Neolithic Pits, Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Pit Alignments and Iron Age to Roman Settlements at Wollaston Quarry, Northamptonshire

Book Description

Between 1990 and 1998, MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) undertook a series of archaeological excavations within Wollaston Quarry covering an area of 116ha. Eight excavation areas and a watching brief were undertaken revealing evidence of Neolithic pits, late Bronze Age/early Iron Age pit alignments and Iron Age to Roman settlements.

Bronze Age barrow and pit alignments at Upton Park, south of Weedon Road, Northampton

Book Description

Archaeological work on land at Upton Park south of Weedon Road, Northampton, uncovered, among other evidence, two Bronze Age/early Iron Age sinuous pit alignments. The extensive work and examination of the two pit alignments at Upton has allowed a typology of the variable areas of pits (and related ditches) to be postulated.

Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and Saxon settlements along the route of the A43 Corby Link Road, Northamptonshire

Book Description

This volume reports the results of intermittent archaeological mitigation works for the A43 Corby Link Road, Northamptonshire, undertaken by MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) between June 2012 to October 2013. Evidence was uncovered relating to Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and Saxon settlements.

Late Iron Age and Roman Settlement at Bozeat Quarry, Northamptonshire: Excavations 1995-2016

Book Description

MOLA (formerly Northamptonshire Archaeology), has undertaken intermittent archaeological work within Bozeat Quarry, Northamptonshire, over a twenty-year period from 1995-2016 covering an area of 59ha. This volume presents excavation findings including evidence of a Late Iron Age and Roman Settlement.

Iron Age and Roman Settlement at Highflyer Farm, Ely, Cambridgeshire

Book Description

This volume presents the results of archaeological work carried out by MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) at Highflyer Farm in 2018. Remains dating from the Neolithic to the post-medieval period were recorded, with most of the activity occurring between the early Iron Age and late Roman periods

An Iron Age Settlement and Roman Complex Farmstead at Brackmills, Northampton

Book Description

MOLA undertook archaeological excavations at Brackmills, Northampton, investigating part of a large Iron Age settlement and Roman complex farmstead. The remains were very well preserved having, in places, been shielded from later truncaton by colluvial deposits. Earlier remains included a late Bronze Age/early Iron Age pit alignment.

Bronze Age Barrow and Pit Alignments at Upton Park, South of Weedon Road, Northampton

Book Description

Archaeological work on land at Upton Park south of Weedon Road, Northampton, uncovered, among other evidence, two Bronze Age/early Iron Age sinuous pit alignments. The extensive work and examination of the two pit alignments at Upton has allowed a typology of the variable areas of pits (and related ditches) to be postulated.

Mapping Ancient Landscapes in Northamptonshire

Book Description

A record of the National Mapping Programme project in Northamptonshire. It recovered and mapped archaeological evidence from field systems, through settlement remains, to funerary monuments, and ranges from the Neolithic to the 20th century.

Early Neolithic, Iron Age and Roman settlement at Monksmoor Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire

Book Description

MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) has undertaken archaeological work at Monksmoor Farm on the north-eastern edge of Daventry in six different areas. Finds presented here include two early Neolithic pits, a middle Iron Age settlement and two late Iron Age settlements.