New Insights Into Strain Accumulation and Release in the Central and Northern Walker Lane, Pacific-North American Plate Boundary, California and Nevada, USA

Book Description

The Walker Lane is a 100 km-wide distributed zone of complex transtensional faulting that flanks the eastern margin of the Sierra Nevada. Up to 25% of the total Pacific-North American relative right-lateral plate boundary deformation is accommodated east of the Sierra Nevada, primarily in the Walker Lane. The results of three studies in the Central and Northern Walker Lane offer new insights into how constantly accumulating plate boundary shear strain is released on faults in the Walker Lane and regional earthquake hazards. This research is based on the collection and analysis of new of geologic and geodetic datasets. Two studies are located in the Central Walker Lane, where plate boundary deformation is accommodated on northwest trending right-lateral faults, east-northeast trending left-lateral faults, and north trending normal faults. In this region, a prominent set of left-stepping, en-echelon, normal fault-bounded basins between Walker Lake and Lake Tahoe fill a gap in Walker Lane strike slip faults. Determining how these basins accommodate shear strain is a primary goal of this research. Paleoseismic and neotectonic observations from the Wassuk Range fault zone in the Walker Lake basin record evidence for at least 3 Holocene surface rupturing earthquakes and Holocene/late Pleistocene vertical slip rates between 0.4-0.7 mm/yr on the normal fault, but record no evidence of right-lateral slip along the rangefront fault. A complementary study presents new GPS velocity data that measures present-day deformation across the Central Walker Lane and infers fault slip and block rotation rates using an elastic block model. The model results show a clear partitioning between distinct zones of strain accommodation characterized by (1) right-lateral translation of blocks on northwest trending faults, (2) left-lateral slip and clockwise block rotations between east and northeast trending faults, and (3) right-lateral oblique normal slip with minor clockwise block rotations on north trending faults. Block model results show that a component of right-lateral slip in the normal-fault bounded basins is required to adequately fit the GPS data. New GPS data from the Northern Walker Lane constrains present-day slip rates on the Mohawk Valley, Grizzly Valley, and Honey Lake fault zones. Block model results predict right-lateral slip rates of 2.2 ± 0.2 mm/yr for the Mohawk Valley fault and 1.1 ± 0.4 mm/yr for the Honey Lake fault. The GPS data do not require slip on the Grizzly Valley fault, although right-lateral slip rates up to 1.2 mm/yr are allowed without increasing the block model misfit. The present-day distribution of slip between the Honey Lake and Mohawk Valley faults is opposite that predicted by latest Quaternary and Holocene geologic slip rate estimates. A temporally variable Wallace-type strain release model that includes 104-year timescale variations in fault slip rate could reconcile both datasets.

From Saline to Freshwater

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Volcano Deformation

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Volcanoes and eruptions are dramatic surface man telemetry and processing, and volcano-deformation ifestations of dynamic processes within the Earth, source models over the past three decades. There has mostly but not exclusively localized along the been a virtual explosion of volcano-geodesy studies boundaries of Earth's relentlessly shifting tectonic and in the modeling and interpretation of ground plates. Anyone who has witnessed volcanic activity deformation data. Nonetheless, other than selective, has to be impressed by the variety and complexity of brief summaries in journal articles and general visible eruptive phenomena. Equally complex, works on volcano-monitoring and hazards mitiga however, if not even more so, are the geophysical, tion (e. g. , UNESCO, 1972; Agnew, 1986; Scarpa geochemical, and hydrothermal processes that occur and Tilling, 1996), a modern, comprehensive treat underground - commonly undetectable by the ment of volcano geodesy and its applications was human senses - before, during, and after eruptions. non-existent, until now. Experience at volcanoes worldwide has shown that, In the mid-1990s, when Daniel Dzurisin (DZ to at volcanoes with adequate instrumental monitor friends and colleagues) was serving as the Scientist ing, nearly all eruptions are preceded and accom in-Charge of the USGS Cascades Volcano Observa panied by measurable changes in the physical and tory (CVO), I first learned of his dream to write a (or) chemical state of the volcanic system. While book on volcano geodesy.

Quaternary Faulting in Clayton Valley, Nevada

Book Description

The eastern California shear zone (ECSZ) and Walker Lane belt represent an important inland component of the Pacific-North America plate boundary. Current geodetic data indicate accumulation of transtensional shear at a rate of ~9.2 ± 0.3 mm/yr across the region, more than double the total geologic rate (

Mechanisms of Activity and Unrest at Large Calderas

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Large caldera collapses represent catastrophic natural events, second only to large meteoritic impacts. In addition, some calderas are densely populated, making the risk extreme, even for moderate eruptions. Understanding caldera mechanisms, unrest and the danger of eruption is therefore a crucial challenge for Earth sciences. Several key features of caldera behaviour have yet to be fully understood. Through a combination of case studies and theoretical modelling, the following topics are addressed in this volume: the conditions required to produce and to release large volumes of magma erupted during caldera formation; how magmatic feeding systems evolve before and after a caldera has formed; the processes that limit the behaviour of precursors to eruptions; how pre-eruptive precursors can be distinguished from those that drive unrest without an eruption; and given that post-collapse eruptions may occur across a wide area, the optimum procedures for designing hazard maps and mitigation strategies.

New Geophysical Approaches to Study Neotectonics and Associated Geohazards

Book Description

High-resolution measurements of earthquake and submarine landslide geomorphology were collected in three different environments along the actively deforming Pacific - North American plate boundary. These four research projects use high-resolution imaging devices and 3D visualization to present new insights into past and future geohazards. Seismic CHIRP imaging with sub-meter accuracy, together with detailed multi-beam and LIDAR derived bathymetry were used to measure fault offset, earthquake derived colluvial wedges, wave-cut paleo-terraces, and other geomorphic subbottom features in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Analysis of these features provides revised and improved extension rates, as well as new information on Holocene faulting. Such an understanding of the deformation has helped place the Tahoe Basin into the larger context of Walker Lane tectonics. The combined east-west extension rate across Lake Tahoe Basin is 0.53 - 1.15 mm/yr. Empirical fault displacement length scaling relationships suggest the Incline Village Fault (IVF) may have ruptured in conjunction with either the Stateline - North Tahoe Fault (SNTF) to the southwest, or faults farther to the north. Assuming the IVF ruptures in concert with the SNTF with a vertical displacement of 3 m and a rupture length of ~35 km, it would generate a Mw 6.9 " 0.7 earthquake. High-resolution CHIRP data acquired in the northern Santa Barbara Basin, California provide new insights into the processes that control shallow submarine landslides. Rills formed on the slope by off shelf gravity flows appear to introduce sediment heterogeneity, which may inhibit the development of high pore pressure and thus, limit the occurrence and size of surficial failures. Furthermore, failures in this region are characterized by short run out distances indicative of low velocities and therefore pose little tsunamigenic hazard. Terrestrial laser scanner data acquired from Mecca Hills, California provides improved constraints on fault offsets and paleoearthquake magnitudes for the southern San Andreas Fault. A comprehensive 3D data set of 22 overlapping terrestrial laser scans allows quantitative geomorphology measurements at an unprecedented resolution along an ~250 m segment of the fault. Our measured slip rate of 15.6 " 1.9 mm/yr, based on 5.1 m of surface offset since the most recent earthquake (MRE), falls squarely in the middle of our calculated long-term Holocene slip rate of 14-20 mm/yr. Our measured rates approach those calculated by modern geodetic methods and suggest that discrepancies between geologic and geodetic rates may decrease with increased survey resolution. These slip rates combined with the long modern ~325 yr quiescent period, implies a future rupture would exhibit 5.3 - 7.0 m of coseismic offset at the surface.