Next: The Future Just Happened

Book Description

The New York Times bestseller. "His book is a wake-up call at a time when many believe the net was a flash in the pan."—BusinessWeek With his knowing eye and wicked pen, Michael Lewis reveals how the Internet boom has encouraged changes in the way we live, work, and think. In the midst of one of the greatest status revolutions in the history of the world, the Internet has become a weapon in the hands of revolutionaries. Old priesthoods are crumbling. In the new order, the amateur is king: fourteen-year-olds manipulate the stock market and nineteen-year-olds take down the music industry. Unseen forces undermine all forms of collectivism, from the family to the mass market: one black box has the power to end television as we know it, and another one may dictate significant changes in our practice of democracy. With a new afterword by the author.


Book Description

With his knowing eye and wicked pen, Lewis reveals how the Internet boom has encouraged great changes in the way we live, work, and think. A bestseller in hardcover, Next is a wake-up call for a wired world.

Future Just Happened

Book Description

The Future Just Happened

Book Description

An investigation of how new technology affects our lives. This book explores how digital technology and the Internet has changed the way we live. It argues that not only do we have the easiest access to more information than ever before, but that this has changed our attitudes to life.

What Just Happened

Book Description

A BOSTON GLOBE BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR • With unwavering humanity and light-footed humor, this intimate account of the interminable year of 2020 offers commentary on the COVID-19 pandemic, protests for racial justice, the U.S. presidential election, and more, all with a miraculous dose of groundedness in head-spinning times. "This book is so funny and so true. Charles Finch unpacks a year of plague, fear, shameless venality, and dizzying stupidity with an irrepressible wit and surgically precise cultural observations. I didn't know how badly I needed exactly this. Maybe you do too?" —Joe Hill, author of Heart-Shaped Box In March 2020, at the request of the Los Angeles Times, Charles Finch became a reluctant diarist: As California sheltered in place, he began to write daily notes about the odd ambient changes in his own life and in the lives around him. The result is What Just Happened. In a warm, candid, welcoming voice, and in the tradition of Woolf and Orwell, Finch brings us into his own world: taking long evening walks near his home in L.A., listening to music, and keeping virtual connections with friends across the country as they each experience the crisis. And drawing on his remarkable acuity as a cultural critic, he chronicles one endless year with delightful commentary on current events, and the things that distract him from current events: Murakami’s novels, reality television, the Beatles. What Just Happened is a work of empathy and insight, at once of-the-moment and timeless—a gift from one of our culture's most original thinkers.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future

Book Description

Michael J. Fox abandoned high school to pursue an acting career, but went on to receive honorary degrees from several universities and garner the highest accolades for his acting, as well as for his writing. In his new book, he inspires and motivates graduates to recognize opportunities, maximize their abilities, and roll with the punches--all with his trademark optimism, warmth, and humor. In A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future, Michael draws on his own life experiences to make a case that real learning happens when "life goes skidding sideways." He writes of coming to Los Angeles from Canada at age eighteen and attempting to make his way as an actor. Fox offers up a comically skewed take on how, in his own way, he fulfilled the requirements of a college syllabus. He learned Economics as a starving artist; an unexpected turn as a neophyte activist schooled him in Political Science; and his approach to Comparative Literature involved stacking books up against their movie versions. Replete with personal stories and hilarious anecdotes, Michael J. Fox's new book is the perfect gift for graduates.

What Just Happened

Book Description

A lively time capsule, this brilliant chronicle explores and illuminates the ways in which technology has rearranged our world during the past ten years.

The Future Just Happened.

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The Road Ahead

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In this clear-eyed, candid, and ultimately reassuring

What Just Happened? What Happens Now? What Happens Next?

Book Description

At every funeral, two elements always surface. First, people throw platitude after platitude, trying to make both themselves and the survivors of the deceased feel better about having lost a loved one. We say things like, "He/she is in a better place" or "He/she has gone to be with the Lord." There are too many such words expressed at internments to even mention in a work this size. The second most common thing that most all funerals have in common is people ask questions, seeking explanations about what has happened before, during, and after the death of their friend, family members, and others. Is there life after death? What is heaven/hell really like? What are they doing wherever it is that is where they are? Bookshelves and electronic media are replete with secular ideas and/or personal hypostasis about what happens after my beloved has left this life for another. This is where this work will differ. The subject at hand will be poured into God's Holy Word, and we will let the Bible interpret the Bible. The old phrase is applicable here, "If the first sense makes good sense, everything else is nonsense." We say: If the Bible makes sense, why look further to sources that at best can only report on what they are told happens by someone who has been declared clinically deceased and resurrected. Real or imagined. Why try to force man's philosophical guesses into the discussion populated with what God has given us. For more than a millennium people have concerned themselves with gathering information that would pertain to any sort of afterlife. As far back as the earliest Egyptian rulers believed that there was some sort of existence that would follow this earthly lifetime, people today are still asking questions and seeking more and more information on the subject. The writers of Christian Media, LLC have herein made an effort to expose what the Bible has to tell us about life after living on earth. Without personal doctrinal, opinion, or phycological contamination, the elements of existence after this world is put forth in expositional context. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: Because thou hast rejected knowledge. (Hosea 4:6 KJV) This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 3:1-7 KJV)