Neutron Form Factors from Inelastic Electron-deuteron Scattering

Book Description

The differential cross section for quasielastic scattering of electrons from neutrons initially bound in deuterium has been measured at 90 deg and 120 deg laboratory angle for values of the four-momentum transfer squared equal to 11, 15, 20, 25, and 35 deg. The yield of momentum analyzed scattered electrons was measured using CD2, CH2, and C targets. The Durand theory for the effects of deuteron binding is used to extract experimental values for the ratio of the electron-neutron and electron-proton differential cross sections. Over most of the range of the experiment the ratio is between 0.3 and 0.5. The neutron form factors obtained are consistent with previous measurements at lower momentum transfer. (Author).

Neutron Form Factors from Elastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering

Book Description

Utilizing a gas target in electron-deuteron and electron-proton scattering, measurements of the ratio of the deuteron to proton form factor, G sub ed/G sup ep, were made within a precision of 0.8 to 1.3 percent for the range of momentum transfers, q squared, from 0.05 to 0.60 inverse Fermis squared and for scattering angles between 60 and 120 degrees. From G sub ep/G sub ep the neutron to proton form factor ratio, G sub en/G sub ep, was extracted utilizing the deuteron structure factor, as calculated from the Feshbach-Loman wave functions, and relativistic corrections. (Author).

Elastic Scattering of High Energy Electrons from Deuterium

Book Description

The purposes of the present work are: (1) To investigate the method of elastic electron-deuteron scattering by detection of the recoil target nucleus. (2) To evaluate existing theory for the scattering process in light of the recent advances in understanding nucleon structure and the nuclear force. (3) To provide experimental data at values of the momentum transfer where none had previously existed. Some fundamental preliminary considerations are discussed in Chapter II. Chapter III contains a summary of theoretical aspects of the problem and results of calculation. Some basic experimental questions are answered in Chapter IV. In Chapter V the experimental apparatus is described. The data, method of analysis, and corrections are discussed in Chapter VI. In the last chapter a comparison of the experimental results with theoretical predictions is made, and conclusions and suggestions for further work are given.

Neutron Form Factors from Elastic Electron-deuteron Scattering Ratio Experiments at Very Low Momentum Transfers

Book Description

Measurements of the ratio of the elastic electron-deuteron scattering cross section to the elastic electron-proton scattering cross section were made for low momentum transfers. Augmented by the work of Topping these data span a range of (q sup 2) from 0.05 (fm sup -2) to 0.50 (fm sup -2). From these, the electric form factor of the neutron, (G sub E sub n), was extracted using three Lomon-Feshbach wave functions for the deuteron, (LF1, LF5, and LF15). Values of the slope of (G sub E sub n) versus q2 were measured to be 0.0218 plus or minus 0.0022 for LF1, 0.0220 plus or minus 0.0022 for LF5, and 0.0185 plus or minus 0.0022 for LF15. Although the data seems to prefer model LF15, all were found to be in agreement with the thermal neutron-electron slope of 0.0193 plus or minus 0.0004.

Modern Topics in Electron Scattering

Book Description

This book summarizes the considerable progress recently achieved in the understanding of nucleon and nuclear structure by using high energy electrons as a probe. A collection of papers discusses in detail the new frontiers of this field. Experimental and theoretical articles cover topics such as the structure of the nucleon, nucleon distributions, many-body correlations, non-nucleonic degrees of freedom and few-body systems. This book is an up-to-date introduction to the research planned with continuous beam electron accelerators.