No Longer Bound

Book Description

No Longer Bound is about the intersection of reading comprehension and interpretation that leads to the development of a powerful and transformative sermon. Reading facilitates the interpretive process, which is the essence of any sermon. The sermon is an interpretation of an interpretation and as such presents itself as a new gospel message. The ability to write and preach a sermon is an exercise in freedom. The book is grounded in a narrative theological form that begins with the author's experience and filters that experience through the lens of hermeneutic philosophy and theology. Reading and preaching constitute the thread that runs throughout the book. The book suggests that the sermon is the philosophic theology of Black practical religion inasmuch as the Black church is central to religion and culture. This is a fresh and new understanding of homiletics, philosophical theology, and interpretation theory that is intended to produce better preachers and more powerful and life-changing sermons by all who endeavor to preach.

No Longer Bound

Book Description

No Longer Bound is about the intersection of reading comprehension and interpretation that leads to the development of a powerful and transformative sermon. Reading facilitates the interpretive process, which is the essence of any sermon. The sermon is an interpretation of an interpretation and as such presents itself as a new gospel message. The ability to write and preach a sermon is an exercise in freedom. The book is grounded in a narrative theological form that begins with the author's experience and filters that experience through the lens of hermeneutic philosophy and theology. Reading and preaching constitute the thread that runs throughout the book. The book suggests that the sermon is the philosophic theology of Black practical religion inasmuch as the Black church is central to religion and culture. This is a fresh and new understanding of homiletics, philosophical theology, and interpretation theory that is intended to produce better preachers and more powerful and life-changing sermons by all who endeavor to preach.

No Longer Bound

Book Description

Come with author, Airyka Edwards, as she takes us on a powerful transformation! You will witness as she guides us through her dark past. See how her painful day to day trail of tears teaches and brings her to her triumphs. Follow her as she tells of her failures, heartaches and most of all of her great God! See how her determination leads her from Poverty to Paradise. Airyka Edwards encourages you to indulge as she documents her life lessons on the family curse, education and prosperity. Witness her life; come full circle with fulfilling her purpose by obtaining her total freedom. She believes God has led her on a journey to speak. Remember if you dont speak, your voice will never be heard and your story will never be told. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.Revelations 12:11 KJV

No Longer Bound

Book Description

No Longer Bound

Book Description

A spiritual journey to freedom. Finding your identity in Christ and becoming who He called you to be

No Longer Bound

Book Description

From the author of the groundbreaking book "Bound by the debt demon" comes the highly anticipated follow up, "No Longer Bound." "No Longer Bound" is a metaphorical display as to how obstacles interfere with our success, dreams and life's purpose. Many people know and understand that problems with obstacles exist. Yet they continue to dwell in a world of setbacks. The purpose of this book is to give a constant reminder that a life full of possibilities should have no boundaries. The stories all relate to obstacles that hinder progress on a daily basis. The general idea is to no longer look at everyday objects as merely objects. These objects are obstacles that hold you back and stop you from making progress. Once this concept settles into your mind, life will have a whole new meaning. The world will now become your reference book and your study pages will be the pages of your life.

No Longer Bound

Book Description

No Longer Bound is a twenty-three-day (representing my deliverance""Scripture, Psalms 23) devotional and testimonial book. It encourages and motivates its readers to do that very thing God has called, instructed, and equipped you to do in this very hour. As you read the different devotions and my real-life testimonials, you will experience the power of deliverance in your very own tests and trials. Every chapter explains how God brought deliverance to my pain and struggles, and the book, in its entirety, has provided me complete breakthrough in this season! You will also understand why your obedience to God is key in order to experience the things you want to see manifested in your lives""healing in your bodies, provision in your finances, salvation for the lost, and having the mind of Christ. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalms 23, KJV)

No Longer Bound

Book Description

In No Longer Bound, the heart of a poet is revealed. Life can be a roller coaster at times as we all experience highs and lows, ups and downs. In the difficult times, we must be true to ourselves and persevere. This collection of poems captures both some of the highs and lows, while trying to remain positive about what lies ahead. It's not always easy, but it's necessary. Though much is lost, yet I remain; like the cracked web of window pane.

No Longer Bound

Book Description

No Longer Bound

Book Description

Jesus came to set us free! Discover how God can give you a permanent solution to weight management. You + "No Longer Bound" = Freedom!