Extra Time

Book Description

When 13-year-old Matt is discovered impressing the livestock in an Aussie country town with his remarkable soccer skills, he's offered the chance of a lifetime – a try-out at one of Europe's biggest and most glamorous soccer clubs. His younger sister Bridie goes with him as his manager and tells us their story – warts, goals and all. The funny and moving story of a sister's love for her brother, and how it survives everything fate throws at it, including the millions of pounds and mountains of pressure at the top of the world's most popular sport. A funny and moving story from one of Australian's most entertaining authors. 'He is one of the finest examples of a writer who can make humour stem from the things that really matter in life.' The Guardian, UK

Time Management Ninja

Book Description

“This book will help you own your calendar, block time for what matters most and reclaim your life.” —Paula Rizzo, author of Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You You want more time to spend with family, to achieve big goals, and to simply enjoy life. Yet, there seem to be more and more things competing for your time, and more distractions interrupting your day. Craig Jarrow has spent many years testing time management tactics, tools, and systems and written hundreds of articles on productivity, goals, and organization, Through it all he’s learned a simple truth: Time management should be easy, not complicated and unwieldy. And it shouldn’t take up more of your precious time than it gives back! Time Management Ninja offers 21 rules that will show you an easier and more effective way to take control of your time and manage your busy life. Follow these simple principles and get more done with less effort. It’s no-stress, uncomplicated time management that works. “Read this book, apply its rules, and you’ll find freedom.” —Hyrum Smith, bestselling author of Purposeful Retirement

Extra Dimensions in Space and Time

Book Description

In physics, the idea of extra spatial dimensions originates from Nordstöm’s 5-dimensional vector theory in 1914, followed by Kaluza-Klein theory in 1921, in an effort to unify general relativity and electromagnetism in a 5 dimensional space-time (4 dimensions for space and 1 for time). Kaluza–Klein theory didn’t generate enough interest with physicist for the next five decades, due to its problems with inconsistencies. With the advent of supergravity theory (the theory that unifies general relativity and supersymmetry theories) in late 1970’s and eventually, string theories (1980s) and M-theory (1990s), the dimensions of space-time increased to 11 (10-space and 1-time dimension). There are two main features in this book that differentiates it from other books written about extra dimensions: The first feature is the coverage of extra dimensions in time (Two Time physics), which has not been covered in earlier books about extra dimensions. All other books mainly cover extra spatial dimensions. The second feature deals with level of presentation. The material is presented in a non-technical language followed by additional sections (in the form of appendices or footnotes) that explain the basic equations and formulas in the theories. This feature is very attractive to readers who want to find out more about the theories involved beyond the basic description for a layperson. The text is designed for scientifically literate non-specialists who want to know the latest discoveries in theoretical physics in a non-technical language. Readers with basic undergraduate background in modern physics and quantum mechanics can easily understand the technical sections. Part I starts with an overview of the Standard Model of particles and forces, notions of Einstein’s special and general relativity, and the overall view of the universe from the Big Bang to the present epoch, and covers Two-Time physics. 2T-physics has worked correctly at all scales of physics, both macroscopic and microscopic, for which there is experimental data so far. In addition to revealing hidden information even in familiar "everyday" physics, it also makes testable predictions in lesser known physics regimes that could be analyzed at the energy scales of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN or in cosmological observations." Part II of the book is focused on extra dimensions of space. It covers the following topics: The Popular View of Extra Dimensions, Einstein and the Fourth Dimension, Traditional Extra Dimensions, Einstein's Gravity, The Theory Formerly Known as String, Warped Extra Dimensions, and How Do We Look For Extra Dimensions?

Doctor Who: Extra Time

Book Description

In Extra Time, the Eleventh Doctor and his friends head to the 1966 World Cup final. While the Doctor and Amy discover that the Time Lord isn't the only alien visiting Wembley, Rory finds himself playing a crucial role in this historic England vs. West Germany football match . . .

Mistress No More

Book Description

Jessa Bell shocked the hell out of her three best friends when she announced she was having an affair with one of their husbands - then refused to say which one. She'd been revelling in watching them self-destruct. But now, caught between an ex-lover who won't let her go and a new lover who's more than happy to, Jessa's ready to confront the ladies, reveal the truth and move on. Maybe her stunt will even send her latest married man back into her arms for good. But she'll soon find out revenge isn't just sweet - it can be deadly.

No More Tiaras

Book Description

I never dreamed that writing one's memoir was such an eye- opening way to figure out who you are, and even more surprising, learn how you got to be who you are. The following account (written mainly for my children and grandchildren to read) started out to simply chronicle the colorful mix of our ancestry. I guess I am now the matriarch. You can take that as a qualified statement that I am just getting around to admitting that I am becoming perhaps a tiny bit older and that it's about time I write all this down. I shall be writing as truthfully as good taste and common sense allow, but I will remind the reader of Winston Churchill's admonition to his readers: "I care not one whit for accuracy. Praise is good enough." My feelings exactly.

The Book of No

Book Description

An updated edition of the bestselling guide! Do you have problems saying "No?” Do people always turn to you for a favor? Wonder how you get roped into things you really don't want to do—with friends or family, at work or even with pushy salespeople? Refusing someone is rarely easy. Often, it's downright uncomfortable. But constantly saying "yes" causes anxiety, anger, stress, regret, and feelings of powerlessness. Social psychologist and author Dr. Susan Newman empowers you to break your debilitating yes habit with her simple techniques and insights. This new, enhanced edition is filled with research and timely scenarios that offer more ways to say “no” without feeling guilty or damaging your relationships. You’ll discover how to: Recognize when someone is manipulating you into “yes" Be ready with the words you need to refuse Avoid being overcommitted, overworked and overwhelmed Put an end to feelings of resentment or frustration Make quality time for things you want to do Establish and keep your boundaries strong Harness the power of “No” and take back your life.

Launch (Updated & Expanded Edition)

Book Description

From the creator of Product Launch Formula: A new edition of the #1 New York Times best-selling guide that's redefined online marketing and helped countless entrepreneurs make millions. The revised and updated edition of the #1 New York Times bestseller Launch will build your business - fast. Whether you've already got an online business or you're itching to start one, this is a recipe for getting more traction and a fast start. Think about it: What if you could launch like Apple or the big Hollywood studios? What if your prospects eagerly counted down the days until they could buy your product? And you could do it no matter how humble your business or budget? Since 1996, Jeff Walker has been creating hugely successful online launches. After bootstrapping his first Internet business from his basement, he quickly developed a process for launching new products and businesses with unprecedented success. And once he started teaching his formula to other entrepreneurs, the results were simply breathtaking. Tiny, home-based businesses started doing launches that brought in tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars. Whether you have an existing business or you're starting from scratch, this is how you start fast. This formula is how you engineer massive success. Now the question is this: Do you want to start slow, and fade away from there? Or are you ready for a launch that will change the future of your business and your life?

Where Your Happiness Hides

Book Description

Where Your Happiness Hides gives readers real hope for a happier life. Even before the pandemic, many people struggled to find consistent fulfillment. This has been exaggerated in the turbulent times we have been witness to in recent years. This book shines a light on why happiness is so elusive for many of us and shows you where to find your greatest joy. The book doesn’t just leave you guessing as to what may be blocking your happiness. It spells out the 22 core limiting beliefs that most people are likely to be struggling with and shows them how to undertake a wonderful and natural journey of personal transformation. It also includes a simple code of happiness that is not widely understood, yet is so core to us all finding joy. This book is practical and simple, and your author has been there done that, paving the way for you to do the same far more easily and without the need for extra cost. You already have all you need to apply the book’s natural guidance. What have you got to lose, other than worry! Why not replace worry with wonder? It’s much more fun! This book is about finding personal happiness In 2023 your author will be releasing a follow up book designed to assist organisations to find collective joy and greater success. You won’t want to miss either of these exciting and life changing books. Be true to you and let Where Your Happiness Hides light up your life. You deserve that!