Network Rail: Making a Fresh Start

Book Description

The Committee took evidence from the Department for Transport, and the Strategic Rail Authority on the establishment of Network Rail in place of Railtrack and the subsequent review of the rail industry. The report considers the issues raised in the NAO report (HC 532, Session 2003-04) and how they have been addressed by the subsequent White Paper. There are five main conclusions: the Department will need to set strategy more effectively than was done by the SRA; the Department needs to recruit staff capable of dealing with the highest levels of the railway industry; Network Rail should develop long term financial indicators to show it is meeting objectives in a cost effective way; the Department should establish effective oversight of the risks associated with Network Rail's financial liabilities; the Government should justify the extra cost of private finance rather than conventional public funding for Network Rail.

Budget 2012

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The 2012 budget, divided into two chapters and four annexes, sets out the Government's action to reform the tax system and also announces the next stages in their plans for the supply side of the economy alongside the strategy of further action in the three key areas for: (i) a stable economy; (ii) a fairer, more efficient and simpler tax system; (iii) further reforms to growth. Chapter 1, sets out the measures to realise these goals. Chapter 2, provides budget policy decisions. Announcements include: the state pension age will increase in the future to take account of increases in longevity; the economy will experience subdued but positive growth, with recovery likely to be particularly uneven this year; the Government will increase the personal allowance by a further £1,100 in April 2013, making the first £10,000 for those on low and middle income tax free; Child Benefit will be withdrawn through an income tax charge, and that the charge will only apply to households where someone has an income over £50,000 a year; the State Pension will be reformed into a single tier pension for future pensioners; that the top rate tax of income tax will be reduced from 50% to 45% from April 2012 and corporation tax by 1% from April 2012; there will be an introduction of a new Stamp Duty Land Tax rate of 7% for residential properties over £2 million and 15% to be applied to non-natural persons, such as companies taking effect from 21 March 2012, with consultation on the introduction of an annual charge; the capital gains tax regime will extend to the disposal of UK residential property by non-residents; around 20 million taxpayers from 2014-15 will be provided with a new Personal Tax Statement, detailing income tax and national insurance payments. The Government is to invest £60 million to establish a UK centre for aerodynamics and further support Network Rail to invest £130 million in the Northern Hub rail scheme. There will be consultation on simplifying Carbon Reduction Commitment energy efficiency scheme to support business. The measures outlined cover the areas of personal tax; corporate taxes; tax measures affecting property, pensions, charities; indirect taxes; tax reliefs; anti-avoidance; tax administration and supply side reform.

Improving Emergency Care in England

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There were about 12.7 million visits to accident and emergency (AandE) services in the last year, and in around a fifth of these, patients were admitted to hospital. AandE departments are only one in a variety of NHS emergency care providers, which include ambulance services, GPs, primary care trusts, out-of-hours services; NHS Direct; and open access minor injury centres. This NAO report examines the extent of progress made towards achieving the key target for maximum total time spent waiting for AandE services, as well as with the wider modernisation of emergency care. The report's conclusions include that, given the high level of demand, there has been a significant and sustained progress towards reducing waiting times in AandE departments and improving the patient's experience, largely due to improved working practices and increased local investment. However, there is further room for improvement in the case of patients with more complex needs, such as older people and those with mental health needs; and regional variations still exist with the performance of the worst performing trusts still some way behind. Further major improvements will depend on tackling the remaining bottlenecks and barriers to modernisation within wider emergency care services. The establishment of local emergency care networks is highlighted as a promising development, as a means to secure greater emergency care service integration and joint-working.

Network Rail - Making a Fresh Start

Book Description

Network Rail was established by the Department for Transport in March 2002, in order to manage the operation and maintenance of Britain's rail network (including tracks, signals, tunnels and bridges) following the collapse of Railtrack the previous year. It took over the business in October 2002. Network Rail is a company limited by guarantee, run without shareholders along commercial lines, with any profits re-invested in the rail network. This NAO report examines Network Rail's governance and financing framework, and makes recommendations to improve its network management. It welcomes progress made so far, for example in planning and cost control, but identifies a number of challenges which still need to be addressed. These include i) balancing the existing framework for incentivising value for money with longer term financial objectives; and, ii) given the company's complex governance structure, the need to ensure the level of accountability of Network Rail to the Strategic Rail Authority (SRA) is adequate, and that the SRA can effectively provide the industry with a strategic lead.

Britain's Railways 1997-2005

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Britain's leading railway historian provides a critical examination of the Blair governments' involvement in the rail industry from 1997 as they attempted to deal with the UK's fragmented, privatized railways. The book focuses particularly on the work of the Strategic Rail Authority (SRA), and considers the role of individuals --John Prescott, Stephen Byers, Alistair Darling, Sir Alastair Morton, and Richard Bowker--and events--the Hatfield accident (2000), the demise of Railtrack (2001-2), and the funding crisis of 2003-4--in the shaping of emerging policy. The book was commissioned by the SRA, and written with access to government files. Dr. Gourvish argues that the establishment of the SRA as a Non-Departmental Public Board proved largely unsuccessful. It produced tensions with the industry's existing institutions--Railtrack/Network Rail, the operating companies and the economic regulator. There were some gains from the experiment, notably the rescue of the West Coast Main Line project. However, it remains to be seen whether by winding up the SRA and taking responsibility for strategy and funding back into its own hands the Department for Transport has resolved the problem of managing a fragmented industry. This important book is essential reading for those concerned with, and interested in, railway policy, both in the UK and elsewhere in the world.

Management of expenditure

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Holding managers to account for the resources they have been allocated is key to improving financial management at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. This need has been recognised by the Department and reflected in a programme to improve its financial management, but the Department's Management Board recognises that establishing a culture of tighter control over its expenditure will take time. This initiative must remain a top priority and managers throughout the organisation will need to produce more reliable estimates of costs to justify their bids for resources and track the cost effectiveness of work done. The budgets agreed by the Management Board at the outset of 2006-07 and 2007-08 exceeded the funds available. In early 2006-07, increased spending to remedy difficulties with the Single Payment Scheme led to a risk of overspending in that year and the Department instigated a review which identified savings of £170 million against its original budget of £3,854 million. During the early part of 2007-08 further commitments above the agreed budget allocations meant the Department was at risk of exceeding its spending limit by £140 million. In July 2007, the Management Board identified savings which partially balanced the budget and continues to work towards a balanced budget for the year end. Effective monitoring by the Management Board and greater integration between the systems for monitoring performance delivery and financial expenditure would help better management of budgets. The NAO recommends that the Management Board set budgets from 2008-09 onwards that balance with the 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review and develops benchmarks to test the rigour of proposed budgets and to provide confirmation that these resource bids accord with the Department's strategic objectives.