National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

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On the Plan adopted by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Bangladesh by initiating the proceedings through the Inception Workshop on National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.

Mainstreaming Biodiversity for Sustainable Development

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Drawing on experiences and insights from 16 megadiverse countries, this report examines how biodiversity is being mainstreamed in four key areas.

Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals

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After the United Nations adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to "end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all," researchers and policy makers highlighted the importance of targeted investment in science, technology, and innovation (STI) to make tangible progress. Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals showcases the roles that STI solutions can play in meeting on-the-ground socio-economic and environmental challenges among domestic and international organizations concerned with the SDGs in three overlapping areas: agriculture, health, and environment/energy. Authors and researchers from 31 countries tackle both big-picture questions, such as scaling up the adoption and diffusion of new sustainable technologies, and specific, localized case studies, focusing on developing and middle-income countries and specific STI solutions and policies. Issues addressed include renewable energy, automated vehicles, vaccines, digital health, agricultural biotechnology, and precision agriculture. In bringing together diverse voices from both policy and academic spheres, this volume provides practical and relevant insights and advice to support policy makers and managers seeking to enhance the roles of STI in sustainable development.


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Conservation of biodiversity is a fundamental concern towards securing a sustainable future. This volume argues that despite various domestic and international policies and legal frameworks on biodiversity conservation — be it forest, wildlife, marine, coastal, etc. — their implementation suffers from many deficiencies. It explores the factors that hinder effective implementation of these policies and frameworks. It also analyses existing laws, both international and domestic, to identify inherent problems in the existing legal system. The book maintains that careful adherence to established procedures and protocols, public awareness, filling the lacuna in legal framework, and a strong political will are sine qua non for effective conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development. The volume defends the protection of traditional knowledge and participation of indigenous communities along with reinforcements of intellectual property in this regard. It also commends the role played by the Indian judiciary, especially the Supreme Court of India and India’s National Green Tribunal for the preservation and enhancement of natural resources by applying established as also evolving principles of environmental law. This book will be useful to scholars and researchers of environmental studies, development studies, policy studies and law related to biodiversity and conservation.

The Use of Economic Measures in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans

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Economic forces underlie and explain much biodiversity degradation and loss, and economic instruments provide a useful set of tools for strengthening biodiversity conservation, sustainable use and equitable benefit sharing. If National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans are to be effective they must be justifiable in economic terms. This document reports on a project reviewing the use of economic measures in NBSAPs, It brings together the component activities of the economics review, and summarizes and synthesizes this information to provide guidance on experiences, lessons learned and ways forward in the use of economic measures.

Impact study of the adoption and implementation of the Nagoya protocol on the brazilian industry

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Este estudo identifica e analisa os potenciais impactos positivos e negativos da implementação do Protocolo de Nagoya, com foco na competitividade das indústrias brasileiras que utilizam a genética património de biodiversidade encontrada no Brasil e em outros países.


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This guidance document is designed to assist Pacific Island countries and territories in finding synergies between two important realms of policies and international commitments: sustainable management of chemicals and biodiversity conservation and use. It details the linkages between ecosystem services and biodiversity in agriculture, specifically in relation to soil health, ecological management of pests, weeds and invasive alien species, agroforestry, organic farming systems and ecotourism. It analyses current policies and best practices across the subregion and highlights key policy entry points for mainstreaming approaches to agriculture that reduce the use of agrochemicals. Produced under the EU-funded project “Capacity Building Related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries – Phase 2”, the document will guide countries in revising their strategies or policies related to chemical and biodiversity management. In particular, it will assist countries in revising or implementing their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) to help them meet a number of Aichi Biodiversity Targets relevant to the agriculture sector.