Navigating Dimensions

Book Description

Navigating Dimensions is a must-have, simplified, yet expansively comprehensive guide book filled full of navigational tools for understanding Consciousness, Awakening, Ascension, the Lightbody/Merkaba, Light/DNA Activations and how to shift out of your head (human aspect) and to live fully from your higher self heart (5th Dimensional Aspect). Come to embody Christ/Unity Consciousness, activate your Chrystalline LightBody, and expand to BE your multi-dimensional self again. REMINDERS FOR REMEMBERING are just that. They remind you to remember, that which you have forgotten inside, your true you, your Divine Essence, your higher realm version of you that existed BEFORE you incarnated here for your physical human experience. Lisa has separated the 3rd, 4th, 5th Dimensional Realms, simplified that which makes no logical sense, provided expansive observations which allow for you to take expand BEyond your old programmed human existence here. Come to understand more and learn tools of shifting to higher frequencies, how to "tune," how to BE and EMBODY your Higher Self, your future you, NOW. We REMEMBER our way BACK to the 5th Dimension, which is just the portal (gateway) to all other realms. All is within you. Come to understand how to unlock these portals on your own and become a MASTER, CREATOR and an ALCHEMIST, again. WE are already here. So are you. This will assist you in REMEMBERING and actually existing AS ALL embodied here in the physical reality. Written FROM the higher realms, it is no longer a place we used to seek. NEW EARTH, WE are ALL already here, unified, in love, magic, peace, bliss and yes, paradise again. Join us if you will. So very much love! Aloha Nui Loa!

Aërial Navigation

Book Description

The Culture Map (INTL ED)

Book Description

An international business expert helps you understand and navigate cultural differences in this insightful and practical guide, perfect for both your work and personal life. Americans precede anything negative with three nice comments; French, Dutch, Israelis, and Germans get straight to the point; Latin Americans and Asians are steeped in hierarchy; Scandinavians think the best boss is just one of the crowd. It's no surprise that when they try and talk to each other, chaos breaks out. In The Culture Map, INSEAD professor Erin Meyer is your guide through this subtle, sometimes treacherous terrain in which people from starkly different backgrounds are expected to work harmoniously together. She provides a field-tested model for decoding how cultural differences impact international business, and combines a smart analytical framework with practical, actionable advice.

Awakening to the Fifth Dimension -- A Guide for Navigating the Global Shift

Book Description

Humanity has recently entered an extraordinary period of transition in which it is preparing to make a quantum, transformational leap to a higher level of consciousness and reality known as the Fifth Dimension--forever leaving behind all experiences of fear, conflict, pain, sorrow and duality. As veils of forgetfulness and dysfunctional patterns begin to dissolve in this Shift, we are at the dawn of an entirely new era on the planet: life lived from love, peace, cooperation, abundance, and reverence for all existence. AWAKENING TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION is an indispensable guide for this journey into uncharted new territory in consciousness, which may include unprecedented experiences of freedom, joy and expansion as well as significant challenges of disorientation and rapid change. We are invited here into conscious participation in an accelerated evolution as we ascend into the Fifth Dimension. In mapping the territory of this dimensional shift, it is also a call to co-create a New Earth that many of us have deeply longed for. Among its themes: • Common personal experiences during the Shift • Ways to navigate it with ease and grace • Understanding the Dimensions: Third, Fourth and the emerging Fifth • Physical, mental and emotional "Ascension symptoms" • Raising and sustaining your vibration: well-being, happiness, freedom • Stepping into a new multi-dimensional identity • Discovering your mission for assisting the planet through the Shift

Principles of Sustainable Business

Book Description

The basic function of companies is to add value to society. Profits are a means to an end, not an end in itself. The ability of companies to innovate, scale and invest provides them with a powerful base for positive change. But companies are also criticized for not contributing sufficiently to society’s grand challenges. An increasingly VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world creates serious governance gaps that not only require new ways of regulation, but also new ways of doing business. Can companies effectively contribute to sustainable development and confront society’s systemic challenges? Arguably the most important frame to drive this ambition was introduced and unanimously adopted in 2015: the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDG-agenda not only defines a holistic set of global goals and targets, but also foundational principles to guide meaningful action to their achievement by 2030. Multinational companies have signed up to the SDGs as the world’s long-term business plan. Realizing the SDGs provides a yearly $12 trillion investment and growth opportunity, while creating hundreds of millions of jobs in the process. But progress is too slow – witnessing society’s inability to deal with pressing human, ecological, economic and health crises – whilst the vast potential for societal value creation remains underutilized. This book provides a timely account of the systemic, strategic and operational challenges that need to be addressed to enhance the effectiveness of corporate involvement in society, by using the SDGs as the leading principles-based framework for actionable, powerful and transformative change. Principles of Sustainable Business is written for graduate and postgraduate (executive) students, policymakers and business professionals who want to understand the complex challenges of global sustainability. It shows how companies can design and implement SDG-relevant strategies at three levels: the macro level, to assess whether the SDGs present wicked problems or opportunities; the micro level, to develop and operationalize innovative business models, design new business cases and navigate organizational transition trajectories; and the meso level, to develop fit-for-purpose cross-sector partnering strategies. Principles of Sustainable Business presents innovative tools embedded in a coherent sequence of analytical frameworks that can be applied in courses for students, be put into practice by business professionals and used by action researchers to help companies contribute to the Decade of Action.