The Evolution of Galaxies Through the Neutral Hydrogen Window

Book Description

This conference brought together observers and theorists to discuss what we are learning from the current generation of extragalactic neutral hydrogen observations and what prospects lie ahead, with particular emphasis on the exciting prospects for the next 3 to 10 years with the major U.S. facilities.

Neutral Hydrogen in Local Group Dwarf Galaxies

Book Description

The gas content of the faintest and lowest mass dwarf galaxies provide means to study the evolution of these unique objects. The evolutionary histories of low mass dwarf galaxies are interesting in their own right, but may also provide insight into fundamental cosmological problems. These include the nature of dark matter, the disagreement between the number of observed Local Group dwarf galaxies and that predicted by lambda cold dark matter models, and the discrepancy between the observed census of baryonic matter in the Milky Way's environment and theoretical predictions. This thesis explores these questions by studying the neutral hydrogen (HI) component of dwarf galaxies. First, limits on the HI mass of the ultra-faint dwarfs are presented, and the HI content of all Local Group dwarf galaxies is examined from an environmental standpoint. We find that those Local Group dwarfs within 270 kpc of a massive host galaxy are deficient in HI as compared to those at larger galactocentric distances.

A Study of the Neutral Hydrogen Content of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies

Book Description

The results of a study of the neutral hydrogen (HI) content and distribution within a sample of 18 blue compact dwarf galaxies (BCDs) are presented. An investigation of the behaviour of the gas-to-dust ratio (GDR) as a function of metallicity (Z) is also presented. Observations of these BCDs was performed using the Very Large Array (VLA) in 2009, a year in which the array was undergoing a technological upgrade to the the Karl G. Jansky VLA (JVLA). The observations were reduced and images processed using the Astronomical Image Processing Software (AIPS), and data cubes for each galaxy were produced. The results include detections of eleven HI lines (two new detections) and ten background continuum sources (two new discoveries). All detections are at a higher resolution and/or sensitivity than previous measurements. These detections spanned a large range of line widths and HI masses; some masses comparable to those in normal galaxies. Of particular interest was the discovery of a compact absorption feature in the dwarf galaxy Haro 11. A paper submitted to the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS) Letters on this discovery is presented. Another significant result was the discovery of a highly extended and massive HI region in the dwarf galaxy CGCG 297-017. For those galaxies with no detected HI line or radio continuum, an upper limit to the flux density was computed, which was used to derive upper limits to the HI mass or star-formation rate (SFR) respectively. Three HI flux density upper limits are new results, and seven continuum flux density upper limits are also new. The GDR-Z relation at low metallicities shows a potential power law or broken power law relation with a turning point at Z=7.96 or Z=8.05. To within error, these turning points and power law indices of the broken power law fits are consistent with other work.

A Comprehensive Study of Star Formation in Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies

Book Description

This book is an observational project on Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies (BCDG). The book gives an insight into the star formation and star formation history of BCDGs. The data of galaxies deals with optical photometry, medium resolution spectroscopy of nearly 11 galaxies. The data of 5 galaxies from this sample are studied in low frequency radio continuum bands and neutral hydrogen gas is also mapped in these systems. The book forms a guide to understand the broad band and narrow band photometric techniques. A detailed photometric and spectroscopic catalogue of 11 nearby BCDGs is composed. An account of mixed population model, created using Starburst99, that reveals at least three different kinds of population [ 10 Myr, 500 Myr and 4-5 Gyr] existing in these regions is given. A detailed calculation of the amount of metals present in the ionized gas using empirical relations is presented in the book. The intriguing inferences from low frequency radio data are discussed. This book overall forms a guide to observe, infer and understand SF & SFHs of BCDGs using integrated optical & radio light.

In Search of Dark Matter

Book Description

Written for the educated non-scientist and scientist alike, it spans a variety of scientific disciplines, from observational astronomy to particle physics. Concepts that the reader will encounter along the way are at the cutting edge of scientific research. However the themes are explained in such a way that no prior understanding of science beyond a high school education is necessary.