New Orleans to Venice, Louisiana, Hurricane Protection Project: Draft Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report on Reach C and Barrier Features. Supplement 2. Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. Appendixes

Book Description

Presented are the findings and recommendations of the Fish and Wildlife Service relative to the New Orleans to Venice, Louisiana, Hurricane Protection Project (Reach C and the Barrier Feature). This project was authorized by the Flood Control Act of October 23, 1962, for the purpose of providing hurricane protection to the developed areas of Plaquemines Parish along the Mississippi River below New Orleans. This is to be accomplished via upgrading an existing back levee system and a segment of the Mississippi River levee. This report addresses the potential impacts associated with two of the five project features, i.e., Reach C and the Barrier Feature. Contents-- Project Description; Description of Study Area; Fish and Wildlife Resources Without the Project: Description of the Habitats, Fishery Resources, Wildlife Resources, Endangered Species; Fish and Wildlife Concerns in the Study Area; Evaluation Methodology; Project Impacts; Evaluation of Alternative Plans; Fish and Wildlife Conservation Measures.

New Orleans to Venice, Louisiana Hurricane Protection Project, Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. Appendixes

Book Description

Contents: Coastal Zone Management Consistency Determination; Water Quality; Mitigation; Modified Man-day and Habitat Analysis; US Fish and Wildlife Service Draft Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report; Biological Assessment of Threatened and Endangered Species; Cultural Resources.