New Concepts for Far-Infrared and Submillimeter Space Astronomy

Book Description

The "Second Workshop on New Concepts for Far-Infrared and Submillimeter Space Astronomy" aimed to highlight the groundbreaking opportunities available for astronomical investigations in the far-infrared to submillimeter using advanced, space-based telescopes. The National Research Council's Decade Report, "Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium," assigned a high priority to a Single Aperture Far-Infrared (SAFIR) observatory and encouraged the subsequent development of space-based far-infrared interferometry. With community guidance from the Origins and Structure and Evolution of the Universe Subcommittees of the Space Science Advisory Committee, NASA recently incorporated SAFIR and a kilometer maximum baseline far-IR interferometer into the Space Science roadmap. The interferometer is widely known as SPECS, the Submillimeter Probe of the Evolution of Cosmic Structure. An important outcome of this workshop was the development of a "Community Plan for Far-IR/Submillimeter Space Astronomy". The name "Community Plan" was adopted because this paper gives the consensus view of the workshop participants. The Community Plan addresses practical considerations, such as the tradeoffs associated with alternative mission designs and the flowdown from scientific objectives to measurement requirements, engineering requirements, and technology needs. It recommends an implementation strategy for technology development and validation, and recommends specific science and technology pathfinder missions that would pave the way for the "roadmap missions" SAFIR and SPECS. The community plan concludes by saying: "The time is right to place SAFIR on the NASA plan as one of the successors of SIRTF and JWST, to set our sights on a longbaseline far-infrared/submillimeter interferometric imaging telescope, to further develop far-infrared/submillimeter single-aperture and interferometric mission concepts, and to invest strategically in the technology that will enable future far-infrared/submillimeter missions. Supporting studies and smaller mission opportunities should be actively pursued."

Infrared and Submillimeter Space Missions in the Coming Decade

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A revolution similar to that brought by CCDs to visible astronomy is still ahead in IR and submillimeter astronomy. There is certainly no wavelength range which has, over the past several years, seen such impressive advances in technology: large-scale detector arrays, new designs for cooling in space, lightweight mirror technologies. Scientific cases for observing the cold universe are outstanding. Observations in the FIR/Submm range will provide answers to such fundamental questions as: What is the spectrum of the primordial fluctuations? How do primeval galaxies look? What are the first stages of star formation? Most of the international space missions that have been triggered by these questions are presented in detail here. Technological issues raised by these missions are reviewed, as are the most recent achievements in cooling and detector technologies.

Infrared and Submillimeter Astronomy

Book Description

The Symposium on Infrared and Submillimeter Astronomy was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., on June 8-10, 1976, as an activity associated with the Nineteenth Plenary Meeting of the Committee on Space Research (CaSPAR). The Symposium was sponsored jointly by CaSPAR, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the International Union of Radio Science CURSI). caSPAR is an interdisciplinary scientific organization, established by the International Council of Scientific Unions in 1958, to, in the words of its charter, "provide the world scientific community with the means whereby it may exploit the possibilities of satellites and space probes of all kinds for scientific purposes and exchange the resulting data on a co operative basis." The purpose of this particular CaSPAR Sympo sium was to present new results in infrared and submillimeter astronomy obtained by observations on aircraft, high altitude balloons, rockets, satellites, and space probes. Topics dis cussed included the Sun, the solar system, galactic and extra galactic objects as well as the cosmic background radiation. Instrumentation for observations in infrared and submillimeter astronomy was also discussed, with particular emphasis on future programs from space observatories.

Infrared Astronomy – Seeing the Heat

Book Description

Uncover the Secrets of the Universe Hidden at Wavelengths beyond Our Optical Gaze William Herschel’s discovery of infrared light in 1800 led to the development of astronomy at wavelengths other than the optical. Infrared Astronomy – Seeing the Heat: from William Herschel to the Herschel Space Observatory explores the work in astronomy that relies on observations in the infrared. Author David L. Clements, a distinguished academic and science fiction writer, delves into how the universe works, from the planets in our own Solar System to the universe as a whole. The book first presents the major telescopes in the world of observational infrared astronomy, explains how infrared light is detected through various kinds of telescopes, and describes practical problems that send infrared astronomers to the tops of mountains and their telescopes into orbit and beyond. Much of the book focuses on what infrared astronomers find in their observations. You’ll discover what infrared astronomy reveals about the planets, moons, and other bodies that constitute our Solar System; star formation and stellar evolution; the processes that shape galaxies; and dark energy and dark matter. Infrared astronomy has revolutionized our understanding of the universe and has become essential in studying cosmology. Accessible to amateur astronomers, this book presents an overview of the science and technology associated with infrared astronomy. With color figures, it shows you how infrared astronomy provides insights into the workings of the universe that are unavailable at other wavelengths.

Next Generation Infrared Space Observatory

Book Description

Infrared astronomy has undergone an enormous revolution during the last decade. Despite the great technical difficulties of building detectors in a cryogenic environment, the scientific advances in infrared astronomy have been astounding. In the near future many more advances can be expected from still newer developments in telescope and detector designs. High quality detector arrays and passively cooled telescopes are very promising techniques for achieving considerably larger apertures. This volume contains the refereed papers from the workshop on 'Next Generation Infrared Observatory', dealing with all new aspects of future infrared telescopes.