Nexus Network Journal 14,2

Book Description

This volulme features eight original papers dedicated to the theme “Persian Architecture and Mathematics,” guest edited by Reza Sarhangi. All papers were approved through a rigorous process of blind peer review and edited by an interdisciplinary scientific editorial committee. Topics range from symmetry in ancient Persian architecture to the elaborate geometric patterns and complex three-dimensional structures of standing monuments of historical periods, from the expression of mathematical ideas to architectonic structures, and from decorative ornament to the representation of modern group theory and quasi-crystalline patterns. The articles discuss unique monuments Persia, including domed structures and two-dimensional patterns, which have received significant scholarly attention in recent years. This book is a unique contribution to studies of Persian architecture in relation to mathematics.

Nexus Network Journal 9,2

Book Description

This issue is dedicated to Mechanics in Architecture. It explores the latest findings in the science of structural mechanics, including the behavior of structures, internal forces, and deformation. It also explores the development of new structural systems designed to resist thrusts resulting from new architectural forms. Some of the papers published in this issue were presented at the Nexus 2006 during a special session dedicated to mechanics.

Nexus Network Journal 12,2

Book Description

Nexus Network Journal 12,2: Architecture and Mathematics (Volume 12).

Nexus Network Journal 10,2

Book Description

This volume features a collection of papers dedicated to "Canons of Form-Making", in honor of the 500th anniversary of the birth of architect Andrea Palladio (1508-1580). Theorist as well as practitioner, Palladio's architecture was based on well-defined canons that he had gleaned from studying the treatises as well as the remains of architecture from antiquity. Palladio himself left to posterity not only his large corpus of built works, but his Quattro libri d'architettura. Three of the papers in this issue are specifically about Palladio and his work. The other papers deal with canons of form-making, ancient and contemporary.

Nexus Network Journal 8,2

Book Description

This book presents an exploration of the arch from the points of view of architecture, mathematics, engineering, construction history, and cultural symbolism. Leonardo da Vinci described the arch as "two weaknesses which, leaning on each other, become a strength," a metaphor for the way that science and art lean on each other to strengthen our lives.

Nexus Network Journal 11,2

Book Description

The title of this issue of the Nexus Network Journal, "Architecture, Mathematics and Structure," is deliberately ambiguous. At first glance, it might seem to indicate the relationship between what buildings look like and how they stand up. This is indeed one aspect of what we are concerned with here. But on a deeper level, the fundamental concept of structure is what connects architecture to mathematics. Both architecture and mathematics are highly structured formal systems expressed through a symbolic language. For architecture, the generating structure might be geometrical, musical, modular, or fractal. Once we understand the nature of the structure underlying the design, we are able to "read" the meaning inherent in the architectural forms. The papers in this issue all explore themes of structure in different ways.

Nexus Network Journal 10,1

Book Description

Leonardo da Vinci was well aware of the fundamental importance of mathematics for architecture. This book examines Leonardo’s knowledge of theoretical mathematics, explores how he used concepts of geometry in his designs for architectural projects, and reports on a real-life construction project using Leonardo’s principles. Authors include Sylvie Duvernoy, Kim Williams, Rinus Roelofs, Biagio Di Carlo, Mark Reynolds, João Pedro Xavier, Vesna Petresin, Christopher Glass, and Jane Burry.

Nexus Network Journal 14,3

Book Description

The Winter 2012 (vol. 14 no. 3) issue of the Nexus Network Journal features seven original papers dedicated to the theme “Digital Fabrication”. Digital fabrication is changing architecture in fundamental ways in every phase, from concept to artifact. Projects growing out of research in digital fabrication are dependent on software that is entirely surface-oriented in its underlying mathematics. Decisions made during design, prototyping, fabrication and assembly rely on codes, scripts, parameters, operating systems and software, creating the need for teams with multidisciplinary expertise and different skills, from IT to architecture, design, material engineering, and mathematics, among others The papers grew out of a Lisbon symposium hosted by the ISCTE-Instituto Universitario de Lisboa entitled “Digital Fabrication – A State of the Art”. The issue is completed with four other research papers which address different mathematical instruments applied to architecture, including geometric tracing systems, proportional systems, descriptive geometry and correspondence analysis. The issue concludes with a book review.

Nexus Network Journal 8,1

Book Description

From ancient to modern, architects have looked for fundamental underlying principles of geometry and proportion on which to found their designs. Such principles not only provide an order for the formal elements, they ground the architecture in timeless values and provide an order for the formal elements, they ground the architecture in timeless values and provide a source of cultural meaning. This book illustrates the use of fundamental principles of geometry and proportion in two ancient cultures, the Bronze Age and the Roman Age, as well as in twentieth-century North America.

DNA of Mathematics

Book Description

For Dr. Basti, the explanation is straightforward though not simple: "Just as cells have dna, so mathematics has DNA in its structure." After years of research, he decided that his work had to contain a strong philosophical justification in order to stand the test of time. Part memoir and part manifesto, DNA of Mathematics introduces Mehran Basti's readers to both the research he has dedicated his career to and his personal background and beliefs which significantly impact his scientific work.