New Contributions to Monetary Analysis

Book Description

This book sheds light on some of the most recent developments in monetary analysis which offer a theoretical framework for a renewed monetary approach and related policy extensions. It points to recent research on what a consistent and broad-scope monetary theory could be based in the twenty-first century. It highlights new interpretations of monetary theory as put forth by some leading economists since the eighteenth century and new developments in the analysis of current monetary issues.

Money, Distribution Conflict and Capital Accumulation

Book Description

This book demonstrates that 'monetary analysis', as contained in Post-Keynesian monetary theories, but also in the Neo-Ricardian monetary theory of distribution and in Marx's monetary analysis, can be integrated into Post-Keynesian models of distribution of growth in a convincing way.

Money and Inflation

Book Description

Studies in the History of Monetary Theory

Book Description

This book presents an alternative approach to monetary theory that differs from the General Theory of Keynes, the Monetarism of Friedman, and the New Classicism of Lucas. Particular attention is given to the work of Hawtrey and his analysis of financial crises and his explanation of the Great Depression. The unduly neglected monetary theory of Hawtrey is examined in the context of his contemporaries Keynes and Hayek and the subsequent contributions of Friedman and of the Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments. Studies in the History of Monetary Theory aims to highlight the misunderstandings of the quantity theory and the price-specie-flow mechanism and to explain their unfortunate consequences for the subsequent development of monetary theory. The book is relevant to researchers, students, and policymakers interested in the history of economic thought, monetary theory, and monetary policy.

Sourcebook in Late-Scholastic Monetary Theory

Book Description

The Sourcebook is a thematically unified collection of seminal texts in the history of economics on the topic of money and exchange relations (cambium)_its nature, purpose, value, and relationship to justice and morality in financial transactions_within the tradition of late-scholastic commercial ethics.

The Science and Practice of Monetary Policy Today

Book Description

Bridging the theory and practice of monetary policy, this book presents aspects of the New-Keynesian theory of monetary policy and its implications for the practical decision-making of central bankers. It also outlines important lessons for policymakers.

Milton Friedman

Book Description

Milton Friedman is regarded as one of the most influential economists of the twentieth century. This volume assesses the importance of the full range of Friedman's ideas, from his work on methodology in economics, and his consumption theory, his research on monetary economics, to his views on contentious social and political issues such as education, conscription, and drugs. It also presents personal recollections of Friedman by some of those who knew him, both asstudents and colleagues, and offers new evidence on Friedman's interactions with other noted economists. The volume provides readers with an up to date account of Friedman's continuing influence andwill help to stimulate further research across a variety of areas, including macroeconomics, the history of economic thought, and public policy. With contributions from a stellar cast, this book will be invaluable to academics and students alike.

Reflections on Allan H. Meltzer's Contributions to Monetary Economics and Public Policy

Book Description

Allan H. Meltzer (1928–2017), a leading monetary economist of the twentieth century, is memorialized in eleven essays by prominent economists. Among his achievements, Meltzer transformed the field of central banking and dissected the economic disasters of the 1930s and late 2000s, as well as the avoidance of disaster in the 1970s. Focusing on his landmark A History of the Federal Reserve, 1913–1986, the first section argues that the Fed's biggest successes are tied to its adherence to classical monetary theory and also examines the monetarist counterrevolution. Next, the book turns to Meltzer's thinking on the monetary transmission mechanism and his close work with Karl Brunner on the Brunner-Meltzer Model; it argues that Meltzer's understanding of monetary economics could be used to measure the impact of the Fed's activities. Finally, Meltzer's contributions to public policy are examined, including his proposed reforms to the International Monetary Fund and his activities at the Carnegie Mellon Graduate School of Industrial Administration. The conference papers that compose this volume celebrate Meltzer's fifty-year career at Carnegie Mellon. The book ends with a transcribed interview, conducted just a few months before his death, in which he shares sharp-witted insights about economics and his legacy. Contributors: Michael Bordo, James Bullard, Joshua R. Hendrickson, Robert Hetzel, Peter N. Ireland, Robert Lucas, Edward Nelson, Gerald P. O'Driscoll Jr., Charles Plosser, George Selgin, and John Taylor.

Modern Money Theory

Book Description

This second edition explores how money 'works' in the modern economy and synthesises the key principles of Modern Money Theory, exploring macro accounting, currency regimes and exchange rates in both the USA and developing nations.