Next Generation Compliance

Book Description

Nearly everyone accepts as gospel two assumptions: compliance with environmental rules is high, and enforcement is responsible for making compliance happen. Both are wrong. In fact, serious violations of environmental regulations are widespread, and by far the most important driver of compliance results is not enforcement but the structure of the rule itself. In Next Generation Compliance, Cynthia Giles shows that well-designed regulations deploying creative strategies to make compliance the default can achieve excellent implementation outcomes. Poorly designed rules that create many opportunities to evade, obfuscate, or ignore will have dismal performance that no amount of enforcement will ever fix. Rampant violations have real consequences: unhealthy air, polluted water, contaminated drinking water, exposure to dangerous chemicals, and unrestrained climate-forcing pollution. They also land hardest on already overburdened communities - that's why Next Gen and environmental justice are tightly linked. The good news is there are tools to build much better compliance into regulations, including many tested strategies that can be the building blocks of programs that withstand the inevitable pressures of real life. Next Generation Compliance shows how regulators can avoid the compliance calamities that plague far too many environmental rules today, a lesson that is particularly urgent for regulations tackling climate change. It has an optimistic message: there are ways to ensure reliable results, if regulators jettison incorrect assumptions and design rules that are resilient to the mess and complexity of the real world.

Next Generation Compliance

Book Description

"Senior environmental officials at both the state and federal level often give the public the same reassurance about environmental compliance. Almost all companies comply, they say. The large companies comply; it is mainly the small ones that have compliance issues. Does the evidence agree? In a word: no. The data reveal that for most rules the rate of serious noncompliance -- violations that pose the biggest risks to public health and the environment -- is 25% or more. For many rules with big health consequences the serious noncompliance rates for large facilities are 50% to 70% or even higher. And those are just the ones we know about; for many rules, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has no idea what the rate of noncompliance is"--

Next Generation Safety Leadership

Book Description

Next Generation Safety Leadership illustrates practical applications that bring theory to life through case studies and stories from the author's years of experience in high-risk industries. The book provides safety leaders and their organisations with a compelling case for change. A key predictor of safety performance is trust, and its associated components of integrity, ability and benevolence (care). The next generation of safety leaders will take the profession forward by creating trust and psychological safety. The book provides safety leaders with actionable goals to enable positive change and translates academic languages into practical applications. It leaves the reader with a clear strategy to move forward in developing a safety plan and utilizes stories, humor, and case studies set in high-risk industries. Written primarily for the safety community and can be used to influence day to day safety operations in high-risk organisations.

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Compendium of Next Generation Compliance Examples

Book Description

Next Generation Compliance is an EPA initiative to increase compliance with environmental regulations by using advances in pollutant monitoring and information technology combined with a focus on designing more effective regulations and permits to reduce pollution. Protecting clean air and water, and ensuring our communities are safe from pollution, is more complex today than ever. Whether it's pollution that's not apparent to the naked eye or large numbers of small sources that collectively have a big impact on the environment, new challenges require us to innovate and improve. Today's challenges require a modern approach to compliance with new tools and approaches while strengthening vigorous enforcement as the backbone of environmental protection. Next Generation Compliance principles have been used to build compliance drivers into rules, permits, and enforcement settlements, resulting in better environmental performance, while also enabling regulators to more easily monitor and ensure compliance.1 These principles are demonstrated by tools such as: public accountability through increased transparency of compliance data, electronic reporting, advanced pollutant monitoring for point source discharges, ambient monitoring in water bodies, both upstream and downstream from dischargers, and third-party verification of compliance with environmental requirements. As authorized by the Clean Water Act (CWA), the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program controls water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States. While Next Generation Compliance can and has been used across all environmental programs, this Compendium focuses primarily on use of Next Generation Compliance tools in the NPDES program to advance the goals of the CWA for point source discharges. These creative and innovative approaches illustrate how technological and behavioral advancements and efficiencies could improve compliance rates, increase transparency, and improve environmental performance."

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Compendium of Next Generation Compliance Examples

Book Description

Next Generation Compliance is an EPA initiative to increase compliance with environmental regulations by using advances in pollutant monitoring and information technology combined with a focus on designing more effective regulations and permits to reduce pollution. Protecting clean air and water, and ensuring our communities are safe from pollution, is more complex today than ever. Whether it's pollution that's not apparent to the naked eye or large numbers of small sources that collectively have a big impact on the environment, new challenges require us to innovate and improve. Today's challenges require a modern approach to compliance with new tools and approaches while strengthening vigorous enforcement as the backbone of environmental protection. Next Generation Compliance principles have been used to build compliance drivers into rules, permits, and enforcement settlements, resulting in better environmental performance, while also enabling regulators to more easily monitor and ensure compliance. These principles are demonstrated by tools such as: *public accountability through increased transparency of compliance data, *electronic reporting, *advanced pollutant monitoring for point source discharges, *ambient monitoring in water bodies, both upstream and downstream from dischargers, and *third-party verification of compliance with environmental requirements. As authorized by the Clean Water Act (CWA), the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program controls water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States. While Next Generation Compliance can and has been used across all environmental programs, this Compendium focuses primarily on use of Next Generation Compliance tools in the NPDES program to advance the goals of the CWA for point source discharges. These creative and innovative approaches illustrate how technological and behavioral advancements and efficiencies could improve compliance rates, increase transparency, and improve environmental performance.

New Materials for Next-Generation Commercial Transports

Book Description

The major objective of this book was to identify issues related to the introduction of new materials and the effects that advanced materials will have on the durability and technical risk of future civil aircraft throughout their service life. The committee investigated the new materials and structural concepts that are likely to be incorporated into next generation commercial aircraft and the factors influencing application decisions. Based on these predictions, the committee attempted to identify the design, characterization, monitoring, and maintenance issues that are critical for the introduction of advanced materials and structural concepts into future aircraft.

Incentives for Pollution Control

Book Description

"Both regulation and public disclosure belong in the environmental regulators' arsenal. Strong, clear standards combined with a significant, credible penalty system send the right signals to the regulated community, which responds by lowering pollution emissions. The public disclosure of environmental performance also provides strong additional incentives to pollution control"--Cover.