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First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.


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Seventh International Visual Field Symposium, Amsterdam, September 1986

Book Description

The Seventh International Visual Field Symposium organized by the Interna tional Perimetric Society was held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 6-10,1986. In many respects it was an exciting and fruitful meeting. The number of participants was greater than ever. The number of papers was too great to accommodate all of them. The quality of the papers reflects the continuously rising interest in perimetry in general and in automated perimetry in particular. Last but not least the social programme was organized in the, by now, almost classical friendly, enjoyable and humouristic style of the International Perimetric Society. This created an atmosphere of openness and free exchange of informa tion whICh was clearly also felt in the scientific sessions. The scientific part was divided in seven sessions with 44 spoken papers and a separate postersession during which the 46 posters were discussed. The major themes of the meeting were 'The influence of media-disturbances on the visual field' and 'Advances in perimetry in glaucoma with special emphasis on pro gression'. The session on 'media' provided interesting information on how the visual field was effected by preretinal filters. The authors either studied the influence of lens or corneal opacities or simulated opacities by special filters placed in front of the eye. In two papers the effect of cataract was qualified by photography or stray light measurements.


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International journal of ophthalmology.

Ocular Circulation and Neovascularization

Book Description

Neovascularization isanormalphaseoftissue repair mechanlsm. In theeye, however, sproutingofnewvessels withinavasculartissuesandtheirgreatertendencytobleed havedetrimentaleffectsonvision. Diabeticretinopathy, corneal neovascularization, age-related macular degeneration, retinal veinocclusion, andretinopathy of prematurity are major causes of blindness. In all, uncontrolled proliferationofnewvesselsistheunderlying pathologicalcauseleadingtotheinexorablelossofvision. Development of lasertechnologiesandtheir wide use in ophthalmology have broughtsomehopeforthetreqtment of these diseases. However, itbecameevident that direct closureofthenewvesselsand/orablationoflargepartsof thetissuearenotidealsolutionstotheproblem. Recent advances in molecular biology and genetic engineering have fosteredbasic knowledge regarding the growth factors and intercellular messengers and their association with theproliferationofnew blood vessels. These latter findings sparked a renewed interest in Michaelson's "X-factor" ofocular neovascularization and opened avenues for possible innovative therapeutic approaches. Therefore, the suggestion to organize an international gathering of clinicians and scientists interested in problems of ocular circulation and neovascularization was received with great enthusiasm. Unanimously, it wasdecidedtodedicatethe symposium to Professor I.C. Michaelson, theinnovativescientist, the greatclinician, theindefatigableteacher, andaboveall, thewonderfulhumanbeing. The meeting was highlighted by the outstanding atmosphere of friendshipandscientif·ic exchanges. This book mirrors the information delivered and includes a selectionofpapersfromthescientificprogram. Theorganizationofthismeetingandthepublicationof thebookwouldnothavebeenpossiblewithouttheharmonious teameffortsmadebytheInternational, ScientificandLocal Committees. I am thankful tothe chairpersons of the varioussessionsfortheirtime, keeninterestandendeavor for the realizationofahighscientific level. I also deeplyacknowledgethehelpand & upportofArnallPatz, Bob Murphy, BertGlaser, RobertFrank, LarryHjelmeland, Gordon Klintworth, Neville Welsh, Charles Riva, Alec Garner, DesmondArcher, EphraimFriedman, MyronYanoff, MosheLahav, Willem Manschot, Hans-WaltherLarsenand Masanobu Uyama. The powerful stimulus of Hanan Zauberman, Steve Ryan, GabrielCoscas, GiselleSoubrane, MosheIvry, YuvalYassur and Sue and Peter Ballenwasmost instrumental in the realizationofthese"dreams". Asalways, Iwasfortunate tohavetheinvaluablecollaborationofmyloyalassistants: Evelyne Cohen, Genia Maftzir, Israel Barzel, Arieh Zelikovitch, andJudithBenEzra. Thesmoothrunningofthe meeting andtimelyeditingofthebookcouldnothave been possible without theincalculablehelp and indefatigable typing and councilofJudithFisher, whoseconded me in selectingthepapersandeditingthebook