NCHRP Report 350 Assessment of Existing Roadside Safety Hardware

Book Description

"The Federal Highway Administration initiated this contract with the objective to crash test and evaluate several terminals, transitions, and longitudinal barriers to NCHRP Report 350. NCHRP Report 350 specifies crash tests and evaluation criteria for three performance levels for terminals and six performance levels for transitions and longitudinal barriers. The buried-in-backslope terminals evaluated were the G4 on steel posts and wood blockouts with a rub rail and a 6 to 1 vee ditch and the G4 with steel posts and wood blockouts with a 4 to 1 slope. Both met specifications for NCHRP Report 350 test 3-35. The 3-strand New York cable terminal was evaluated and met requirements for NCHRP Report 350 test 3-34. The transitions evaluated under this contract included the vertical wall transition (W-beam with W-beam rub rail and steel posts), the vertical flared back transition (W-beam with channel rub rail, steel posts, and routed wood blockouts), the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (DOT) transition (vertical flared back concrete parapet with W-beam, rub rail, steel posts, and routed wood blockouts), the Nebraska thrie beam transition (vertical wall parapet with thrie beam), and the Connecticut W-beam transition (NJ-shape wall with W-beam and channel rub rail). All the transitions met the required criteria for NCHRP Report 350 test 3-21, except for the vertical flared back transition. The MB1 median cable barrier chosen for evaluation was the Washington State DOT (WSDOT) cable barrier with a New York cable rail terminal. The thrie beam guardrail with steel posts and routed wood blockouts and the strong wood post thrie beam guardrail were also evaluated. The cable barrier and both thrie beam guardrails met the required specifications for NCHRP Report 350 test 3-11. The modified thrie beam guardrail with 2.1-m-long W150x14 steel posts and W360x33 blockouts (Design No. SGR09b) was evaluated and met specifications for NCHRP Report 350 test 4-12. Construction details for all the terminals, transitions, and longitudinal barriers evaluated are reported herein. Also included are details of the crash tests performed and the assessment of each test."--Technical report documentation page.

NCHRP Report 350 Test 3-11 of the Washington Type 2 Concrete Barrier

Book Description

Two crash tests are required to evaluate portable concrete barriers, such as Washington Department of transportation (WsDOT) Type 2 concrete barriers, to NCHRP Report 350 test level three (TL-3). NCHRP Report 350 test designation 3-10 involves an 820 kg passenger vehicle impacting the critical impact point (CIP) of the length of need (LON) section at a nominal speed and angle of 100 km/h and 20 degrees. NCHRP Report 350 test designation 3-11 involves a 2000 kg pickup truck impacting the CIP of the LON section at a nominal speed and angle of 100 km/h and 25 degrees. Finite element analysis using LS-DYNA was used to simulate NCHRP Report 350 test designation 3-11 with the 2000 kg pickup truck on the standard Type 2 concrete barrier with a pin and loop connection and two modified pin and loop connections. In subsequent full-scale crash tests, both the standard and a modified concrete barrier met the evaluation criteria of NCHRP Report 350 for Test 3-11. For each of the two pin and loop configurations crash tested, the Washington Type 2 concrete barrier met the evaluation criteria of NCHRP Report 350 for test 3-11.

Guidance for the Selection, Use, and Maintenance of Cable Barrier Systems

Book Description

This report provides guidance for the selection, use, and maintenance of cable barrier systems. While cable barrier systems have been in use for more than 70 years, their use has been on the rise and is expected to continue in the future. The increase in use of cable barrier systems has been attributed to the success rate in keeping vehicles from crossing the median, reducing roadway departures, and decreasing impact severity. Due to advancements in cable barrier system technology, installation and repair costs are lower and cable barrier use has increased in varying roadway environments. Safety studies, although limited, have shown that cable barriers help reduce those median cross-over collisions that lead to some of the most severe head-on type crashes. This document will be of particular interest to design, maintenance, traffic, and safety engineering professionals.

Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Water Quality

Book Description

Transportation Research Record contains the following papers: Environmental impact of runoff from highway construction and repair materials : project overview (Huber, WC, Nelson, PO, Eldin, NN, Williamson, KJ and Lundy, JR); Results of California Department of Transportation litter management pilot study (Lippner, G, Johnston, J, Combs, S, Walter, K and Marx, D); Environmental impact of construction and repair materials on surface water and groundwater : screening and evaluation methodology (Nelson, PO, Williamson, KJ, Azizian, MF, Thayumanavan, P, Huber, WC and Eldin, NN); Environmental impact of construction and repair materials on surface water and groundwater : detailed evaluation of waste-amended highway materials (Thayumanavan, P, Nelson, PO, Azizian, MF, Williamson, KJ and Lundy, JR); Characteristics of storm-water runoff from highway construction sites in California (Kayhanian, M, Murphy, K, Regenmorter, L and Haller, R); Estimation and internet-based dissemination of extreme rainfall information (Durrans, SR and Brown, PA); Step-pool morphology in high-gradient countersunk culverts (Maxwell, AR, Papanicolaou, AN, Hotchkiss, RH, Barber, ME and Schafer, J); Consideration of stream morphology in culvert and bridge design (Kosicki, AJ and Davis, SR); Compliance testing of a bullnose median barrier system : NCHRP report 350 (Bielenberg, BW, Reid, JD and Faller, RK); Washington State cable median barrier (Albin, RB, Bullard, DL and Menges, WL); W-beam guardrail adjacent to a slope (Polivka, Ka, Faller, RK, Sicking, DL and Rohde, JR); Improvements to the weak-post w-beam guardrail (Ray, MH, Engstrand, K, Plaxico, CA and McGinnis, RG); Three-strand cable median barrier in North Caroline : in-service evaluation (Hunter, WW, Stewart, JR, Eccles, KA, Huang, HF, Council, FM and Harkey, DL); Selection of roadside safety barrier containment level according to European Union standards (Montella, A); Unreported collisions with post-and-beam guardrails in Connecticut, Iowa, and North Carolina (Ray, MH and Weir, JA); Performance of w-beam splices (Ray, MH, Plaxico, CA and Engstrand, K); Development of two test level 2 bridge railings and transitions for use on transverse glue-laminated deck bridges (Faller, RK, Rosson, BT, Ritter, MA, Keller, EA and Duwadi, SR).