New Evidence on Serial Correlation in Analyst Forecast Errors

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We reexamine the serial correlation of forecast errors using a method that allows analysts to react differently to good and bad news. Our method also controls for the influence of a normal non-zero, firm-specific component of forecast error. Our results indicate that forecast errors exhibit positive serial correlation when there is bad news in the prior forecast error, negative serial correlation when there is good news in the prior forecast error, and no serial correlation when there is no news in the prior forecast error. These findings are consistent with analysts having optimistic reactions to new information.

A Note on Analysts' Earnings Forecast Errors Distribution

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Abarbanell and Lehavy provide evidence that analysts' forecast errors are not normally distributed exhibiting a high occurrence of extreme negative forecast errors (left-tail asymmetry) and a high occurrence of small positive forecast errors (middle asymmetry). This is important for researchers who rely on techniques that are sensitive to the distributional assumptions of analysts' forecast errors. Many of the conclusions drawn by Abarbanell and Lehavy, however, are based on visual impressions (as opposed to formal empirical tests) or based on methods that are very sensitive to the empirical methods used (e.g., whether the serial correlation of forecast errors is caused by the left-tail asymmetry).

Individual-Analyst Characteristics and Forecast Error

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The purpose of the study reported here was to investigate how characteristics of analysts affect their forecast errors. Previous research has found positive serial correlation in forecast errors, which can be attributed to underreaction to new information, especially to bad news. The relationship between an analyst's behavior and that analyst's characteristics is not clear, however, because most previous work was based solely on consensus estimates. By using detailed historical data, I found a stronger serial correlation among the herd-to-consensus analysts (that is, the group with a small average distance between their forecasts and the consensus forecast) than among other analysts. Moreover, average distance to consensus itself has a positive serial correlation, and it may be attributed to an analyst's personality (optimistic or pessimistic). I found strong positive serial correlation in the average distance to consensus among the herd-to-consensus analysts. These results show that herd-to-consensus analysts submit earnings estimates that are not only close to the consensus but are also strongly affected by their personalities.

Analyst Forecast Error

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Market Perceptions of Efficiency and News in Analyst Forecast Errors

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Financial analysts are considered inefficient when they do not fully incorporate relevant information into their forecasts. In this dissertation, I investigate differences in the observable efficiency of analysts' earnings forecasts between firms that consistently meet or exceed analysts' earnings expectations and those that do not. I then analyze the extent to which the market incorporates this (in)efficiency into its earnings expectations. Consistent with my hypotheses, I find that analysts are relatively less efficient with respect to prior returns for firms that do not consistently meet expectations than for firms that do follow such a strategy, especially when prior returns convey bad news. However, forecast errors for firms that consistently meet expectations do not appear to be serially correlated to a greater extent than those for firms that do not consistently meet expectations. It is not clear whether the market considers such inefficiency when setting its own expectations. While the evidence suggests they may do so in the context of a shorter historical pattern of realized forecast errors, other evidence suggests they may not distinguish between predictable and surprise components of forecast error when the historical forecast error pattern is more established.

Analyst Forecasting Errors

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Analyst forecasting errors are approximately as large as Dreman and Berry (1995) documented, and an optimistic bias is evident for all years from 1985 through 7996. In contrast to their findings, I show that analyst forecasting errors and bias have decreased over lime. Moreover, the optimistic bias in quarterly forecasts was absent for Samp;P 500 firms from 1993 through 1996. Analyst forecasting errors are smaller for (1) Samp;P 500 finns than for other firms; (2) firms with comparatively large amounts of market capitalization, absolute value of earnings forecast, and analyst following; and (3) firms in certain industries.

Correlated Errors - Why a Monotone Relationship between Forecast Precision and Trading Profitability May Not Hold

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This paper argues that the relation between financial analysts' earnings forecast accuracy and their recommendation profitability has to be augmented by the extent of commonality in their forecast errors. We show that while accuracy is positively related to expected performance, the correlation in forecasting errors has a negative impact. This implies that a monotonic relationship between ex ante identifiable forecast accuracy and ex post recommendation profitability does not need to hold. Thus, agents may be better off by making comparatively large but less correlated errors, than making precise but highly correlated forecasts.

Analyst Underreaction and the Post-Forecast Revision Drift

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The post-forecast revision drift (PFRD), the phenomenon of delayed stock price reactions to analyst forecast revisions, is a well-documented market anomaly. Prior research attributes PFRD to underreaction by investors to analyst forecast revisions. This study investigates the role of the analyst forecast revision process itself in the PFRD anomaly. Using a large sample of US firms, we confirm prior findings of a positive serial correlation (momentum) in individual analysts' revisions to their earnings forecasts and, based on both indirect and direct tests, document a positive association between this momentum and PFRD. Further analyses revealthat both the forecast revision momentum and PFRD vary in similar ways with respect to the nature of the news driving the revisions and the information environment. Collectively, our findings show that underreaction by individual analysts in the forecast revision process is an important contributor to the PFRD phenomenon. Full paper available at

The Effect of a Change in Analyst Composition on Analyst Forecast Accuracy

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Prior research has shown improvements in analysts' forecast accuracy around various events (e.g. new disclosure regulations or cross-listings), but these studies do not consider a change in the composition and ability of analysts providing forecasts over time. By studying foreign firms cross-listing on U.S. stock exchanges, we find that analyst composition changes by over 50 percent during the three-year period around cross-listing. We show that cross-listing is associated with a shift away from analysts who are less accurate forecasters and toward analysts who are more accurate forecasters. This shift in analyst composition accounts for a significant improvement of 9.5 percent in analyst forecast accuracy. In addition, we document that changes in both analyst ability and public information disclosure affect analyst forecast accuracy around cross-listing. Our results indicate that researchers should control for changes in analyst composition and ability when measuring the impact of specific events on analyst forecast accuracy.