New Assessment of the Japanese Foreign Exchange Intervention

Book Description

I propose a new variable to assess the effect of the Japanese foreign exchange (FX) intervention. The variable is the probability of an FX rate reaching one threshold before the other threshold is reached. Importantly, the probability depends on not only the level but also the trend and volatility of a current FX rate. When an intervention changes the probability into its intending direction, the intervention is effective. The notable feature of the probability is to consider both the level and volatility of an FX rate comprehensively, on those previous literature examine the effect of FX intervention separately.I process the two analysis; time series and event study one. The former uses all the time series data, in which sporadic and infrequent interventions are observed. The latter uses data only from around periods of intervention.In the time series analysis, I regresses the probability on the amounts of FX intervention. My regression result indicates that the intervention can cause a desired change in the probability.Event study processes the nearest-neighbors matching analysis. In order to implement that analysis, I compares the probability changes of the pairs. Each pair consists of two nearest-neighbors in terms of equivalent probability, and one is followed by next day's intervention and the other is not. I expect that the former neighbor shows a desired change in the probability after the intervention, and that change is larger than that of the other neighbor. The result of the matching analysis also supports the effectiveness of the Japanese intervention although the regression and matching results are against the effectiveness in some sub-samples.

An Assessment of the Impact of Japanese Foreign Exchange Intervention

Book Description

We analyze the short-term price impact of Japanese foreign exchange intervention operations between 1991 and 2004, using official data from Japan's Ministry of Finance. Over the period as a whole, we find some evidence of a modest against the wind effect, but interventions do not have value as a forecast that the exchange rate will move in a direction consistent with the operations. Interventions conducted between 1995 and 2002, which were large and infrequent, met with a much higher degree of success. For the most recent episode of intervention, in 2003 and 2004, despite the record size and frequency of the overall episode, it is difficult to statistically distinguish the pattern of exchange rate movements on intervention days from that of all the days in that particular subperiod, showing little effectiveness. Still, while the evidence of Japanese intervention effectiveness is modest overall, it appears to be stronger than that found using similar techniques for U.S. intervention operations conducted in the 1980s and 1990s.

An Assessment of Weymark's Measures of Exchange Market Intervention

Book Description

This paper assesses the validity of the index of foreign exchange market intervention proposed by Weymark (1997, JIMF). We construct the Weymark index for Japan and then compare it with Japanese public intervention data to evaluate its performance. The results suggest that research using the Weymark index should be interpreted with caution.--Authors' description.

Japan's Currency Intervention

Book Description

Japan's intervention to slow the upward appreciation of the yen has raised concerns in the United States and brought charges that Tokyo is manipulating its exchange rate in order to gain unfair advantage in world trade. This coincides with similar charges being made with respect to the currencies of the People's Republic of China and South Korea. In the 109th Congress, S. 377 (Fair Currency Enforcement Act of 2005) would require negotiation and appropriate action with respect to certain countries that engage in currency manipulation. H.R. 3283 (United States Trade Rights Enforcement Act) would require the Secretary of the Treasury to provide to Congress a periodic assessment of countries -- including Japan -- that intervene to influence the value of their currency. Japan intervened (bought dollars and sold yen) extensively to counter the yen's appreciation in 1976-1978, 1985-1988, 1992-1996, and 1998-2004. Since March 2004, the Japanese government has not intervened significantly, although some claim that Tokyo continues to "talk down the value of the yen." This heavy buying of dollars has resulted in an accumulation of official foreign exchange reserves now exceeding a record $800 billion by Japan. The intervention, however, seems to have had little lasting effect. It may only have slowed the rise in value of the yen, since the yen rose from 296 yen per dollar in 1976 to 103 yen per dollar at the end of 2004. In late 2005, the exchange value of the yen had depreciated to about 115 yen per dollar. Japan's intervention, therefore, amounted to what is called "leaning against the wind" or intervening to smooth strong short-term trends rather than to reverse the direction of change. Estimates on the cumulative effect of the interventions range from an undervaluation of the yen of about 3 or 4 yen to as much as 20 yen per dollar. In March and November 2005, the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury indicated that it had not found currency manipulation by any country, including by Japan. An April 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office reported that Treasury had not found currency manipulation because it viewed "Japan's exchange rate interventions as part of a macroeconomic policy aimed at combating deflation..." In its August 2005 report on consultations with Japan, the International Monetary Fund, likewise, did not find currency manipulation by Japan. The criteria for finding currency manipulation, however, allows for considerable leeway by Treasury and the IMF. One problem with the focus on currency intervention to correct balance of trade deficits is that only about half of the increase in the value of a foreign currency is reflected in prices of imports into the United States. Periods of heaviest intervention also coincided with slower (not faster) economic growth rates for Japan. Major policy options for Congress include (1) let the market adjust (do nothing); (2) clarify the definition of currency manipulation; (3) require negotiations and reports; (4) require the President to certify which countries are manipulating their currencies and take remedial action if the manipulation is not halted; and (5) take the case to the World Trade Organization under the dispute settlement mechanism or appeal to the IMF. This report will be updated as circumstances require.