Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures

Book Description

NTTP 1-01 (APR 2005) defines relationships among commands and programs involved in tactics development (including all draft phases), assigns responsibilities for developing and maintaining tactical and doctrinal publications, and contains guidance for maintaining the Navy Warfare Library.

Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures - Maritime Operations Center (NTTP 3-32.1)

Book Description

NTTP 3-32.1, Maritime Operations Center, builds on the foundation established in NWP 3-32, Maritime Operations at the Operational Level of War, and describes the maritime operations center (MOC) philosophy and organization. It has been developed in recognition that today's fast-paced and multifaceted operational environment demands a more standardized approach across the full range of military operations. This publication should be considered a living document. It and each future revision should bring all United States Navy commands a step closer to common tactics, techniques, and procedures at the operational level. Success in the modern maritime operational environment requires working with elements of the joint force, multinational partners, and maritime commanders. The conduct of modern maritime operations requires a command and control (C2) system and processes that support planning and execution from the strategic, through operational, to tactical levels.

Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures

Book Description

Summary. The information contained in NTTP 4-01.4, Underway Replenishment, is directed toward preparing both the replenishment and customer ship for a replenishment evolution. Detailed rig make-up, requisite equipment, and standardized procedures are established to serve as specific guidelines for all aspects of replenishment at sea. Each ship shall ensure wide dissemination to all personnel involved in the planning of, supervision of, and participation in underway replenishment evolutions.

Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures

Book Description

This publication provides tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) governing the conduct of physical security (PS) and law enforcement (LE) at Navy installations, within expeditionary forces and onboard Navy ships. It provides a basis for understanding Navy policies and objectives related to PS and LE. More important, it provides regional commanders (REGCOMs), regional security officers (RSOs), installation and ship commanding officers (COs), security officers (SO), administrative staffs, and the Navy security force (NSF) with needed tools to help organize, plan, train for, and implement effective and efficient PS and LE programs using the limited resources at their disposal. Both PS and LE programs include measures taken by a command, ship, or installation to protect against all acts designed to, or that may, impair its effectiveness. In other words, both PS and LE personnel provide security and are key to the protection construct. Within this document, installation security officers and...

Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures - Navy Search and Rescue (SAR) Manual (NTTP 3-50.1)

Book Description

NTTP 3-50.1 (SEP 2013), NAVY SEARCH AND RESCUE (SAR) MANUAL, provides guidance to units assigned SAR responsibilities. It is intended to promote and maintain standardization of SAR procedures, equipment, and techniques within the U.S. naval forces. It is essential that NTTP 3-50.1 be readily available to unit personnel who may engage in SAR operations. NTTP 3-50.1 is supplemental to the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual, which provides guidance for U.S. forces, military or civil, participating in combined SAR operations.

Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures

Book Description

NTTP 4-04.2, NAVAL CONSTRUCTION FORCE OPERATIONS, provides a complete overview of NCF operations from the operation officer's perspective for each command echelon. Its chapters discuss common requirements across the six joint functions for NCF operations officers with respect to conducting operations in a joint environment, focus on Seabee project planning and construction management with examples centered on the naval mobile construction battalion, and provide an understanding of the NCF's capabilities with regard to mission, organization, and concept of employment.

Navy Tactics Techniques and Procedures

Book Description

NTTP 4-02.2M/MCRP 4-11.1G, PATIENT MOVEMENT (MAY 2007), addresses Navy and Marine Corps patient movement capabilities available to the operational commander and prescribes tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) for theater operations, mission planning, and training. It is a complete revision of the previous publication and should be read in its entirety. This NTTP is not intended to prevent an officer who is exercising tactical command from initiating and issuing special instructions. Its primary purpose is to obtain basic uniformity while permitting the development and flexibility required by each tactical situation.

Navy Tactics Techniques and Procedures Nttp 3-54m Mctp 3-32b

Book Description

Navy Tactics Techniques and Procedures NTTP 3-54M MCTP 3-32B (Formerly MCWP 3-40.9) Operations Security OPSEC March 2009 In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 298, establishing a national operations security (OPSEC) program and creating a national OPSEC structure. NSDD 298 requires each federal agency or organization supporting national security missions with classified or sensitive activities to establish an OPSEC program. OPSEC is a formal program that identifies and protects sensitive but unclassified information that ensures mission success. This document provides relevant U.S. Navy tactics, techniques, and procedures (NTTP) from a myriad of reference material to assist the command OPSEC officer/planner at the Maritime Operations Center (MOC) at the operational and tactical levels of war, and ultimately the commander, in taking prudent OPSEC considerations into account during day-to-day activities and the mission planning process. NTTP 3-54 supports the commander by providing the MOC staffs and associated naval commands with an OPSEC overview, OPSEC evolution, and guidance for the most crucial aspect of OPSEC, that of identifying critical information (CI). It explains the OPSEC process, also known as the OPSEC five-step process. NTTP 3-54 addresses the areas of OPSEC and force protection, public affairs officer (PAO) interaction, the role of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) in coordination with OPSEC, the OPSEC/OMBUDSMAN/KEY VOLUNTEER relationship and the conduct of OPSEC assessments. The publication includes separate chapters on Web page registration, Web risk assessment, and Red team activity. Appendices provide guidance to implement effective plans/programs at the individual unit, strike group, and shore establishment levels.

Navy Tactical Reference Publication Ntrp 1-01 the Naval Warfare Library Nwl May 20141 the Naval Warfare Library Nwl May

Book Description

NAVY TACTICAL REFERENCE PUBLICATION NTRP 1-01 The Naval Warfare Library May 2014 (NWL) is a compilation of doctrinal, tactical, and reference publications needed by the Navy warfighter. As illustrated by figure 1-1, the library includes publications from within the Navy Doctrine hierarchy and applicable Allied, multi-Service, and multinational publications. NTRP 1-01, The Navy Warfare Library, defines the organization and procedures governing Naval Doctrine Publication (NDP) 1; Navy warfare publications (NWPs); Navy tactics, techniques, and procedures (NTTPs); Navy tactical reference publications (NTRPs); fleet exercise publications (FXPs); and tactical memorandums (TACMEMOs). It assigns responsibilities for developing and maintaining tactical and doctrinal publications, and contains guidance for maintaining the NWL. Where applicable, NTRP 1-01 addresses procedures pertaining to multi-Service publications, Allied publications (APs), multinational publications (MPs), joint publications (JPs), Allied joint publications (AJPs), and the Navy Lessons Learned System used by U.S. Navy forces.

Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Navy Planning, Logistics Nttp 5-01.4 April 2015

Book Description

Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Navy Planning, Logistics NTTP 5-01.4 April 2015 This publication is aligned with current joint, Navy, and Marine Corps planning doctrine and provides a logistics perspective suitable for planning operations across the range of military operations. Navy Warfare Publication 5-01, Navy Planning, and Marine Corps Warfighting Publication 5-1, Marine Corps Planning Process, establish planning doctrine for naval forces and are authoritative in nature. This document supplements Navy Warfare Publication 5-01. It describes the planning process from a logistics point of view and provides the tools for developing a logistics staff estimate and concept of logistic support for an operation or campaign. The guidance contained herein is general in nature and designed to ensure that logisticians consider all aspects of logistics during the planning process. This document recognizes the need for joint interdependence and the reality that operations are frequently performed in a joint, interagency, or multinational environment. If conflicts arise between the contents of this publication and the contents of a higher publication, the higher publication takes precedence.