Never Chase Men Again

Book Description

Discover How to Get the Guy You Want and Avoid Dead-End Relationships If a man doesn''t take you seriously he may feel compelled to have a good time with you. Unfortunately, this good time will last until you finally realize you''re being taken for a ride or until Mr. Time-Waster moves on to the woman he REALLY wants. In cases like this, what a woman really requires are two things: a healthy amount of self-respect and a set of "player-proof" dating rules that will allow her to make wise dating decisions as she navigates the treacherous territory of finding Mr. Right. How to Keep a Man Interested Without Playing Games or Becoming His Doormat Many dating advice books for women tout the idea that a high level of confidence is key when dealing with men. However, while this is partially true, being confident, at least in regards to making a man pursue you, is pointless without understanding how to apply that confidence in various dating situations when dealing with men. A woman''s confidence is communicated to a man by what she stands for and what she doesn''t. Being able to confidently socialize with men, having confident body language, and illustrating confidence in your femininity will only go so far if you still allow men to have their way with your emotions, time, affections, body, and anything else for that matter. Self-confidence makes a woman more attractive, but unless it effects how she enforces her personal boundaries it won''t do anything to keep a man interested in her for the long-term. How to Date a Man to Keep Him Calling and Falling For You Women with strong personal boundaries are principle-centered, not men-centered or romance-centered. To them, their personal values, such as giving and receiving unconditional love, are more important to them than needing to be with any one particular guy. When a woman has strong personal boundaries she doesn''t make excuses because of a man''s handsomeness, status, wealth, race, background, promises, sexual chemistry, etc. She sticks to her guns and refuses to settle for dating situations that might cause her distress or jeopardize her future happiness. This book was designed to show women how men appraise female behavior in order to determine a woman''s level of self-respect and therefore, her value as a romantic partner. In it, you''ll discover the timeless seduction secrets and dating rules for women that will help you avoid those dating mistakes that make could make a woman appear desperate, needy, commonplace, or even "unqualified" for a serious commitment to a great guy. Here''s what you''re going to learn inside: The most powerful form of male seduction that can KEEP a woman helplessly "addicted" to chasing a man. How to keep a man interested by doing the one thing MOST women are terrified of doing when they find a great guy. An irritating habit that causes high-quality men to stop pursuing a woman almost INSTANTLY. How to "rebuff" undesirable male behavior and get the guy you want to either take you seriously or take a HIKE! A simple "Ego-Popping" phrase that burns into a man''s memory, keeps you STUCK on his mind, and makes him DESPERATE to see you again. How to seduce a man and MELT his heart by overwhelming him with the ONE THING only the RIGHT woman can give him. A dangerous and common dating mistake that FORCES a man to disappear or "log out" of a relationship...for GOOD. Foolproof dating rules for women (the "Nice Girls") who feel that men CONSTANTLY take advantage of their love and kindness. And much, much more... Would You Like to Know More? Get started right away and discover how to get the guy and keep him interested in you without playing games. Scroll to the top of the page and select the ''buy button'' now.

Never Chase Women Again

Book Description

So women don't feel a gut level attraction for men based on their looks alone, we've established that and know that men are much more shallow than women when it comes to attraction. However women can be attracted to ANY guy without being in control of who they become attracted to, it's down to their hard wiring and psychology. So if We "Never Chase Women Again" then how do you make a woman like you when there might be a slight chance she never will? Easy, you learn how to trigger "sexual attraction" by using several proven steps and techniques that have been tested to make women respond sexually, every time you use them... without them knowing you're doing anything. "Here's just some of what you get" 1)What all natural players know about women and how you can use this knowledge to instantly make any woman feel sexually attracted to you, regardless of your age, height, weight or status. 2)12 incredibly dangerous beliefs that men have which hurt their success with women every day and how to correct these quickly. 3)How to re-wire your brain so that you think like a true natural... which turns you into an attraction magnet almost overnight! And more

How to Be a 3% Man, Winning the Heart of the Woman of Your Dreams

Book Description

Dear Friend, This book teaches you the hidden secrets to completely understand women. It covers both the dating world and long term relationships. You will learn how to meet and date the type of women you've always dreamed of. The best part is you can do this while remaining who you truly are inside. The book teaches you how to create sexual attraction in women & get women to chase & pursue you! It takes you step by step with easy to follow instructions. You will be able to meet women anytime, anyplace, & anywhere...this will give you choice with women. Whether you are single & searching or already with your dream lady, my book has the secrets most men will never know about women. Learn more at

How to Get a Man Without Getting Played

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How to Attract Men Worth Dating and Get the Guy You Really Want When it comes to finding a suitable mate for a passion filled, committed relationship, one of the things men want most in a woman is self-possession, or said another way, womanly poise. When high-quality men come across a woman with poise they crave her respect, her approval, and most importantly, her love. Men like this understand that a woman''s poise reflects her self-worth. And they know that a woman can only act with poise when she''s placed a higher importance on her dignity and well-being than she does on ANY man. It is this unique female attitude that drives a man wild with sustainable desire, the kind of desire that makes him eager to commit to a woman and claim her as his own. How to Attractively Set Standards with a Man and Make Him Want You Even More When a woman lacks poise she generally gives too much of herself, and usually at the most ineffective times when dating a man. She is too lenient with men in the beginning stages of a new romance, and she''s prone to compromising her standards just to keep a man in her life. Women like this unknowingly chase men, as they become frantic, frustrated, and foolhardy whenever the guy they want begins to pull away or lose interest in them. A woman with poise never chases or throws herself at a man, nor does she make things easy for him by clearing her schedule "just in case" he calls or comes around. Instead, a woman with poise maintains her mystery, sticks to her standards, and uses her feminine charms to invite men to either pursue her passionately or leave her alone. How to Date like a High-Value Woman and Be Irresistible to Mr. Right It''s easy to show class and character when things are going your way with a guy. But your ability to remain unfazed amid his disrespect or disinterest is what really helps him determine whether you are a high-value woman or not. A man will not always act in ways that are favorable to you. Sure, some men are scumbags, but not all men who act thoughtlessly towards you should be categorized this way. Therefore, if you want to separate the good guys from the time wasters it''s important to act with poise. This book was designed for women who want to go from being powerless to being irresistible to men. In it, you''ll discover the secrets to having more confidence and power with men and dating as you learn the beliefs, attitudes, dating rules, "love habits", and seduction secrets of the high-value woman. Here''s what you''re going to learn inside: What to say when you want to "slow things down" with a guy without losing his interest in you. The most seductive first date "good deed" that can CAPTURE a man''s desire and make him desperate to see you again. The #1 key to conquering a man''s heart during the early dating stages. (This is something most women only figure out after YEARS of painful trial and error.) How to get a boyfriend by avoiding a HUGE relationship-killing mistake most women make within the first few weeks of dating. The single most irresistible feminine attitude that easily overwhelms a man''s emotions and makes it IMPOSSIBLE for him to get you off his mind. How to get a man to treat you like a top priority (instead of his Plan B) once you start dating him. How to maintain the "Queen''s Composure" when men pull away and how to use it to make the good ones come RUNNING back to you. The "dating rules" high-value women use to quickly eliminate players and find Mr. Right. And much, much more... Would You Like to Know More? Get started right away and discover how to date like a high-value woman to get the guy you want without getting played. Scroll to the top of the page and select the ''buy button'' now.

You Never Know With Women

Book Description

Veda Rux, a beautiful blonde, known professionally as a stripper, steals a priceless Cellini dagger from the safe in millionaire Lindsay Brett's home. Her agent, Cornelius Gorman, approaches Floyd Jackson, a private investigator and first-rate blackmailer, and asks him to return the dagger before the theft is discovered. Jackson should have known there was something wrong with the whole situation, but, blinded by the beauty of Veda and more money than he had ever seen, he agreed to the proposition. From the moment he fell in love with Veda, his doom was sealed—he was caught up in a relentless intrigue that made him a cat's-paw for murder.

Mastering Yourself, How To Align Your Life With Your True Calling & Reach Your Full Potential

Book Description

Dear Friend, This book teaches you the hidden secrets of self-reliance so you can reach your full potential and accomplish your grandest goals and dreams. It will help you to discover your true purpose and calling in life. How to get any job or career you want. How you can get the upper hand in any personal or professional negotiation. The ultimate time management strategy that will help you maximize the use of your time, enable you to focus on your core competencies and reach your goals in the quickest most efficient way possible. It will teach you success and problem solving mindsets and skillsets that will enable you to overcome any obstacle, challenge or setback. The secrets to health, vitality and unlimited energy that keeps you free from common colds, flu and illnesses so you can enjoy your life with exceptional mental clarity, focus and efficiency

Quotes, Ruminations & Contemplations: Volume I

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A random selection of quotes and commentary from Corey Wayne's articles and video coaching newsletters on pickup, dating, relationships, success mindsets, self-reliance, personal responsibility, philosophy, purpose, negotiation, health, inspiration, high achievement, goal setting, time management, career, entrepreneurship, wealth creation and sales.

Last Beautiful Girl

Book Description

When Kyle Jones let Sydney Albright walk out of his life, he gave up on the idea of settling down. How could he when he broke the heart of the only woman he ever loved? For years he distracted himself with a parade of women, all the while hoping he would see Sydney again. But he never wanted it to be like this... Sydney wasn’t prepared to become a mom overnight. When she loses her sister and brother-in-law in a tragic accident, she moves back home to become the caregiver for her heart broken niece. It is no surprise to her when the small town rallies to offer support to one of their own. However, that doesn’t make Kyle showing up on her doorstep any less jarring. While Kyle claims he is only there to help, Sydney is instantly on edge. Not only did she vow never to fall for him again, but his timing couldn’t be worse. Her niece needs to be her number one priority. Still, seeing the pain in Sydney’s eyes, Kyle won’t turn his back on her... not again. He always said she was the first beautiful girl he loved and now he’s determined to make her the last.

Never Chase a Man

Book Description

Never Chase Him. Do This instead... Never chase a man, even if he's pulling away, going cold, or disappearing on you completely. In this book you'll discover... 5 Reasons Why You Should Never Chase a Man Are currently chasing him? 7 signs to watch out for... 5 weird qualities that make men chase Step by step, exactly what to do instead of chasing him so that he's chasing you and you build the relationship together Never chase men again. And instead, connect with his heart and make him fall in love with you over and over again.

Never Get Ghosted Again

Book Description

Discover Why Men Come on Strong Then Suddenly Lose Interest If you are currently dating, at some point you''ve probably been blindsided and left utterly frustrated after a great guy suddenly lost interest in you even though he seemed so passionate in the beginning. Maybe you''ve been completely heartbroken after a long-term boyfriend suddenly started pulling away from you. Sadly, as unfortunate as these dating situations are, when they do occur, most women tend to act in counterproductive ways that only end up pushing their guy even further away, maybe even for good. What to Do When Men Pull Away, Become Distant, or Try to Ignore You No woman can change the reality that any man, no matter how interested or invested he may first appear, can potentially pull away and lose interest in her at some point. Although this is the reality, a woman can, in fact, change the way she deals with such situations. While you might not be able to control a man''s behavior, you can control your own. Being in control of your emotions, especially when a man''s behavior threatens your future with him, will make it easier for you to influence his heart and make him see you as an irreplaceable, high-value woman. But in order to effectively influence a man''s heart, a woman must possess a deep understanding of how men think - why they lose interest and what scares them away from a blossoming relationship. How to Finally Understand Men and Never Be Confused by Their Behavior Again The thing is, a woman can astronomically increase her chances of dating success by doing one simple thing: understanding men. Rather than responding in desperation and frantic fretting, when a woman truly understands male dating behavior, she becomes far more confident and capable in dealing with men whenever they pull away or attempt to ghost her. Fortunately, in, Never Get Ghosted Again, you''re going to get an inside look into how men think when it comes to women and dating. In this fun and insightful dating book for women, you will discover the secret reasons why men suddenly lose interest, what causes men to fall in (and out of) love with a woman, and how to prevent that special guy from disappearing on you. Here''s what you''re going to learn inside: The BIGGEST reason why men pull away whenever you start giving them MORE of your love and attention. The seven things that make a man feel as if he''s "just not ready" for a SERIOUS relationship with a GREAT woman. What to do (and what NOT to do) when the man you desire suddenly starts losing interest in you. The six man-repelling behaviors that SCARE men away on a first date. (Hint: You''ll finally understand why many guys QUICKLY lose interest in highly educated, smart, and successful women.) Exactly what goes on in the mind of a man who suddenly "BREAKS THINGS OFF" with a woman he deeply cares about. The nine ways good-hearted women unknowingly CHASE men away by "Coming on Too Strong". (Hint: Avoid these "red flag" dating behaviors if you want to keep HIM chasing YOU instead.) What to say and do to STOP an on-coming break-up in its tracks to potentially SAVE the relationship. The twelve TIME-WASTING signs that reveals when a man sees you as his "PLAN B" and nothing more. (Hint: Knowing these signs will keep you from being seduced into a DEAD-END relationship with an emotionally unavailable man.) The PRIMAL process by which men "fall in love", and how to use this knowledge to get the guy you want and NOT get played. And much, much more... Would You Like to Learn More? Get started right away and discover the secret reasons why men lose interest and how to prevent great guys from disappearing on you. Scroll to the top of the page and select the ''buy'' button now.