Official Gazette

Book Description


Book Description

German Canadian Klaus Ferlow was one of the first to introduce the miraculous healing products from the Indian Neem tree to the West. As a teenager he'd developed a stubborn case of psoriasis which was resistant to both conventional and alternative treatments. His life changed 40 years later when he found out about the remarkable healing properties of Neem, a plant that healers in India have used for thousands of years. Within a few weeks Neem had finally freed him of the life-long condition. As a manufacturer of botanicals, Klaus was in the ideal position to develop a variety of Neem products and make them available to the North American market, as early as 1994. The author traces his own healing journey and his lifelong fascination with the versatile Neem tree from Canada to the Indian subcontinent where the tree originated. The book includes a valuable guide to herbs, list many useful healing applications of Neem, and explores its politics and history. The endearing story of the Neem tree is told through the eyes of one of its most enthusiastic advocates. Klaus Ferlow has since established the Neem Research organization to protect and promote this precious healing gift to humanity.


Book Description

The most comprehensive book about neem, the world's most amazing plant, provides easy-to-understand instructions for using neem along with credible scientific evidence as to its effectiveness.

Neem: Today and in the New Millennium

Book Description

The chemicals from plant sources, generally termed as phytochemicals, play an important role in acceptance or rejection of the plant by the pests as they could be distasteful or toxic on one hand or on the other hand specialist herbivores have the capability to feed on many such chemicals, as they are able to process these natural products in a manner that is beneficial to them. In the wake of increasing environmental degradation due to burgeoning synthetic chemicals, there has been a process going on to rediscover the usefulness of plants and herbs and a continued effort for more than 2 decades has been to study the green products for cures for several ailments and pest management. In fact, according to Indian Medicinal Plants: A Sectoral Study, the global trade for medicinal plants amounts to about US $ 60 billion and the world demand continues to grow at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. Although many such plants are known in literature, neem has been one of trees with mani-fold virtues. Indian neem tree, Azadirachta indica A. Juss, which is a large evergreen tree, is an outstanding example among plants that has been subject matter of numerous scientific studies concerning its utilization in medicine, industry and agriculture. So far neem preparations have been evaluated against more than 500 species of insects and more than 400 hundred are reported to be susceptible at different concentrations.


Book Description

This comprehensive review on neem is an excellent collation of observations and research efforts by botanists, taxonomists and medical practitioners and will be of interest to everyone with an interest involved in medicinal and aromatic plant research.


Book Description

Used in India for more than 4,000 years, neem is a powerful blood purifier, anti-viral agent, and immune system enhancer.

The Neem Tree

Book Description

The most comprehensive and best illustrated treatment of the fascinating tropical neem tree (Azadirachta indica) and its unique substances. The extracts from the neem tree have an enormously broad range of applications. The main substance azadirachtin, a tetranortriterpenoid, influences the hormone system of insects, exerting thereby a pesticidal effect. Feeding activity, reproduction and flying ability of insects are also affected. It is biologically degradable and can be easily extracted from the seeds of the tree. Other important uses of neem tree products are: - antifertility and population control - cure of human diseases - manure and nitrification inhibitors - feeds for domestic animals - soap production With its exhaustive treatment of the neem tree and closely related plants, this book provides us with an impressive example of the varied uses of renewable resources.

Miracle of Love - Stories about Neem Karoli Baba

Book Description

T he material in this volume is culled from over two thousand stories about Maharajji gathered during five years from more than one hundred devotees. To these devotees who shared their treasured memo ries, I wish to express my deep love and appreciation. Some of them felt that no book could or should be written about a being with qualities as vast, formless, and subtle as Maharajji’s, and yet they contributed their stories nevertheless. I honor them for this kindness and I hope that in my zeal to share experiences of Maharajji with others who were not fortu nate enough to have met him, I have not misused their trust. Some devotees tell me that stories told by other devotees are not fac tually accurate. I have no way of ascertaining the authenticity of any single story. All I can report is that those o f us who gathered the stories were impressed by the credibility of those of us who told the stories. Though the responsibility for this manuscript lies solely with me, I am delighted to acknowledge a lot o f loving help from my friends:


Book Description

Neem is a fascinating tree. On the one hand, it seems to be one of the most promising of all plants and may eventually benefit every person on the planet. Probably no other yields as many strange and varied products or has as many exploitable by-products. Indeed, as foreseen by some scientists, this plant may usher in a new era in pest control, provide millions with inexpensive medicines, cut down the rate of human population growth, and perhaps even reduce erosion, deforestation, and the excessive temperature of an overheated globe.On the other hand, that all remains only a vague promise. Although the enthusiasm may be justified, it is largely founded on empirical or anecdotal evidence. Our purpose here is to marshal the various facts about this little-known species, to help illuminate its future promise, and to speed realization of its potential.This report has been produced by the National Research Council particularly for nonspecialists such as government ministers, research directors, university students, private voluntary organizations, and entrepreneurs. It is intended as an economic development document, not a scientific monograph.


Book Description

Ayurveda is a holistic system of health care that's been practiced in India and Sri Lanka for centuries. Practitioners view patients as a whole person, taking into account both their physical and spiritual well-being, and seek to balance the three bio-energies, or doshas. In the Vedas, neem is called "the one that cures all ills." The most researched therapeutic uses of neem (Azadirachta indica) include its fungicidal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Neem is also an effective anti-inflammatory that can help reduce the pain of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. An herb with countless uses, neem is also used for acne, dental care, heart disease, and diabetes.