Asylum and Extraction in the Republic of Nauru

Book Description

Asylum and Extraction in the Republic of Nauru provides an extraordinary glimpse into the remote and difficult-to-access island of Nauru, exploring the realities of Nauru's offshore asylum arrangement and its impact on islanders, workforces, and migrant populations. Drawing on extensive fieldwork in Nauru, Australia, and Geneva, as well as a deep dive into the British Phosphate Commission archives, Julia Caroline Morris charts the island's colonial connection to phosphate through to a new industrial sector in asylum. She explores how this extractive industry is peopled by an ever-shifting cast of refugee lawyers, social workers, clinicians, policy makers, and academics globally and how the very structures of Nauru's colonial phosphate industry and the legacy of the "phosphateer" era made it easy for a new human extractive sector to take root on the island. By detailing the making of and social life of Nauru's asylum system, Morris shows the institutional fabric, discourses, and rhetoric that inform the governance of migration around the world. As similar practices of offshoring and outsourcing asylum have become popular worldwide, they are enabled by the mobile labor and expertise of transnational refugee industry workers who carry out the necessary daily operations. Asylum and Extraction in the Republic of Nauru goes behind the scenes to shed light on the everyday running of the offshore asylum industry in Nauru and uncover what really happens underneath the headlines. Morris illuminates how refugee rights activism and #RefugeesWelcome-style movements are caught up in the hardening of border enforcement operations worldwide, calling for freedom of movement that goes beyond adjudicating hierarchies of suffering.

International Status in the Shadow of Empire

Book Description

This book offers a new account of Nauru's imperial history and examines its significance in the history of international law.

The Undesirables

Book Description

When it comes to asylum seekers on Nauru, we learn only what the Australian government wants us to know. In the wake of The Nauru Files, see eyewitness accounts of what is happening inside the Nauru detention centre through The Undesirables.

Mark Isaacs went to work inside the Nauru detention centre in 2012. As a Salvation Army employee, he provided humanitarian aid to the men interned in the camp. What hesaw there moved him to write this book.

The Undesirables chronicles his time on Nauru, detailing daily life and the stories of the men held there; the self-harm, suicide attempts, and riots; the rare moments of joy; the moments of deep despair. He takes us behind the gates of Nauru and humanises a political debate usually ruled by misleading rhetoric.

In a strange twist of fate, Mark’s father, Professor David Isaacs, travelled to Nauru in December 2014 to investigate how children were treated in detention. This revised edition of The Undesirables reveals the human rights abuses Professor Isaacs discovered on Nauru, and interrogates how little has changed for people in detention.

Mark Isaacs is a writer, a community worker, an adventurer, and a campaigner for social justice. He resigned from the Salvation Army in June 2013 and spoke out publicly against the government’s No Advantage policy. After returning from Nauru, Mark worked at an asylum seeker settlement agency in Sydney. Mark appeared in Eva Orner’s 2016 documentary Chasing Asylum and has written for Foreign Policy, World Policy Journal, Huffington Post, New Internationalist, Mamamia, New Matilda and VICE.


Book Description

Nauru is a small island in the Pacific which was endowed by nature with some of the richest phosphates in the world. Phosphate mining began on the island in 1906, when Nauru was still part of the German empire. Following Germany's defeat in 1918, Nauru was entrusted by the League of Nations to the care of the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. It was a fiduciary relationship which, after the Second World War, continued under the trusteeship system of the United Nations. During this period Nauru's idyllic landscape was disastrously transformed, reducing much of the island to a lunar waste fringed in tropical splendour. Nauru: Environmental Damage under International Trusteeship summarizes part of the ten-volume 'Report of the Commission of Inquiry on the Rehabilitation of Phosphate Lands in Nauru', which was presented to the Government of Nauru in 1988. The report covered the responsibilities of the powers which controlled Nauru for rehabilitation of the lands which had been devastated by phosphate mining. It also inquired into the feasibility and manner of rehabilitation. Professor Christopher Weeramantry, the Chairman of the Commission, has written a fascinating and accessible summary of the portion of the report dealing with international responsibility. The issues include a number of areas of international law relating to mandate and trusteeship, environmental law, abuse of power, unjust enrichment, acquired rights, and permanent sovereignty over natural resources. Nauru is probably the most detailed practical study of an international mandate and trusteeship ever written. The issues explored in the book are of far-reaching importance. The story of Nauru has a significancereaching well beyond the tiny coral island.

Paradise for Sale

Book Description

The grim history of Nauru Island, a small speck in the Pacific Ocean halfway between Hawaii and Australia, represents a larger story of environmental degradation and economic dysfunction. For more than 2,000 years traditional Nauruans, isolated from the rest of the world, lived in social and ecological stability. But in 1900 the discovery of phosphate, an absolute requirement for agriculture, catapulted Nauru into the world market. Colonial imperialists who occupied Nauru and mined it for its lucrative phosphate resources devastated the island, which forever changed its native people. In 1968 Nauruans regained rule of their island and immediately faced a conundrum: to pursue a sustainable future that would protect their truly valuable natural resources—the biological and physical integrity of their island—or to mine and sell the remaining forty-year supply of phosphate and in the process make most of their home useless. They did the latter. In a captivating and moving style, the authors describe how the island became one of the richest nations in the world and how its citizens acquired all the ills of modern life: obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension. At the same time, Nauru became 80 percent mined-out ruins that contain severely impoverished biological communities of little value in supporting human habitation. This sad tale highlights the dire consequences of a free-market economy, a system in direct conflict with sustaining the environment. In presenting evidence for the current mass extinction, the authors argue that we cannot expect to preserve biodiversity or support sustainable habitation, because our economic operating principles are incompatible with these activities.

Introduction to Nauru

Book Description

Nauru is a small island country located in the Pacific Ocean, northeast of Australia. The country has a total land area of just 21 square kilometers and a population of approximately 12,000 people. Nauru was once one of the wealthiest countries in the region, due to its vast deposits of phosphate, a key ingredient in fertilizer. However, unsustainable mining practices and mismanagement of funds led to the depletion of the country's resources and a severe economic decline. Today, Nauru is heavily dependent on foreign aid and has struggled with issues such as high rates of obesity, diabetes, and mental health issues. The country has also faced criticism for its treatment of asylum seekers, who are detained on the island under Australia's controversial offshore processing policy. Despite these challenges, Nauru has made efforts to diversify its economy and improve living conditions for its citizens, including investing in renewable energy and expanding access to healthcare and education.

Republic of Nauru

Book Description

Nauru faces structural challenges due to its small size and remoteness, and is highly dependent on imports. The narrow revenue base comprises fishing license fees, residual phosphate processing, and revenue from the Regional Processing Center (RPC). Nauru is vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change, as the population inhabit in a narrow coastal area. The health and economic impact of the pandemic has been limited in Nauru, thanks to successful vaccination and containment strategies

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