Niños de la Calle en México

Book Description

El Libro: Existe ya una soluciÓn para quitar a los niÑos de la calle de manera definitiva y radical: si el Banco Mundial deja los fraccionamientos de pesos que quedan despuÉs de un intercambio de la casa internacional de cambio del Peso mexicano, a los mexicanos, entonces estas se convierten en nÚmeros billonarios. No hacen falta los dineros. No hacen falta los recursos. De hecho, no hace falta nada... Si los niÑos no pueden irse a la escuela, entonces la escuela tiene que irse a ellos. Basado en las filosofÍas de Paulo Freire y Mathew Lipman, la Dra. Verville nos hace notar que tal vez una justicia en la educaciÓn demanda mucho mas de la parte de la gente privilegiada, que de la parte de la gente oprimida.

Psychology of Liberation

Book Description

Since the mid-1980s, the psychology of liberation movement has been a catalyst for collective and individual change in communities throughout Latin America, and beyond; and recent political developments are making its powerful, transformative ideas more relevant than ever before. Psychology of Liberation: Theory and Applications updates the activist frameworks developed by Ignacio Martin-Baro and Paulo Freire with compelling stories from the frontlines of conflict in the developing and developed worlds, as social science and psychological practice are allied with struggles for peace, justice, and equality. In these chapters, liberation is presented as both an ongoing process and a core dimension of wellbeing, entailing the reconstruction of social identity and the transformation of all parties involved, both oppressed and oppressors. It also expands the social consciousness of professionals, bringing more profound meaning to practice and enhancing related areas such as peace psychology, as shown in articles such as these: Philippines: the role of liberation movements in the transition to democracy. Venezuela: liberation psychology as a therapeutic intervention with street youth. South Africa: the movement for representational knowledge. Muslim world: religion, the state, and the gendering of human rights. Ireland: linking personal and political development. Australia: addressing issues of racism, identity, and immigration. Colombia: building cultures of peace from the devastation of war. Psychology of Liberation demonstrates the commitment to overcome social injustices and oppression. The book is a critical resource for social and community psychologists as well as policy analysts. It can also be used as a text for graduate courses in psychology, sociology, social work and community studies.

Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights / Anuario Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, Volume 4 (1988)

Book Description

This edition of the Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights, like the volumes that precede it, includes information concerning the activities of the Organization of American States in the promotion and protection of human rights. It begins with the composition of the Commission and Court, including the biographies of the members, 1988 activities of each body, reproductions of resolutions and reports by the Commission and historic correspondences and decisions by the Court. Also included is an update on the status of the American Convention on Human Rights, which reports the relation of each country to that instrument, followed by resolutions adopted in 1988 by the OAS General Assembly. The year 1988 distinguished itself particularly because the Inter-American Court of Human Rights made its first decision on a contentious case, the Velásquez Rodríguez case (Honduras). This historic decision is reproduced in Part Three of this volume. Another important 1988 development in the Inter-American system was the Protocol of San Salvador, or Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, reproduced in Part Four. Also included, in its entirety, is a report on the human rights situation in Haiti, a report requested by the Organization of American States Permanent Council in Resolution 502. The Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights is completely bilingual (English and Spanish).

Niño de Cabeza

Book Description

The author recalls the year his parents settled down in the city so that he could go to school.

De la mano con los niños

Book Description