New Testament Textual Criticism and Exegesis

Book Description

For many years, Professor Joel Delobel has served as a member of the Department of Biblical Studies of the Faculty of Theology, K.U. Leuven (1969-2001). His research has tended to focus on Luke-Acts, Pauline Literature and especially Textual Criticism (he is a member of Das Institut fur Neutestamentliche Textforschung, Munster). His friends and colleagues in the Department of Biblical Studies of the Faculty of Theology and elsewhere have honoured him with a Festschrift on the occasion of his retirement. The congratulatory volume deals with an issue that is dear to him: the mutual link between textual criticism and exegesis, which he himself once referred to as the 'Siamese twins'. A number of international scholars in the field of textual criticism have treated different aspects of this relationship. Some contributions are of a more general nature: B. Aland deals with the criteria used to judge the value of smaller New Testament Papyrus fragments, J. Lust compares the textual critical investigation of the Old Testament to that of the New, W.L. Petersen studies the earliest form of the text of the Gospel. Other contributions are related to a specific text: Mt 21,28-32 (J.K. Elliott); Mk 16,8 (C. Focant); Lk 7,42b (T. Baarda); Lk 22, 43-44 (C.M. Tuckett); Lk 24,12 (F. Neirynck); Jn 4,1 (G. Van Belle); Jn 12,31 (M.-E. Boismard); Jn 16,13 (R. Bieringer); Acts 15,20.29; 21,25 (C.-B. Amphoux); Rom 16,7 (E.J. Epp); Rom 16,25-27 (R.F. Collins); 1 Cor 2,1 (V. Koperski); The Epistle of James (D.C. Parker); Rev 13,9-10 (J. Lambrecht) and Rev 13,18 (J.N. Birdsall); J. Verheyden deals with the New Testament text in the 2nd Century, more specifically in the writings of Justin.

New Testament Textual Criticism

Book Description

This collection of apocryphal writings supersedes the best-selling edition by M.R. James, first published in 1924. Since then, several new works have come to light, and the textual base for some of the works previously translated by James is now more secure. This volume presents new translations of the texts into modern English, together with a short introduction and bibliography for each of them. It is designed to give readers the most important and famousnon-canonical Christian writings, many of them popular legends with an enormous influence on later, particularly medieval, art and literature, as well as on later beliefs and practices of the Church.

Old Testament Textual Criticism

Book Description

A Readable, Updated Introduction to Textual Criticism This accessibly written, practical introduction to Old Testament textual criticism helps students understand the discipline and begin thinking through complex issues for themselves. The authors combine proven expertise in the classroom with cutting-edge work in Hebrew textual studies. This successful classic (nearly 25,000 copies sold) has been thoroughly expanded and updated to account for the many changes in the field over the past twenty years. It includes examples, illustrations, an updated bibliography, and a textual commentary on the book of Ruth.

An Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism

Book Description

This book comprises a general survey of the study of New Testament manuscripts, and outlines for students of the New Testament the basic tools and skills involved in studying those manuscripts. The present edition is a thoroughly revised and updated version of Leon Vaganay's Initiation á la critique du Nouveau Testament, published in 1933, and each section of that original work has been brought up to date in light of the latest research in the field. In its aim to provide a solid foundation to study of New Testament textual criticism, this comprehensive survey will be of great value to those who are looking for basic information about the subject; while the documentary information it contains about the extant manuscripts, and its original theoretical sections, will ensure that the book has much of value to offer the more advanced student of the New Testament.

Rethinking New Testament Textual Criticism

Book Description

New Testament textual criticism is an important but often overlooked field of study. Results drawn from textual studies bear important consequences for interpreting the New Testament and cannot be ignored by serious students of Scripture. This book introduces current issues in New Testament textual criticism and surveys the various methods used to determine the original text among variant readings. These essays from Eldon Jay Epp, Michael Holmes, J. K. Elliott, Maurice Robinson, and Moisés Silva provide readers with an excellent introduction to the field of New Testament textual criticism.

Interpreting the New Testament Text

Book Description

With the explosive increase in availability of English Bible translations, the question can easily be asked, "Why bother with the hard work of biblical exegesis?" Computers can translate foreign languages and our English texts can take us very close to the original meanings, so why exegete? Answer: because the deepest truths of the Bible are found through the deepest study. This book teaches the principles, methods, and fundamentals of exegeting the New Testament. It also has examples of textual exegesis that clearly and helpfully show the value of exegeting a text well. Any serious student of Scripture would benefit from utilizing this book in the study of the Bible.

Textual Criticism of the Bible

Book Description

Textual Criticism of the Bible provides a starting point for the study of both Old and New Testament textual criticism. In this book, you will be introduced to the world of biblical manuscripts and learn how scholars analyze and evaluate all of that textual data to bring us copies of the Bible in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek that can be used for translating the Bible into modern languages. Textual Criticism of the Bible surveys the field, explains technical terminology, and demonstrates in numerous examples how various textual questions are evaluated. Complicated concepts are clearly explained and illustrated to prepare readers for further study with either more advanced texts on textual criticism or scholarly commentaries with detailed discussions of textual issues. You may not become a textual critic after reading this book, but you will be well prepared to make use of a wide variety of text--critical resources.

Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism

Book Description

A renewed interest in textual criticism has created an unfortunate proliferation of myths, mistakes, and misinformation about this technical area of biblical studies. Elijah Hixson and Peter Gurry, along with a team of New Testament textual critics, offer up-to-date, accurate information on the history and current state of the New Testament text that will serve apologists and offer a self-corrective to evangelical excesses.

New Testament Textual Criticism

Book Description

A concise companion to Ellis Brotzman's Old Testament Textual Criticism. Introduces students to the process of comparing Greek texts and seeking the original wording.