Powerful Night Prayers to neutralize Bad Dreams and sleep well

Book Description

For more than two hours or more every individual on earth dreams. The dreams might be bad or good, but if they are bad, it indicates an evil attack on such person. This book contains powerful night prayers that will put an end to bad dreams. You will also discover various types of bad dreams, their meanings and powerful prayers that specifically address each category of bad dreams. This book is invaluable for those that desire good dreams and sleep well.

120 Common Dreams and their Interpretations With

Book Description

One of the many ways God communicate with us is through Dreams, He made promise that he would talk to his own people through dreams in the last days. 90% of revelation knowledge that we need in order to overcome our problem can be revealed to us in the dreams and it is said that to be informed is to be transformed. Dreams can come from God, it can come from man, it can also come from the Devil. if you cannot interpreter your dreams properly, then there is no solution to your problem as you may not know how to address it. Hence, this book will help you interpret your dreams and enough prayers to back it up. If you do not dream at all or you feel you do not dream, then this could be very dangerous. If God want to talk to you, you will definitely not hear because the communication chain has been blocked. Please note that only aggressively prayers will deliver you from not remembering your dreams, it should be taken very seriously.

430 Prayers to Cancel Bad Dreams and Overcome Witchcraft Powers Part One

Book Description

There are strategies and prayer you need to overcome bad dreams. You don't jump to a river to swim if you are not a good swimmer. You don't go to battle field with empty hand. You must prepare and be willing to overcome all odds. This is the position with people harassed or attacked in the dream. Enemy pick on them as prey. They are regarded as victim of circumstance.This book is written to save you from the wickedness of the wicked that lined up to destroy you. The prayer in this book is violent in nature and vomited by the Holy Spirit. It shall restore your lost glory and empower you to possess your possession. It is time you pray and get answer to dreams that bother your mind with Holy Spirit vomited prayers, as the Lord shall make you a battle axe in his hands.The bottom line is, after the use this book, your life shall change for good and you have cause to glorify the Lord. Today is the day of liberation; you shall be liberated from bad dreams that sink destiny.Obtain your copy.

A Nightmare's Prayer

Book Description

Winner of the 2012 Colby Award and the first Afghanistan memoir ever to be written by a Marine Harrier pilot, A Nightmare’s Prayer portrays the realities of war in the twenty-first century, taking a unique and powerful perspective on combat in Afghanistan as told by a former enlisted man turned officer. Lt. Col. Michael “Zak” Franzak was an AV-8B Marine Corps Harrier pilot who served as executive officer of VMA-513, “The Flying Nightmares,” while deployed in Afghanistan from 2002 to 2003. The squadron was the first to base Harriers in Bagram in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. But what should have been a standard six-month deployment soon turned to a yearlong ordeal as the Iraq conflict intensified. And in what appeared to be a forgotten war half a world away from home, Franzak and his colleagues struggled to stay motivated and do their job providing air cover to soldiers patrolling the inhospitable terrain. I wasn’t in a foxhole. I was above it. I was safe and comfortable in my sheltered cocoon 20,000 feet over the Hindu Kush. But I prayed. I prayed when I heard the muted cries of men who at last understood their fate. Franzak’s personal narrative captures the day-by-day details of his deployment, from family good-byes on departure day to the squadron’s return home. He explains the role the Harrier played over the Afghanistan battlefields and chronicles the life of an attack pilot—from the challenges of nighttime, weather, and the austere mountain environment to the frustrations of working under higher command whose micromanagement often exacerbated difficulties. In vivid and poignant passages, he delivers the full impact of enemy ambushes, the violence of combat, and the heartbreaking aftermath. And as the Iraq War unfolded, Franzak became embroiled in another battle: one within himself. Plagued with doubts and wrestling with his ego and his belief in God, he discovered in himself a man he loathed. But the hardest test of his lifetime and career was still to come—one that would change him forever. A stunning true account of service and sacrifice that takes the reader from the harrowing dangers of the cockpit to the secret, interior spiritual struggle facing a man trained for combat, A Nightmare’s Prayer brings to life a Marine’s public and personal trials set against “the fine talcum brown soot of Afghanistan that permeated everything—even one’s soul.”

Deliverance from Negative Dreams and Nightmares by Force

Book Description

If you have been afflicted by negative dreams and nightmares, stop here and look no further. Here you will find powerful prayers for stopping demonic oppressions and nightmares by force and by fire. After praying the prayers in this book, you will no longer be tormented in your dreams and in your nightmares. Stopping nightmares or bad dreams that are caused by demonic attack requires prayers that can deliver completely. If you are taking drugs or using any other method to halt negative dreams and nightmares, you are wasting your time as no physical method can handle demonic dreams and nightmares. You have to take your deliverance by force and be free. I present to you powerful prayers that will tackle all negative dreams and nightmares in your life. Get this book, enjoy sound sleep and stop all bad dreams and nightmares.


Book Description

The mystical, magical, marvelous world of dreams - not all dreams carry a positive connotation. Some dreams originate from the demonic world. People have dreamt being fed in their dreams, and they have waked up with incurable diseases. Understand that we are in spiritual warfare. Our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Meaning of dreams is very crucial. There are good dreams and bad dreams. You need to know what to do when you have had a bad dream. You need to know how to pray effectively to cancel the influence or the impact of a bad dream in your life. In this book, the author shares powerful prayers – prayers that will stop all kinds and manners of dreams, like dreaming of snakes or dreams about snakes and many more.

Prayer Against Witchcraft Dream and Storm Of Darkness

Book Description

This book is written to address evil dreams that break shock-absorbers of dreamers. Bad dream come with windfall of negatives that paralyze activities of men and women of great minds. It is unfortunate; we don’t handle our dream with all seriousness. Dream is meant to reveal deep secrets you must address. Bad dream is a monopoly of fear and attacks. Many lives and destinies are wasted in the dream before they know it. The fact is, most attacks are carried out in the spirit before it manifests in real life. What will happen in the physical first happen in the spirit, we have warning of it through fearful dreams, called bad dream. At this point, you must rise and firmly address it. Those who live in fool paradise, call dream names. They believe dream is useless. We thank God, this day that people know the importance and meaning to dreams. This book is thus an eye opener to dream interpretation and the way out. Every reader will find it useful as escape route from danger. It will make you guard your loins and put up right armour of warfare, wisdom and valour to live above battles of life. If you rightly interpret your dreams, you will recover what you lost or about to lose. Finally, this book will take you out of the wood. Don’t hesitate, pick this book. Let broad smile and laughter fill your mouth. What more? You are conqueror in the battle of life.

430 Prayers to Cancel Bad Dreams and Overcome Witchcraft Powers

Book Description

There are strategies and prayer you need to overcome bad dreams. You don’t jump to a river to swim if you are not a good swimmer. You don’t go to battle field with empty hand. You must prepare and be willing to overcome all odds. This is the position with people harassed or attacked in the dream. Enemy pick on them as prey. They are regarded as victim of circumstance. This book is written to save you from the wickedness of the wicked that lined up to destroy you. The prayer in this book is violent in nature and vomited by the Holy Spirit. It shall restore your lost glory and empower you to possess your possession. It is time you pray and get answer to dreams that bother your mind with Holy Spirit vomited prayers, as the Lord shall make you a battle axe in his hands. The bottom line is, after the use this book, your life shall change for good and you have cause to glorify the Lord. Today is the day of liberation; you shall be liberated from bad dreams that sink destiny. Obtain your copy.

How to Pray Against Bad Dreams

Book Description

How to Pray Against Bad Dreams: Prayers to Cancel Bad Dreams and Nightmares Not all dreams carry a positive connotation. Some dreams originate from the demonic world. People have dreamt being fed in their dreams, and they have waked up with incurable diseases. Understand that we are in spiritual warfare. Our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Understanding what dreams mean, is very crucial. There are good dreams and also bad dreams. You need to be able to discern the difference between the two. A dream book and understanding what do dreams mean is important, but you need to know what to do when dreams meanings carry a negative connotation. In this book, Alisha shares powerful prayers – prayers that will stop all kinds and manners of negative dreams IMMEDIATELY, like dreaming of snakes or dreams about snakes and many more. How to Pray Against Bad Dreams: Prayers to Cancel Bad Dreams and Nightmares Tags: how to pray, bad dreams, prayers, dreams, meaning of dreams, spiritual warfare, dream book, daily prayer, dreams meaning, dream meanings, meanings of dreams, dreams and their meanings, the meaning of dreams, what dreams mean, dream meaning, what does my dream mean, dreams interpretation, dream interpretations, interpreting dreams, what causes bad dreams, what do dreams mean, how to stop bad dreams, dream dictionary, dream, dream analysis, what are dreams, dream translation, how to pray effectively, powerful prayers, prayer, spiritual warfare prayers, prayers, christian dream interpretation, dreaming of snakes, dreams about snakes, fasting and prayer, prayer for healing, prayer points, spiritual warfare prayers, power of prayer, miracle prayer, prayer book, God, Jesus, Gospel, Bible, kindle book, kindle, eBook, eBook Kindle


Book Description

Dreams: How to Pray Against Bad Dreams – Prayer to Cancel Bad Dreams and NightmaresThe mystical, magical, marvelous world of dreams - not all dreams carry a positive connotation. Some dreams originate from the demonic world. People have dreamt being fed in their dreams, and they have waked up with incurable diseases. Understand that we are in spiritual warfare. Our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Meaning of dreams is very crucial. There are good dreams and bad dreams. You need to know what to do when you have had a bad dream. You need to know how to pray effectively to cancel the influence or the impact of a bad dream in your life. In this book, the author shares powerful prayers – prayers that will stop all kinds and manners of dreams, like dreaming of snakes or dreams about snakes and many more.Dreams: How to Pray Against Bad Dreams – Prayer to Cancel Bad Dreams and NightmaresTags: dreams, how to pray, bad dreams, meaning of dreams, spiritual warfare, dream book, daily prayer, dreams meaning, dream meanings, meanings of dreams, dreams and their meanings, the meaning of dreams, what dreams mean, dream meaning, what does my dream mean, dreams interpretation, dream interpretations, interpreting dreams, what causes bad dreams, what do dreams mean, how to stop bad dreams, dream dictionary, dream, dream analysis, what are dreams, dream translation, how to pray effectively, powerful prayers, prayer, spiritual warfare prayers, prayers, christian dream interpretation, dreaming of snakes, dreams about snakes, fasting and prayer, prayer for healing, prayer points, spiritual warfare prayers, power of prayer, miracle prayer, prayer book, God, Jesus, Gospel, Bible, kindle book, kindle, eBook, eBook Kindle