating and often challenging insights into these wonderful beings and the natural world, and will inspire us to approach trees in an entirely new way.

Nature Spirits and What They Say

Book Description

‘I can perceive spiritual beings in my surroundings… I can communicate with higher spirit beings of either an elemental or non-elemental kind, when they are willing. I can perceive the human aura, as well as certain areas of the astral plane… I can see the aura of plants and animals. I can speak with the guardian beings of plants and animals, inasmuch as they’re interested...’ – Verena Staël von Holstein Verena has learned to see and speak to elemental and nature beings. What’s more, she is able to translate their language into human terminology and thought. In this remarkable book, seventeen nature spirits are interviewed through her, almost as if these beings were sitting in front of us. Through the conversations we learn what spirits of fire, air, water and stone have to say – as well as hearing from beings of glass, silver, salt, paper, and even spirits of our dwellings and homes! They speak about their work with nature and their regrettable lack of contact with human beings. They describe the secrets of the cosmos, and tell of humankind’s past and future. The nature beings have surprising views on the environment, on natural disasters, good and evil, love and redemption. The interviews throw up beautiful, but sometimes disturbing insights into our world. Nature Spirits and What They Say offers an enchanting view of the world of elemental beings – but it also calls on us to recognize the seriousness of the situations they describe. As Verena explains, humans owe a huge amount to nature spirits, and we need to discover new ways of approaching them with full consciousness. This valuable book gives us the means to do just that.