Atomic Spaces

Book Description

Code-named the Manhattan Project, the detailed plans for developing an atomic bomb were impelled by urgency and shrouded in secrecy. This book tells the story of the project's three key sites: Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Hanford, Washington; and Los Alamos, New Mexico.

A History of the Atomic Space Age and Its Implications for the Future

Book Description

The Atomic Space Age has been and continues to be an engine for future wealth creation. Humanity stands on the verge of becoming an interplanetary species. We know we are made of star-stuff precisely because many of the isotopes in our bodies originated in the death throes of dying suns. With the discovery of nuclear fission in 1938, mankind was for the first time able to glimpse both our distant past and our possible future. As with the discovery of fire and agriculture thousands of years ago, wind power hundreds of years ago, and steam power and electricity in the nineteenth century, we must now learn to tame this powerful new force locked within the heart of the atom. Buckminster Fuller once observed that wealth is nothing more than energy compounded by ingenuity. Since (mass-)energy can never decrease, and ingenuity will only increase, there is no limit to the quantity of wealth that our species can and will create using nuclear space propulsion.

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Book Description

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is the premier public resource on scientific and technological developments that impact global security. Founded by Manhattan Project Scientists, the Bulletin's iconic "Doomsday Clock" stimulates solutions for a safer world.


Book Description

Space Materials Handbook

Book Description

Chemistry Experiments

Book Description

Gifted and talented students and any student interested in pursuing a science major in college needs a rigorous program to prepare them while they are still in high school. This book utilizes a format where the application of several disciplines—science, math, and language arts principles—are mandated. Each lab concludes with either an essay or a detailed analysis of what happened and why it happened. This format is based on the expectations of joining a university program or becoming an industrial science professional. The ideal student lab report would be written in a lab research notebook, and then the essay or final analysis is done on a word processor to allow for repeat editing and corrections. The research notebook has all graph pages, a title section, and a place for the students and their assistants to sign and witness that exercise. The basic mechanics of the lab report—title, purpose, procedure, diagrams, data table, math and calculations, observations, and graphs—are handwritten into the book. The conclusion is done on a word processor (MS Word), which allows the instructor to guide the student in writing and editing a complete essay using the MLA format. When the final copy is completed, the essay is printed and inserted into the lab notebook for grading. At the end of the term, the student has all their labs in one place for future reference. These lab notebooks can be obtained for as little as $ 3.00 per book. This is money well-spent. In our district, the Board of Education buys the books for each student. The BOE sees these books as expendable but necessary materials for all science and engineering instruction.

Pointwise Variable Anisotropic Function Spaces on Rn

Book Description

Spaces of homogeneous type were introduced as a generalization to the Euclidean space and serve as a suffi cient setting in which one can generalize the classical isotropic Harmonic analysis and function space theory. This setting is sometimes too general, and the theory is limited. Here, we present a set of fl exible ellipsoid covers of Rn that replace the Euclidean balls and support a generalization of the theory with fewer limitations.