The Essential Guide to Teaching New Apprenticeships

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Practical advice for apprenticeship teachers and trainers. ′How to′ support on: · Understanding the ways in which standards-based apprenticeships are different · Mapping to the Level 4 Assessor/Coach apprenticeship standard · Adapting teaching and training approaches for new standards-based apprenticeships · Working with all of the other people involved with apprenticeships · Effective ongoing assessment for vocational learners · Vocational coaching, progress monitoring and effective target setting · Planning for the continuing development of professional skills · Delivering a high-quality apprenticeship programme

An Apprenticeship or The Book of Pleasures

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Now in paperback, a romantic love story by the great Brazilian writer Lóri, a primary school teacher, is isolated and nervous, comfortable with children but unable to connect to adults. When she meets Ulisses, a professor of philosophy, an opportunity opens: a chance to escape the shipwreck of introspection and embrace the love, including the sexual love, of a man. Her attempt, as Sheila Heti writes in her afterword, is not only “to love and to be loved,” but also “to be worthy of life itself.” Published in 1968, An Apprenticeship is Clarice Lispector’s attempt to reinvent herself following the exhausting effort of her metaphysical masterpiece The Passion According to G. H. Here, in this unconventional love story, she explores the ways in which people try to bridge the gaps between them, and the result, unusual in her work, surprised many readers and became a bestseller. Some appreciated its accessibility; others denounced it as sexist or superficial. To both admirers and critics, the olympian Clarice gave a typically elliptical answer: “I humanized myself,” she said. “The book reflects that.”

The Success of Apprenticeships

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Apprenticeships can offer apprentices, their teacher-tutors and business apprenticeship supervisors experiences that are rich in knowledge. The Success of Apprenticeships presents the observations and opinions of 48 actors regarding apprenticeships. These testimonies recount how apprenticeships allowed them to improve their expertise, their professional practices and their organization skills. This book also examines how their interactions in the work/study process allowed them not only to develop the skills of apprentices, but also the skills of those who accompanied them – the teacher-tutors and the business apprenticeships supervisors. The creation of an authentic community of apprentices subscribes to the formation of an ecosystem of learning, in which each individual harvests fruits in terms of the development of their personal abilities.

America: The Sorcerer's New Apprentice

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Your friends, your family, your neighbors--and quite possibly even your church--are wondering: Is America at the threshold of a glorious rebirth into planetary enlightenment, peace, and brotherhood? Or have we, as forward-thinking Americans in our search for higher levels of human potential, opened a spiritual Pandora's box? Due to the occult philosophies embraced and advanced by Oprah, Dr. Oz, and countless others, Americans are rapidly awakening to what is being hailed as a paradigm shift in global consciousness. Whatever you believe, and why, one thing is certain: Today's world is the scene of a strange and growing paradox that seems to mark an important transformation in the history of mankind. For even as scientific and technological advancement is accelerating at an exponential rate, we are witnessing the greatest explosion of occultism of all time. The question is, Who is right? Is there really a threat to the American culture? And, if so, what will awaken us to the truth that sets humanity free from spiritual deception and dangerous delusions--which appear to enlighten but actually lead to enslavement? Originally written as a tool to educate and inform nonbelievers of the dangers of the New Age movement, this timely reprint of Dave Hunt's classic 1988 work will astound you all over again with its groundbreaking revelations and prophetic implications. You'll not only want to add this to your "Dave Hunt Classic" library but also pass it along to those who may be mired in the New Spirituality of today or those loved ones you wish to protect from the prowling about of our spiritual adversary.

Adult apprenticeships

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The Apprenticeship Programme expanded by 140 per cent between the 2006/07 and 2010/11 academic years. Apprentices aged over 25 account for 68 per cent of this increase. Most of the increase in the programme has been in just 10 apprenticeship occupations. Apprentices and inspectors are generally positive about the quality of apprenticeships, with 91 per cent of apprentices satisfied with their training; but the rapid expansion of the programme brings risks that need to be managed. One concern is that in 2010/11, 19 per cent (34,600) of apprenticeships lasted less than six months, when most are expected to last at least a year. Advanced apprenticeships yield higher returns than intermediate apprenticeships: spending on adult apprenticeships overall could be producing an economic return of £18 for every £1 of public spending. Most apprenticeships in England, though, are at a lower level than those offered by other countries. The Apprenticeship Programme is well coordinated and is better managed than a previous government programme, Train to Gain, for example by maintaining a central register of approved providers, with a single national contract and account manager for each. The rates paid to training providers by the Skills Funding Agency are not based on sufficiently robust information on the cost of the training provision, and so the Agency and National Apprenticeship Service do not know the extent to which providers may be earning surpluses or incurring losses on some types of apprenticeship. Furthermore, some employers are not paying the expected contribution towards training providers' costs.

The New Apprenticeships

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Are you involved in assessing the new apprenticeships? Are you clear about your role and responsibilities in the context of the new apprenticeships? Do you need support in being an effective learning facilitator? One of the key features of the new standards-based apprenticeships is the role of learning mentors and coaches and the need to support apprentices throughout their journey and prepare them for end-point assessment. This book takes you through the essentials of learning and development, and the principles and practice of mentoring, coaching and assessing learning. Whatever your vocational subject, this accessible and concise text provides you with an in-depth understanding of these areas and how to effectively apply them to practice.

Apprentice Nation

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College isn’t for everyone. It’s time to challenge the status quo and embrace the potential of apprenticeships in tech, healthcare, finance, and more—which can provide a sustainable pathway to economic opportunity. For decades, college has been the only respectable way to access the world of work, despite paralyzing tuition and a dire lack of practical skills that has left 40 percent of college graduates underemployed, unfulfilled, and struggling to repay student loan debt. Education and workforce expert Ryan Craig explores how a modern apprenticeship system will allow students and job seekers to jump-start their careers by learning while they earn—ultimately leading to greater workforce diversity and geographic mobility. With a deep dive into the history behind America’s outdated college system, Craig reveals: The origins of the student debt crises and admissions scandals Why apprenticeships are an effective pathway to career opportunity What America can do to catch up with other nations making apprenticeship opportunities broadly available Where students and job seekers can go to land an apprenticeship Featuring a directory of US apprenticeship programs by industry and location, Apprentice Nation is an accessible blueprint for a country where young Americans of all backgrounds can launch careers in a variety of in-demand fields. With just a few common sense changes to education and workforce development, anapprentice nation will put the American Dream within reach—for everyone.


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Incorporating HC 1843-i to 1843-vi, Session 2010-12. Additional written evidence is contained in Volume 3, available on the Committee website at

OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training Seven Questions about Apprenticeships Answers from International Experience

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After a period of relative neglect in many countries, apprenticeships and other forms of work-based learning are experiencing a revival. Their effectiveness in easing school-to-work transitions and serving the economy is increasingly recognised. However, engaging individuals, employers, social ...


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