Lessons Learned in Software Testing

Book Description

Softwaretests stellen eine kritische Phase in der Softwareentwicklung dar. Jetzt zeigt sich, ob das Programm die entsprechenden Anforderungen erfüllt und sich auch keine Programmierungsfehler eingeschlichen haben. Doch wie bei allen Phasen im Software-Entwicklungsprozess gibt es auch hier eine Reihe möglicher Fallstricke, die die Entdeckung von Programmfehlern vereiteln können. Deshalb brauchen Softwaretester ein Handbuch, das alle Tipps, Tricks und die häufigsten Fehlerquellen genau auflistet und erläutert, damit mögliche Testfehler von vornherein vermieden werden können. Ein solches Handbuch ersetzt gut und gerne jahr(zehnt)elange Erfahrung und erspart dem Tester frustrierende und langwierige Trial-und-Error-Prozeduren. Chem Kaner und James Bach sind zwei der international führenden Experten auf dem Gebiet des Software Testing. Sie schöpfen hier aus ihrer insgesamt 30-jährigen Erfahrung. Die einzelnen Lektionen sind nach Themenbereichen gegliedert, wie z.B. Testdesign, Test Management, Teststrategien und Fehleranalyse. Jede Lektion enthält eine Behauptung und eine Erklärung sowie ein Beispiel des entsprechenden Testproblems. "Lessons Learned in Software Testing" ist ein unverzichtbarer Begleiter für jeden Software Tester.

Popular Science

Book Description

Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.

11+ Practice Papers for the CEM Test Ages 10-11 - Set 2

Book Description

Designed for practising under test conditions, these papers will help to develop the essential skills students need to succeed in the CEM 11+ tests. Contains two complete tests (each test contains two papers - papers A and B), along with answer sheets and short answer grids.

CEM 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning & Spatial Reasoning Practice Papers

Book Description

These three practice exam papers test pupils ahead of the CEM 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning test, including those taking bespoke tests created by CEM for individual schools. Three levelled papers test pupils' skills in non-verbal and spatial reasoning. The papers are designed to: - Develop and perfect exam technique for all CEM 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning tests - Teach pupils to improve their response rates with timed papers - Identify weaker areas and improve results by studying the answers, which contain references to Galore Park's revision materials for guidance and useful tips - The resource also contains links to downloadable answer sheets so that the tests can be re-sat. These practice papers are part of Galore Park's 11+ revision series, which provides a three-step learning journey that teaches children the skills needed to pass rigorous school entrance exams.

11+ Practice Papers for the CEM Test Ages 9-10

Book Description

"The most realistic and reliable papers for CEM"Surita De Mulder, 11+ tutor, Reading Prepare for the CEM 11+ tests with confidence with these authentic multiple-choice papers covering Verbal Reasoning, key English skills, Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Designed for practising under test conditions, these papers will help to develop the essential skills students need to succeed in the CEM 11+ tests. Contains two complete tests (each test contains two papers - papers A and B), along with answer sheets and short answer grids. Two complete CEM practice tests Authentic multiple choice format Full answers with explanations Covers Maths, English, Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning

11+ Verbal Reasoning Practice and Assessment for the CEM Test Ages 10-11

Book Description

"Great quality, imaginatively written"Dr Samina Rashid, 11+ tutor Prepare for the CEM 11+ tests with authentic multiple-choice practice and assessment activities. Packed with targeted practice and opportunities for children to test their understanding of cloze, spelling, vocabulary, synonyms and more! Contains a range of verbal reasoning question types along with answer sheets and short answer grids. Authentic multiple choice format Includes mix of practice and assessment Covers key 11+ verbal reasoning question types